
Chapter 1: Past Runaway

The blood moon had reached it's apex, I was running as fast as my barren feet would take me. A deep guttural voice was taunting me through the foggy air. "Run run run as fast as you can.." followed by a taunting laughter. This sick son of a bitch I thought to myself. Niklaus was a sick character, he enjoyed the chase. It was like a drug for him. But I was done being his play thing, he wasn't going to be his prisoner anymore. I looked back to see if he was behind me. I felt my foot find a hole sending me lurching forward towards the ground. The snap in my ankle filled the night air around me. Damn it, just my luck I thought. Even though I was a wolf, it would still take time to heal this kind of injury. I thought to myself fuck it I'll deal with the pain. I got up to try to walk it off and keep going. The first time I set it down causing an excruiating pain to seared through my lower leg causing me to collapse in pain. I heard snickering behind me from Niklaus. "Oh Stazie baby, that looks nasty but not as nasty as you will be when I'm finished with you." I spit out the blood and dirt that was in my mouth from my fall "Fuck you, Nik." I retorted. He chuckled devilishly, then ticked his tongue a couple times. "You'll wish you would have never said that." He smiled evilly grabbing my throat and lifting me up to slam me against a tree. He took one last look into my eyes and erect his fangs to sink them into my throat.

~Modern Day~

My alarm went off jolting me from my sleep and causing a high shrill to exit my mouth. What an awful dream I thought as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and who the fuck is Niklaus I wondered. I whipped my blankets off of me to start getting ready for school. I jumped in the shower quickly to erase the sickly feeling I had all over me. Once finished I threw my hair in a messy bun and got dressed. I headed downstairs where the smell of chocolate chip pancakes hit my nose, much to my delight. They were my favorite thing to eat.

"Morning Mom." I said as I sat down and loaded my plate with the yummy treats. My mom turned and smiled sweetly "Good morning flower." My mother was a beautiful woman even for being 44. You'd think I'd get her gorgeous genes but somehow I got pale skin and silver hair verses the sun kissed skin and bombshell blonde hair. I got teased for it a lot growing up since my sister looked like a photocopy replica of her. My mom found me crying about it once and swore to me I was hers as much as Chloe was. Chloe is 19 and very gorgeous, as in the Miss America peagent type.

"Hey mom, have you seen my black pumps?" Chloe asked as she entered the kitchen. she was in a high waisted skirt and crop top sweatshirt that hung half way off the shoulders. She looked at me and face palmed. "Staz your not really gonna wear that are you?" She questioned.

"What's wrong with my outfit clo? I love these clothes." I stated back shoving pancaked in my mouth. I was wearing skin jeans with a t-shirt and combat boots. She chuckled and shook her head "You have potential Staz, you just got to try." This statement caused me to scoff and giggle. I damn near choked on my pancakes in the process. Once I cleared my airway, I looked up at her "I don't want to try, I like being invisible." I stated earnestly. She smiled sweetly "Okay lil sis." she replied and headed out the door for school.

Chloe has always been popular but she was the sweetest girl I've ever known. Her friends however were quiet mean to me. But only when she was not around. They have secretly taunted and bullied me over the years behind her back. But they were always sweet when she's around acting as if they loved me as their own sister. But sadly, it wasn't only her friends it was the majority of the pack kids. To this day, I don't understand why they act like that towards me. Maybe it was because of my white hair which was abnormal among werewolves. I felt as though I deserved it at this point since it had gone on so long. It felt as though how hard I tried I couldn't escape this cursed path of unhappiness.


"Guys look, it's little Micheals." One friend of Chloe's snickered.

"AS if she is befitting of the name, she's no where worthy of that last name" Another one snickered.

They continued to taunt me. Mari the meanest out of all the friends and the most physical pushed me down. I hit my head on a table on the way down. Tears filled my eyes, I did my best to hide it.

"OH, now she's crying." Mari said with a chuckle.

"Probably because she knows she's not really a Micheals and is a little whore bastard baby." said another girl with a sneer. They all laughed and walked away. Pack girls have always been mean to me as long as Chloe wasn't around. Chloe was a Goddess send of of a sister however. She had a very kind and couldn't hurt a soul Her mate will be the luckiest man out there when she finds him.

~End of flashback~

I finished my pancakes and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek as I headed out the door with my school bag. Chloe choose to drive one of the many cars we had. However, I preferred to walk the mile and a half. It always helped me relax and think. I loved nature, the sounds and clean air was so serene. As I was walking the path along the road, a honking brought me out of my thoughts. I turned to see who it was even though I was sure I knew who it was. I faced the car to see none other than Emilio King, he was hot but a total dick weed.

"Aye Staz, you want a ride?" He asked as his band of jocks hooted and hollered, they always made everything dirty.

"No, thanks Emilio, I'm good." I answered continued to walk. He momentarily looked disappointed but recovered quickly.

"Oh come on Stazie, it;s dangerous out here." he jested. This made me chuckle because he knew damn well we were the scariest thing out here. He sneered and glared at me when I scoffed and chuckled at me. You see Emilio is the Alpha's son and he demands respect from everyone since he was future Alpha. Sadly, he gets it too, he has girls falling at his feet awaiting to find out who will be his mate. But I, Anastazie Micheals, refused to give him that satisfaction and he knew that. It burned him deep to his core. However, he and his band of jocks enjoyed toying with me as payback.

I did kind of bring this on myself with my stubborn demeanor. He slammed the car in park and jumped out. I could feel the rage radiating from him as he appeared in front of me in a blink of the eye. So fast that I had ran into his hard chest. He grabbed me by the arms as I wobbled away caught off balance.

"Well, well, well, not so hard when I'm right in front of you." he taunted as he gripped my chin roughly. I gritted my teeth as he moved closer to my ear.

"You will submit to me Staz, you can't resist me forever." He mused with a dirty smirk. I rolled my eyes as he kissed my neck causing a small moan to leave my mouth. This asshole knew my sweet spot. He discovered it a couple of years ago when he first started taunting me. His body grumbled with a quiet amused chuckle. I narrowed my eyes, he was always toying with me.

"You're such an asshole, " I seethed as I pulled away. "Emilio would you just STOP."

He let go of me and I took the chance to put as much space as possible between us. As I was backing away, I noticed an almost hurt look in Emilio's face. He recovered quickly and smirked "Whatever you're a slut anyway." He stated bored. His gang snickered and sent a slew of taunts my way as Emilio got back in his car and peeled out. The anger and hurt was evident on his face.

I let out a breath of relief and rushed the last half mile to school. The day from there was rather quiet which was nice. Even though I would catch Emilio looking at me with lust and want from time to time. I don't understand why he was so interested in me. My father was the pack beta but that didn't mean he'd pick me over some of the more pretty girls in and outside the pack. The final bell rang and I rushed off to my trail to avoid anyone picking on me. I took the longer route since it was away from the highway and I'd be free on Emilio's bullshit. The only problem is it tended to get darker since it was a dense part of the forest. It went along out pack border and rogues sometimes slipped through there.

As I crept along, I stayed hyper vigilant, taking care to watch my surroundings. I sighed realizing as it got darker that I should have taken my chances with Emilio. I was pulled from my regrets to the sound of snarling. My body froze in complete terror, why was I so stupid to come this way. I know rouges are known to be in this part of the woods and my dumb ass walked right into it. The stupid lost prey, just great! A large wolf exited the shrubbery from the right. He was magnificent, piercing blue eyes, and midnight black fur. He was larger than most wolves were, that's when it hit me. My eyes narrowed in annoyance.

"Very funny Emilio" I slurred out annoyed. His wolf snickered and he shifted. Before me stood a God sculpted naked man. My face flushed red as I tried to look every where but him. "Aw Staz your face was priceless." He giggled pulling on some sweats. "Come on baby don't be so uptight, just submit to me." he stated dryly. I refused and he knew I refused to submit. He stepped closer when I didn't answer him causing me to back up to a tree as he kept advancing on me.

"Stop Emilio" I growled out clearly pissed. He smirked deviously and leaned down to my neck. He scraped his K9s along my neck causing me to shudder and a small moan to escape my lips. "I hate you" I gritted through my teeth. He tsked at me and sank the tips of his K9s into my neck. My eyes widened in realization of what he was doing. I pushed him hard, "WHAT the hell Emilio!" I shouted shaking in anger. "YOU CAN'T MARK ME!!" He shrugged at my statement as if it was no big deal. "It was worth a shot to get you to submit to me baby." he stated almost happy. What in the fuck is wrong with him, he can have any girl and yet he's fucking with me because Goddess forbid I don't submit to him.

"I'm not your baby" I stated harshly "stay the fuck away from me." I said as I stormed away.

"You'll beg for me one day Staz, you'll wish you had an Alpha to save you." he called after me. To bad I didn't realize than that those words would be truer than ever.

"The nerve of that pious self absorbed alpha blooded asshole." I ranted as I came into view of the house. I entered to find mom and Chloe at the table with an invitation in their hands. My heart sank, I knew exactly what it was and I'd have to attend this year. "What's that?" I faked curiosity.

"It's an invitation to the mating ball!" Mom and Chloe said together in excitement.This time I didn't hide my groan of disgust.

"It's next week, and we will be going to get dresses tomorrow," Chloe stated. I held back my displeasure. "How fun!" I faked excitement.

Hey everyone, The other Sadist's Slave Luna will be deleted since I no longer have access to that account except on my phone. I am rewriting the story a little and I hope you all still love it as much as you did the other one. Love you all -Nyx

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