
Sacaroth's Journey

My most recent project, I worked on a mass release of ten chaps for this to start with, with at least 5000 words each. Please enjoy, I'll read any suggestions, I'll let you know if I use them. *Insert Synopsis*... Oh, give me a second.... There.

SacarothIsWriting · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

"Anyway, You are definitely qualified for the guild. Just avoid going all out on those of your level, and you should be fine. You'll be near the end of bronze rank, with your current abilities."

"Alright. Thanks, Wilson."

"Yep. I'll find you some party members, any requests?"

"Maybe two Knights, a Healer, and a Druid. I fulfill Tank and Archer, along with Mage."

"Good choices. Druid for additional fire power?"

"Well, just so I'm not the only magic user. My armor is tough, so we don't need a tank, along with the fact that I can deal a lot of damage. Just so that I don't have to go all out, really."

"Hmm. Well, see you in a few days. You should get a few dungeon quests, so that you get stronger. Maybe clear a low level one."

"Got it. Actually, where is the nearest one?"

"Well, it's a undead dungeon, the church could show you where. They won't like that armor, though."

"Alright, I can make it normal-ish."

"Thanks. Don't get into any trouble."

"Yeah. See ya."

I walk out of the Pocket Dimension with the pack.

I ask Lily where the church was, and she pointed down the road. I thanked her, and jogged off.

'Mortal, before you enter this church, you need to know who you'll be representing. Luckily, this church has different rooms for different gods. There's 7 of us. I, Arni, the God of Magic, Zeke, God of Day and the Sword, Diana, the Goddess of Night and the Hunt, Jin, the God of Combat, Fies, God of Nature, Lui, Goddess of Animals, and Quin, God of Music. You should decide who you'll represent. Each of us are going to choose a hero, and their classes, but you'll be training them. In about 15 years, you'll need to return to where you woke up. I'm guessing it's probably going to be Diana, or I.'

'Yeah. I'm going with you.'

'Great. The bonuses you'll get, is Doubled Mana, An Additional Element of your choice, and a Dragon Egg.'

'Well, from a past life, Pog.'

'Haha. Correct, this is good. But so are the others. Maybe when you're level 60, you can work for another as well. You have about 24 Hours to chose the element, and you'll get the dragon egg after the dungeon.'

'Thanks. Oh, any idea of what armor I should use to represent you?'

'Oh. Give me a second, I'll send the information over.'

All of a sudden, Information of enchantment arrays, flow into my head, and them the image of some cool looking armor.

'There. Use those arrays.'


I form the armor, Which looks like it has a smooth outside. Inside I layer it with muscle, for impact resistance, it has 4, 2 inch thick layers of bone, with muscle in between each layer. A Scythe forms in a sheath on my back, and a short bow as well. Then, the enchantment arrays form, enhancing the bow and scythe, along with making the armor have a force field two inches from the outside. The armor toughens, and the bow is now able to gather mana on its own, to form arrows. I just need to instruct what element I want it to be. The scythe, now absorbs blood to get denser.

'Wow. These arrays are sick.'

'Yes, but it's quite funny, you know God Sacaroth? He was my teacher. These are his own arrays.'

'Damn, still giving me gifts.'

'Indeed, quite so.'

All of a sudden, the Ego Armor kicks in. It's enhances the arrays, making the bow fire faster, the scythe sharper, and another layer of force field.

'Hmm. Seems like it does more than I thought. Oh, well. Anyway, you should hurry with that dungeon.'

'Yeah. Talk to you later.'


I head inside, ask around for where the undead dungeon is. They stare at the mark on the chest plate, which I didn't notice. It's a pentagram.

"You're of Arni?" A priest asks.

"Yes?" I replied.

I look at his robes, and he has a pentagram as well, just with it being small. Mine is three times the size of his.

"The size of the symbol is your rank, you do remember?"


'Arni, can I have some help here?'

'Sure. I'll inform the leaders of my churches about you.'

His face changes, and smiles.

"Oh, didn't realize you were that high of the order. To think you're of higher rank then the head of the church. It's amazing. Oh, but you need to get stronger. Of course."

He runs to his desk, rummages through, and comes back with a map with a lot of places marked.

"Map of the Kingdom, along with all of the dungeons. Low levels are green, Medium Yellow, Red High, along with black for highest. Enchanted to give you a display of information when you touch a symbol. The white spot is where you are. "


"Also, you should take this."

He hands me a necklace.

"This will show who you are, along with the fact that you ARE of your rank."

"Thank you."

"Now, hurry up with these first few dungeons."

"Got it."

'Hey, Arni? I'll take Light Magic.' I say, as I put the map in the ring.

I put the necklace on.

'Okay. Take it your going holy?'

'No, just because it'll be decent for Damage, and I could make illusions.'

'I'll give you Light and Sound then.'

'Oh, okay. Thanks. Any reason for me to have 5 elements?'

'Well, now you're the highest ranking member of my church. Just should, honestly. Fits the Pentagram. I'm also giving your wolves magic. Winter wanted Ice, and the rest are still choosing.'

'I guess it does, and thanks.'

I start running for the first dungeon, the running with me.