
Sadistic Reincarnator [MHA] [18+]

A Sadistic teenager reincarnates into MHA

Nyxyx · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

A fight

It's been a long time since Izuku went to the quirk doctor around 9 months actually. It's only a few more days until I get to see what my quirk is. I got some small common quests, which got me to 90 exp points total. I only need to complete one more quest and then the system will level up.

Izuku is straight up not having a great time right now. Katsumi has been using him as a training dummy for her explosions and the teachers don't do anything about which is it pretty weird. Like what do they get paid to do here? Watch the kids use their quirks on each other? Pretty sure public quirk usage is illegal as well around here.

Something good happened to me also. I got a handheld gaming console. I don't have many games but enough to keep me entertained. I just spend my days playing and waiting for my 4th birthday. Which is right around the corner.

I doubt there will be a party though. I have noticed that my mother Inko barely pays attention to me anymore and instead spends all her time caring for Izuku. I don't mind it that much but a normal kid would be pretty jealous by now.

Speaking of Izuku. I am currently sitting on a swing playing with my console and watching Izuku 'play' with Katsumi and her friends who are basically using him as a test dummy for their quirks. I see them yelling their stupid attack names every time they use an attack.

I can also see the misery in Izuku's eyes every time a quirk is mentioned or he sees someone using one.

I keep watching Izuku get literally bullied in brought daylight. I have been thinking about helping him but I don't really see the point in that. Perhaps I will give him some advice to work out during our teenage years.

"What are you looking at weirdo." I get brought back to reality because Katsumi just yelled at me. Is she finally gonna try to pick on me?

"I'm looking at you. Are you stupid?" I mean it's pretty easy to embarrass a 4-year-old in an argument, especially someone hotheaded and dumb like Katsumi. Her face gets a bit red from anger and she starts to march toward my location.

I have probably never seen a less intimidating thing in my life but considering the experiences from my previous life, it would be pretty embarrassing to get scared of a 4-year-old girl marching toward you.

I can see her hand creating sparks and realize she's going to use her quirk on me. Honestly, it's been a long time coming. You should have just stuck to bullying Izuku dumb ass.

I throw my console to the side and look carefully at her hand waiting for her to launch it forward to attack me. "Explosion tummy terror attack!". She literally says her whole game plan in her attack name. What a stupid name.

I just wait for a second longer until she starts to swing her arm toward my stomach. She's really slow even for a kid. I sidestep her attack with little to no effort.

She looks quite shocked. I guess she has not met any other kid who has learned the legendary sidestep technique. She stumbles and even falls to the ground face first. I just stand there and look at her. How do all the kids get bullied by her?

"You're really stupid you know that Katsumi?" She looks pretty angry at my taunt but stays on the ground clenching her small fists. I wonder if she'll try something stupid like attacking me again while yelling her attack out loud again. Suddenly I hear a notification sound.

[A Quest has been issued]

[Uncommon Quest] [Teach them while they're young]

[Teach Katsumi a lesson by beating her up]

[Reward] [50 exp]

I am pleasantly surprised by this quest. Not only do I get a perfect excuse to beat this kid, but I will also get a system level up. She attacked me first do it's fine for me to beat her up a little she would have done the same to me. I read the quest information with haste and I quickly turn my head towards the now standing Katsumi Bagukou. I stare at her again and see that her face is covered in mud it's quite a wet day today. It just rained the night before.

I didn't even have time to taunt her again before she once again launches herself at me like an idiot. I realize I expected too much from a little girl as I once again dodge her pathetic attack. This time she doesn't fall to the ground but instead just wobbles trying to stop her forward movement to charge at me again quickly.

I'm kinda disappointed I didn't get to hear her attack name again. I suppose she copied that from All Might the number one hero. He always yells out his attack names both her and Izuku are big fans of all might.

I charge at her back and tackle her to the ground. It doesn't take a lot of effort from me to get a hold of her hands and lock them behind her back. She's probably never fought with some and gotten into a situation like this. I got into quite a lot of fights in my old world so I know some basics.

She starts making whimpering noises as I apply pressure on her back with my knees and she lets out a loud squeal. I know it won't be long before the teachers show up but they definitely heard that. She screams pretty loudly.

"You'll never be a hero dumbass." I say while pushing her face into the mud which muffles her screams greatly.

I need to finish the quest quickly so I start to smash her head on the ground over and over as she shrieks with each hit.

[You have completed an Uncommon Quest - Teach them while they're young]

[You have gained 50 exp]

I stop hitting her face on the ground and just hold her on the ground untill the teachers come and separate me from the crying Katsumi. I look at the scared look on her mud-covered and bruised face. That's what happens when you pick a fight you can't win.

Later that day I am forced to apologize to Katsumi and our parents are notified of the incident. Inko takes away my console and my legos which pisses me off greatly. Izuku looks quite shocked about the fact that I could win a fight against someone with a quirk and especially against Katsumi.

It's still absolutely worth it in my eyes as I got quite a lot out of this. When I look at my system window I can see a level up button on it.

[System level 1]

[Exp 140/100] [Level up!]

[Name Itsuki Midoria] [Age 3]


I click on the level up icon and wait. I have waited 9 months for this very moment. I wait for a few minutes wondering how long this will take until I hear a bell ring inside my head.

[Congratulations System level 2 reached]

[New features are as follows]

[You have unlocked the store function]

[You will be rewarded credits for completing quests]

[Credits from your previous quests have been added to your balance, which can be viewed on the store page]

I am fairly satisfied with these functions but it would be nice if I got more quests to complete. It's nice that I got the credits from my previous quests handed to me. Perhaps I can actually buy something from the store. I wonder as I click the store icon on my main page.

[Store] [Credits 100]




[Upgrades] Locked

I wonder how abilities are different from quirks. I will probably find out soon enough. This system just had to make the [Upgrade] function locked to tease me or something couldn't keep it hidden huh? Kinda pointless if you ask me. But it makes me slightly motivated so I approve of this method. I then decide to go and check the [Items] section first.

[Store] [Items] [Credits 100]

[Body Strengthening Potion Small] [50]

[The Body Strengthening Potion Small increases your physical attributes such as speed, strength, endurance, stamina and perception noticeably]

[Rest of the Items are locked to unlock more items by leveling up your system]

It's a pretty great potion at least based on the description. I have to check out the other tabs as well before buying anything.

[Store] [Abilities] [Credits 100]

[Night Vision] [100]

[You gain the ability to see in the dark almost perfectly]

[Silent stepping] [100]

[Your steps will become like that of ghosts completely silent to normal humans]

As of this moment none of these seem like a good point to spend my credits. I can see a ton of good uses for thse in the future but currently, I don't have a use for them. If I had to buy something right now I would choose the [Body Strengthening Potion Small] without a doubt in my mind.

When I go check the [Quirks] tab there are quite a lot of fodder quirks and they too cost hundreds of credits so I don't even consider it an option to buy any quirks any time soon. It can be dangerous for a body to have multiple quirks anyways so before I grow stronger. Getting multiple quirks in out of the question. I don't want to become a Nomu.

The Nomu is a monster created by the main villain of the my hero academia world. They turned mad and became monsters due to having too many quirks forced into their bodies or something like that.

The main villain All For One has a quirk that allows him to steal quirks from others and bestow them on his followers and also use all of them at the same time making him an extremely powerful foe.

I don't think I have to worry about him that much since in a few years he will have a battle with the current number one hero All Might in which fight they both will suffer grave disabling injuries leaving both of them to be mere shadows of their former selves.

In the main storyline Izuku inherits All Might's quirk and takes on the mantle to become the new symbol of peace after All Might's weakening. I'm not planning on stopping my brother from inheriting the quirk.

My reasoning is quite simple. It is just that I am much safer in the case of Izuku inheriting the quirk than in the case of for example Mirio Togata inheriting it. I probably couldn't talk Mirio out of killing me but Izuku? That will be a breeze.

Then he will probably let me go or at least let his guard down while hugging me and then I'll just finish him off. I of course hope it won't come down to that but it's good to have a backup plan just in case I decide to turn into a villain.

I won't even try to get that quirk for myself because it has the souls of the previous user inside it and from what I remember they did quite a lot to help Izuku and I don't want people inside my soul or something.

I stop thinking about the future for a moment and return back to deciding what I want to buy. I go over the options one more time and decide to buy one [Body Strengthening Potion Small].

[You have purchased [Body Strengthening Potion Small] for 50 credits]