

Ella started experiencing pain at a little age, she thought it would stop with her father by her side but he betrayed her trust. She was handed over to the man that broke her, and her father made her promise that when she's eighteen she will have to get married to him. But Ella escapes on her wedding day and runs into a stranger. Daring to ask for help

Kabejja_Daphine · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


I rolled over to the other side of the bed and hummed in blissfulness. Since when did my bed feel so comfortable and good, I reached over and pulled the covers over me.

This is the most comfortable night in the attic. The attic, I was in the attic.

My eyes flew open and I immediately sat up, my breathing and my chest heaved up and down. My gaze roamed around the room which I had expected to be the attic and slowly I started to calm as memories rushed forward.

I was far away from that place and Arthur, it was all in my thoughts. When I slowly started to calm down I noticed the difference in my surroundings and my heart drummed hard in my chest at the moment.

Certain scenarios and weird conclusions invaded my mind by force and anxiety rushed through my veins as I kept wondering where I was.

The room was far more bigger than my old room at my fathers house, with beautiful floors that made me wonder what kind of Material was used.

There was a black fluffy carpet on the floor besides the bed and the glass balcony.

Everything looked so beautiful and my eyes lit up, this bed was so comfortable while the bed sheets and the covers looked so expensive.

I slowly got down from the bed and stood still looking around, was this a dream. I pinched my hand and gasped in pain, that really hurt. So this was not a dream.

But where am I and how did I manage to get here, I remember when I had arrived in a certain city and then that cold man came back to ask me to nanny his son.

Then what happened next, why couldn't I remember any thing right now. Though this place looked so beautiful what if it wasn't safe, then I need to figure this out. My gaze landed on the two doors facing the bed then the one that stood far away in the middle of the room.

I need to know if am safe because if am not then I need to let my legs know what to do, lowering my eyes to the floor I noticed the pink dress that I was wearing.

It was a beautiful vest dress with a round skirt, I couldn't remember when I had last worn such a dress. I looked around this room for a mirror but found none and frowned.

With a sigh I decided to check what was behind these door, I started with the first two that faced the bed and I was awed to the bones. One room was a walking in closet, so big and massive with expensive female clothes.

I wondered whose room I had invaded but any way I would leave soon, then the next door led to the bathroom. When I saw how large it was I almost fainted, it was so bigger than my attic.

People really have money, so there's such a luxury life. I looked around then started smiling weirdly at my self, since I don't know whether I would be here for long then why not enjoy it.

And that's how I destroyed the luxurious bedroom, started with the bathtub and started figuring out how to use the taps then filled it to the extreme then added the bubble liquids.

I don't know how to call these things but since they make bubbles then they are bubble liquids to me, scents filled the entire bathroom it smelled too good.

I jumped up and down childishly not noticing the water that had dropped to the floor and that's how I slipped and landed in to the tub with a small scream.

I pouted angrily, my beautiful dress is now ruined but the bubbles also looked so cute that all I wanted to do was to pop them one by one.

"I never expected that you're this stupid and childish " and there was that deep voice again, I froze for second before I slowly lifted my emerald eyes to the direction of the voice.

My heart stop for a minute and my eyes widened in surprise, why did this man have to keep appearing in front of me. He was wearing a dark blue suit, with a white shirt and a blue tie, he looked really handsome but I don't think I can still admire his beauty after being called stupid.

I slowly lowered my eyes to my self in anger and a certain point clicked in my mind.

" you should always knock if there's woman in the room " I replied with cold glare, who did this person think he was.

"This is my house, next time if you want to set some rules then build yours " he replied calmly " Clean up quick and start what am going to be paying for"

Even if I wanted to retort I couldn't when he had just walked away but I was still angry, it wasn't like I was staying here for nothing. I sighed and tried to get up but slipped and landed back.

I tried again and the same thing happened again and again until I gave up and finally sat back down, the whole place was now filled with water giving more work.

It wasn't like am lazy and didn't want to work, it because I felt like that idiot would be back here to to talk like he owns the world.

I sighed and decided to try again but softly and calmly this time round, it wasn't fun anymore.

I got to my feet while holding onto the sides of the tub and then it worked this time and I got out, I almost jumped in excitement over this.

I made my way out of the room trying my best to not slip and land on my butt then walked over to walk in wardrobe to change into something.

Whoever owns this room just has to forgive me but I can't clean while looking like this, and it didn't take long to change before I started cleaning the bathroom and the bed.

I took off the bed sheets that I had slept in last night then made the bed with another pair that I had found earlier.

As I walked out of the room to find where I can wash them from, I couldn't help but look at them. The white and red bed sheet crumpled in my arms looked so okay to me but I knew deep down that no one would ever want to use the same bed sheets I used.

I smiled as sorrow marked my heart, a feeling of loneliness reigned and I felt like crying but what am I to do, after all this is my life and I have to live it.

Lana died for me so that I could be happy and am going to do that, though it looked so fake I tried to cheer up and look happy but something was tightly gripping my heart.

I looked at the long hallway in front of me not knowing which way to take, the idiot didn't show me yet I needed to distract myself immediately.