
Sabrina's life

A short story about a girl name Sabrina. she was tried of her life so she decided to make a wish to a shooting star. "I WISH MY LIFE TO BE LIKE DRAMAS" but it didn't go as Sabrina's want it to. Everything turn upside down.!!

lelouchvi · Teen
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6 Chs


Sabrina was eating lunch in cafeteria. She put her bag beside the chair. She sit on chair and start talking to jenna about how someone was late. Sabrina boyfriend Peter is late so one chair was empty. When all of the sudden Kate appeared and sits on it. She try to make Sabrina feel bad so she start talking about Peter.she say "I think your bf doesn't care about you I am sure he's cheating on you with someone". Sabrina try to ignore but she didn't not stop talking. Jenna noticed how Kate is getting closer to Sabrina. Kate look down and sees how Sabrina bag was open. Sabrina open it to take out the book. She just forgot to close it Kate taking the chance throw the diamond ring of Mr fool in Sabrina bag.

Sabrina was not looking that's why she didn't see it. Jenna was far from them that's why she didn't sees it either. Kate mission was accomplished so she stop teasing her and leaves. Sabrina was relived she look down and see her bag open. she closed the zip but she didn't know what was coming.

Mr fool goes back to his office after seeing ms Lily. He open the cabin and find out that his diamond ring is stole . He was shook. He immediately calls for police. Police enter the school and inspect classes. Sabrina didn't understand why are they not checking cctv footage. Peter who knew that he late immediately run for cafeteria when he accidentally slip a ladder which is made out of iron fall onto his head he faint.

After two hour he woke up in Ms Lily office most of his friends was there worried for him one of them is Sabrina,Kate and Jenna. Sabrina goes to hug him but he push her back and said "WHO ARE YOU?" Yeah he lost his memory.