

Vampires have always been beings to fear, but of course, they are only fiction or so they think Unfortunately, our protagonist found that vampires are too real

JosueNieblas · Fantasy
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7 Chs


For more than two hours they had me at the headquarters, they always asked me the same questions and I always answered them with the same answers, not because I didn't want to cooperate since I didn't know what to say to them, once we got out of there, Kaito took me to A bar to be able to talk calmly since according to him, I was keeping something that I should not tell and it is not true and since I wanted to drink I did not resist.

When we were drinking, he didn't ask me many questions, we just enjoyed the music of a group that was playing there and the stories that the owner of the place told us.

But no matter how much I drank, I did not feel that my thirst was quenched, although it seemed strange to me and I did not dedicate myself to find out why since I tried to quench it with alcohol but it did not work.

[Tell me Makoto, how much longer will you be with that false dream?]

The question that Kaito asks me leaves me surprised, since I did not expect him to say it and remember I do not have any false dreams

[What do you mean by that?]

[Simple, the dream that your father had, the dream that you decided to make yours, I mean that dream]

[I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't take anyone's dream, much less my father's]

[Well what a coincidence that you started working in the same job as your father and with the dream of having a high position for decision-making]

Hearing his words I got too angry, anyone who was watching me would notice the anger in my face for those simple words, and to try to calm me down and make him shut up I hit the table alerting more than one person.

The table was cracked and my expression was lightening little by little before I stood up and took my jacket.

[To begin with, I started being a police officer to look for my father's murderer and secondly, you better stop saying shit in the future]

I leave a few bills on the table and I leave the place without turning back, I prefer that Nao yells at me about being irresponsible than being told to steal someone's dream and more if it is my father.

When leaving the place I couldn't help but be blinded by the sunlight, it seems that I still do not get used to the light after being locked in a room for 3 weeks, I put on my sunglasses and start walking on the sidewalk in the direction of my home.

This day has been somewhat heavy, and even more so with this thirst and hunger that cannot be taken away from me, of course, I can bear it but it's been a long time, I don't know why noble asked the doctor if it was a secondary symptom after the operation and then I can only wait for it to happen.

While I was walking I was seeing around me more people who were walking without concerns about their safety and to see that I could smile since it means that I am doing a good job but the smile quickly disappears from my face when I remember those subjects in the supermarket.

Better I decided to continue my way until I reached a park near my neighborhood and I hear how a child was crying holding his leg, he approached me out of curiosity and to realize that his knee was scraped and blood was coming out of it although the amount was minimal, like this that I decided to help him.

[What happened brat, do you need help?]

He did not say anything, he only nodded while sobbing and just sighed at the situation, I bend down and take out some tissues with alcohol to close the wound so that it does not get infected and at the moment of having my wound close, something inside me felt strange.

The thirst that I had gotten even worse, now it was unbearable, but I kept cleaning the boy's wound trying not to pay attention to my thirst but it was almost impossible.

Once I finish I see that the child stops and he was no longer sobbing, but if he was looking at me

[T-Thank you, sir, can I ask you a question?]

I just nodded and then adjusted the glasses and the child without much effort raised his arm and pointed his finger at my face

[Why is he drooling?]

That question took me by surprise and I directed my hand towards my mouth and noticed that I was indeed drooling, but why?

[Excuse me, I am leaving the hospital after an operation so it may be a side effect]

I said it while smiling so that he would not feel scared and I see that it worked, after a few hundred seconds I see that behind him a lady was approaching and from what I see it seems to be his mother

[Well it seems that your mother comes here, be more careful next time]

[Yes, thank you, sir]

[You're a welcome brat, see ya]

At the time of saying that, the child's mother had spoken to him and he had left with her, who only gave me a bow and they left, which I did too.

Now only because of my thirst, I could not bear it, I went to the nearest supermarket to buy a drink to quench my thirst.

Once I have paid for the tea and left the store I start to drink it but I feel that in some way it was the same, the thirst was still and I was worrying but in These times it is better to go to my house.

When I was two blocks away from getting to my house, my cell phone starts ringing, I take it out of my pocket I see that the sender was Kaito, I wasn't going to answer him but I decided to swallow my pride and see what he wanted.

[Hey Makoto, I would like to apologize, I know that everything I told you was wrong and I know firsthand that everything I said was wrong, and well, I don't know why I said it]

[It's okay Kaito, sometimes your stupidity is bigger than your memory but it's okay]

[Hahaha I know, well see you later since I have to go to headquarters again]

[Alright, take care Kaito]

[The same, Makoto ...]

I hung up before letting it finish, it was not a bad intention, since I thought it had finished and for those, I had hung up, I hope it is not something important

When I put my cell phone in my pocket, I was already in front of the door of my house to rest.

[Hopefully, there is hot water]