
Sabaku Naruto

Have you ever wondered what would have happened if Naruto ever took the life changing decision of running away from the Leaf Village? If, trying to accomplish his wishes of vanishing from the lifes of those who had tormented him, he suffered a terrible accident that had his memories erased as if Naruto Uzumaki had never existed before? Well this is the story of Naruto Sabaku, an orphan found on the outskirts of the Sand Village, carrying only his dirty clothes and confused eyes. Once adopted by the Kazekage, he adopted the surname of his family and became a citizen with full rights of the Sand Village. I humbly invite you to come in and travel with us through this short story, in an alternative universe, where Sabaku no Naruto overcomes, once more, all their expectations.

Karen_Lauren · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Sabaku no Naruto II

"How was the mission, Naru?" Asked Temari, Gaara's older sister, passionately hugging him. After crushing the blonde boy she greeted her bad-tempered little brother, who only nodded in response as he was closing the door of his office.

"Good..." Naruto replied, taking off his mask from his belt and while he was putting it on the table, he smiled at the blond girl with brown eyes, two years older than them and also his favorite training partner.

Since he lost his memories, Temari had been always kind with him. The new memories he collected with her were warm, as if she considered him as a part of her own family, and that was decisive in Naruto's growth into adulthood. And still was. If not for her, and her support in the spartan training that the Kazekage imposed him, he probably wouldn't have survived. He probably couldn't have gained control over Kurama. She was his best friend and companion, Naruto considered Temari almost his own blood.

"Temari, release Naruto..." Barked Gaara with his usual calm and quiet voice, it was the calm before the storm. And they all knew it. A shiver from anticipation travelled Naruto's spine. "Get lost"

"What have you done this time?" Asked the blonde girl with a playful smirk, strangling Naruto with her hug and making Gaara even more angry, if possible.

"I stopped to talk with some genins of the Leaf Village on the way back..." Confessed the boy skillfully setting himself free of Temari's boa embrace with a nervous smile as he felt Gaara's threatening gaze. He knew what was going to happen and he didn't need to be a fortune teller to know that he wouldn't be able to sit down for a couple of days.

"Temari." Gaara warned with a deadly menacing tone that made the girl disappear in seconds. Then he glanced at Naruto, and started his interrogation without demore. "Did you know them?" He asked while approaching Naruto close enough to almost touch his lips, but never close enough to actually touch them, he loved to see in his partner's eyes the lustful desire of wanting to kiss him when he knew Gaara wouldn't let him unless he answered with the truth.

"No." Answered Naruto, swallowing nervously as Gaara placed his right hand on his hips, with a tight and demanding grip, and the other behind his neck, playing with his hair.

"Why did you talk to them?" Gaara continued, containing the urge to kiss his boyfriend's lips, unable to tear his eyes from them as they were a sweet condemn. Those lips were his only flaw, every time he touched them, he lost himself on a crazy spiral of addiction and, until his thirst was satiated, he wouldn't stop. And that only added more tension to the moment, wnough to feel his body hard as steel, expecting the right moment to devour his prey.

"Curiosity ... I think ..." Naruto admitted looking away, although he wasn't sure if it was for curiosity or something else. At first, he thought that he had seen them somewhere but it sounded crazy. As he had lived all his life in the Sand Village, how could he know someone from the Leaf Village? The most likely explanation was that his imagination was playing a real bad joke on him. But right now he was kind of in a situation, and it wasn't the right time to think about strangers. "Come on, sexy redhead," He winked while provoking his stubborn lover. "Let go of the beast."

Then he jumped in the table as Gaara lost all self control he had left and answered his agressive kiss with a loving bite on his lips. He knew perfectly what his partner was trying to tell him through that demanding kiss: "You are mine and you can only be curious about me."

Though that dark and possessive side of Gaara made his insides tremble with desire, he knew that he also needed to slow him down, or else, he court get seriously hurt and Gaara wouldn't stop.

"You bit me" Said Gaara while pulling back a little, checking with his tongue the taste of blood that the small wound with Naruto's teeth shape had left. Before letting Naruto react nor answer, he grabbed his belt and unbuttoned it, going back to devour those longed for lips.