
Sadistic Reincarnator [MHA] [18+]

A Sadistic teenager reincarnates into MHA

Nyxyx · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


[Author's note]

[Before we begin I'd like to say a few things. I would like to apologize as my writing style might change during these first ten or so chapters as I experiment and find a style I am most comfortable with.]

[I am not a native speaker but I do hope my literature skills are adequate for you grammar gods. I plan on a few chapters a week with around 2k words.]

"What the fuck?" My body jolted as I found myself in this weird space. I looked around and I could only see white and nothing else. I have never experienced anything like this before. It's quite clear to me that I am no longer in my room.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and then opened them yet again but I was still within the silent white space. "Is anyone here?" I called out. I waited and looked around. I am probably fairly calm for a person who suddenly found themselves in a circumstance like this. I tend to be quite calm at least on the outside.

[Hello there.] I saw a small black sphere suddenly appear in front of me in an instant. Taken a back and perhaps slightly scared of its sudden appearance. I tried to take a step back but my feet didn't reach anything. I took a deep breath in to calm my nerves. I could feel my fingertips getting a little sweaty and gulped my saliva preparing to say my piece.

"Hello to you as well good sir? Excuse me if I'm rude but do you perhaps know what's happening here?" I decided to be polite to the black sphere. I mean nothing bad could come from being polite at the moment. At least I hope so.

[I do happen to know quite a lot about quite a lot of things] The black sphere told me as it swayed up and down right and left in the air.

"I would appreciate it if you could share some of your knowledge regarding my situation" I am currently being extra polite. I looked at the sphere now floating around me seemingly checking me out or something among those lines. It continued to circle me and observe me.

[I do but I don't want to bother to explain about it would take too long.] I looked at the sphere with a look of great confusion and asked. "Could you at least tell me something?"

The black sphere seemingly in thought still orbiting my body. [That knowledge will not be relevant to lowly being like you. At least not for a while so don't worry about it.] The sphere spoke in a tone lack of any emotions or tones so it was hard to gauge whether or not it spoke with a hostile tone or not. Before I could get words out of my mouth I felt it being forced shut by an unknown force.

[I will advise you to not worry about things like what happened or how did I get here etc.]

[I have finished the preparations now. You will know what to do in a moment well not exactly but you'll figure it out in a few yes. Enjoy your time in a new world. I took some creative liberties btw. Bye.]

I don´t remember what happened soon after I heard those words from the sphere. It said something about a new world. I guess I'm going to reincarnate somewhere based on what the sphere said.

In a blink of an eye, I regain my senses. Looking down at my hands I notice they are small like the ones of a child. I see a big mirror on the wall, on it I can see my reflection staring back at me.

I look at myself in the mirror and see a boy my guess around 2 or 3 years old. My hair is quite different now short and a glowing bright green color. It's very excotic. I don't think anyone can have naturally green hair at least not this bright and glowing but I am in a different world after all.

I observe my features but other than the hair and a pair of light blue eyes. I don't think my appearance is anything unusual for a little boy. I start to try walking on the floor to get grip on how this new body works.

I don't find standing or walking or running to be difficult at all, which is quite surprising since my body is completely different from what it used to be. I wonder where my parents are I have been alone for a few minutes now. I should keep acting childish I am a little boy after all.

[System level 1 is now active]

A screen pops up in front of my face scaring me briefly. I look at the screen in front of me. I have read a lot of system focused novels so I know how the cookie crumbles here.

[System level 1]

[Exp 0/100]

[Name Itsuki Midoria] [Age 3]


Now I know what world I am in. I am inside the world of My Hero Academia. It's not a bad world by any means hot girls, superpowers and it's relatively safe for your average guy. My name seems to be Itsuki Midoria. I'd say it's pretty reasonable to assume I am related to the main character of the anime Izuku Midoria or Deku as they call him. I am glad I didn't

I wonder what else has changed there was no character called Itsuki Midoria in the anime but the dark sphere told me it would make some changes. This has to be one of those changes it was talking about fairly interesting. I suppose I could be in some other world but based on that All Might poster on the wall I think my first guess is on point.

"I am going to have a lot of fun in this world." I spoke out loud without realizing it as the door to my room swung open.

I turn to look at the door and see my mother Inko Midoria. She looks absolutely stunning with long dark green hair and eyes. Her body is still in prime condition and with a bountiful buttocks and a huge rack to boast about.

"Did you say something Itsuki dear?" She asks in a shooting and caring voice. "I was just playing mom." I say and start to play with a toy car I have within the reach of my small arms.

"You should come to eat now you must be hungry. I have made dinner" I wonder what she made. I have never been to japan. Speaking of japan why do I understand the language? Probably just a parting gift from the dark sphere or something like that.

"Let me play for 3 more minutes mom. I will come then. I promise."

Inko nods and leaves me alone in my playroom and leaves for the kitchen. Thinking I should start checking out the features of the system. I open up the system window and start clicking on the icons presented on the screen with my baby hands.

After looking for a while it seems pretty simple for now. The system can be leveled by earning exp from the quests and with each level up, I will gain access to new features of the system. I'd say it's fairly interesting. I click on the [Quests] icon wondering if I have any quests I can start doing.


[Daily Quest]


[Weekly Quest]


[Uncommon Quest] [No Longer Quirkless]

[Unlock your first Quirk by reaching the age of 4 years old]

[Reward] [50 exp]

[Common Quest] [Day at the Kindergarten]

[Go to kindergarten and stay for a whole day]

[Reward] [10 exp]

This quest is pretty easy to complete. The daily and weekly quests don't seem to be unlocked yet. I wonder if the daily quest will be the classic 100 push ups, squats, situps, and a 10km run.

It has been a few minutes already so I just head to the kitchen to eat dinner.

I am eating with my family which surprisingly includes my brother Izuku Midoria the main character. I thought my body had taken its place in the womb or something but thats not the case. From the conversations between Izuku and Inko I found out that I am 9 months younger than my older brother and that I was born at the very end of the year near Christmas.

Izuku kept talking about heroes and quirks the whole dinner and how he would awaken the greatest quirk of all time etc. I find it pretty funny since I know he won't be getting a quirk. Perhaps due to the butterfly effect of me being here, he will awaken a quirk after all but that's just a thought of mine. If he does awaken a quirk perhaps he won't be such a crybaby the whole time.

I can already begin to picture him getting bullied at school and all that. I might even give him some advice like going to the gym and growing some balls. That's what my dad told me in my previous life.

When I was around 11 years old I complained that one kid was picking on me and calling me names. My father said to just start punching him next time he tries to bully me with the added side note to keep this conversation a secret from the teachers and mom or he would get into trouble.

It worked fine for me but in this world, these quirks might widen up the playground kid fighting power levels quite a lot. He would probably just get beaten up that Katsuki Bagukou his childhood friend turned to bully after he didn't awaken a quirk.

"Itsuki is there something on your mind you have barely eaten your food?" Inko asked me in a motherly tone filled with care and concern.

"I was just thinking about what kind of quirk I will get." I said and stuffed my mouth full of food. The food tastes good it's some kind of a Japanese soup dish. I'm not good with food names, especially eastern Asian ones like Japan, China, and South Asian nations.

"I'm sure you will get a super strong quirk like All Might!" My 'big brother' said with a voice filled with belief. "Thank you." I responded to my mother, with my mouth filled with meat pieces from the soup thing.

I continue to eat the soup food and I gotta say it's pretty fucking good. While I'm busy stuffing my stomach full Izuku rambles to my mother about heroes and somehow manages to fit the word All Might into every other sentence that comes out of his mouth.

I would very much like to tell him to shut the fuck up about All Might for a second but that's probably not very childlike behavior. I sit still and keep listening to my brother rambling on about heroes and quirks to my mother.

After I am done eating I thank my new mother for the meal and walk into a room with the words "Itsuki's room" written on a piece of paper taped to a wooden door. I struggle to grasp the door handle but I manage it with a bit of tippy toeing. This must be what American girls think being 5'11 feels like. I think at least I can't really read their mind. I wonder if there's a quirk that can do that would be pretty neat.

The walls in this room instead of hero posters were filled with pictures of cars and dinosaurs. I find it kinda weird that there's a bed in this room. Like what parents let a 3-year-old sleep unsupervised. Not like a looked up some statistics on what's recommended or normal but I slept in my parent's room until like the age of 7.

Would not have minded sleeping with my hot mother honestly. I take a look around my room and find no electronics with access to the internet or even a Gameboy or something like it's supposedly like the year 2110 but kids don't even have consol to play with.

With a bit more searching and roaming around my room. I do find 4 big boxes filled with legos under my bed. These will keep me moderately entertained for a long while. I start building with my newfound legos. Not like I have anything better to do. The day and night passed without anything interesting happening.