
Sabaku Naruto

Have you ever wondered what would have happened if Naruto ever took the life changing decision of running away from the Leaf Village? If, trying to accomplish his wishes of vanishing from the lifes of those who had tormented him, he suffered a terrible accident that had his memories erased as if Naruto Uzumaki had never existed before? Well this is the story of Naruto Sabaku, an orphan found on the outskirts of the Sand Village, carrying only his dirty clothes and confused eyes. Once adopted by the Kazekage, he adopted the surname of his family and became a citizen with full rights of the Sand Village. I humbly invite you to come in and travel with us through this short story, in an alternative universe, where Sabaku no Naruto overcomes, once more, all their expectations.

Karen_Lauren · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

The Leaf Village

They reached the village of the sheet without problems where they delivered their permits signed by the Hokage and the Kazekage that would allow them to reside in the village until they finished the annual Chunin exams.

-Now we should go introduce ourselves to the hokage and then look for accommodation ...- Silence ... it was too quiet ... Everyone saw Gaara pall as she searched the surroundings.

- What's up brother? Kankuro asked as he followed with his eyes the places where the redhead was looking for something ... "Have you lost something?" -It was weird that he got so nervous ... but his face turned into one of panic ... that could only mean one thing:

- Hey ... Have you seen Naruto? Temari asked aloud as Kankuro understood the panic of his brother who caught it. They went like bullets in search of the blond, searched every corner of the village and found him at a ... ramen stall?

When they entered they saw Naruto with the mask up enough to be able to eat without staining it but without letting his eyes see him and with two empty bowls next to him.

Gaara, furious, approached him from behind and hit him with a zape:

- Can you tell why you've left like this !?

-Yes, you scared us ...- Temari supported his younger brother as the blonde put the money on the table and put the mask back on turning around and giggling nervously.

-I'm sorry ... is that as soon as I entered I felt something that smelled wonderful and I couldn't resist ...- now the second zape he received was from Kankuro.

- Fool! Let us know and we would have all gone together!

"Let's go ..." Gaara said with a headache from so much screaming ... his brothers could become more than scandalous and if he put Naruto in the middle now ...

As they were leaving, a silver-haired man and a flat pink-haired girl entered and couldn't help but glance at the sand ninjas who completely ignored them, even though their faces became more than familiar to Naruto but right away he discarded that idea ... surely they were his imaginations ... He imitated his partner and ignored them passing by without even looking at them a second time.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::

It was late afternoon, and the Sand Village team was still stumbling across the page, lost.

- Gaara, I told you that the inn was to the other side ...

- Yes, don't be stubborn and pay attention to Temari, we've been going around all afternoon ...

- Gaara! -Kankuro warned the aforementioned that although he moved away in time, the boy was irretrievably falling on top of him, throwing the girl who followed him.

- Be more careful! - Said the little boy with brown hair and eyes.

-But if it was your fault Konohamaru ...- said another kid with glasses and black hair as he helped the girl up.

Gaara glared at them ... the only one who could touch him was Naruto ... Shukaku's instincts took advantage of that gap in his emotions to sneak in creating a dangerous combination. With his jacket he manipulated the sand around Konohamaru and held him in the air by the collar of his shirt.

- Apologize. He ordered her in a voice that was colder and sharper than ice ... though inside he was choking on anger.

- I don't want to, look where you are next time! -said the boy kicking in the air and making Gaara even more angry that he made a hand with the sand that went directly to the boy's neck.

- Konohamaru! - Said the other children approaching him - hold on! -As soon as they reached where his friend was, a powerful wind threw them meters behind.

Naruto, who had been watching saw that the boy was beginning to lose consciousness so he knew that Gaara would not regain control and had to intervene.

Sasuke, who had been observing everything from a nearby tree, had thought of lending a hand to the children but that blonde with a mask was ahead of him ... he was surprised how he raised it halfway and with a kiss he managed to deconcentrate from such a way to the redhead that, at the moment, he undid the justu of sand that imprisoned Konohamaru, the Hokage's grandson ...

What he did not understand was why jealousy invaded him when he saw that kiss, the blonde separated and lowered the mask without allowing him to see his face ... He had to admit that the redhead was attractive but he did not like men. .. so...

Why did he feel that insecurity and jealousy in his chest?

Until that moment he had only felt three things:

loneliness, anger and thirst for revenge.

What was special about that redhead?

A terrifying question crossed his mind ...

Was it really the redhead who caused those feelings?

He would have to find out for himself ...

Without him realizing it, another feeling was born inside him as he watched the team from the Sand Village head towards the inn:
