
Thirsty crow

Once I was a hot day. A crow felt very thirsty (پیاس لگی). He flew here and there in search of (کی تلاش) water. At last, he saw a jug in a garden. He flew to it. But there was a little (بہت کم)water in the jug. His beak (چونچ)could not reach water. He was some pieces of stone nearby(قریب ہی) . He thought of plan(ترکیب سوجھی) . He dropped(ڈالے) them one by one into the jug. The water rose up(اوپر چڑھا) . He drank it and flew away. Now he was very happy.


Try and you will get; where there is a will, there is a way.

Necessity is the mother of invention.