

"Can you keep this secret?" She was brave, she was strong but most of all she was hurt. Hurt from the past, the past that kept her from advancing forward. !!! I'm still in school so I will try to update things when I have time so the updates will not have a determined schedule. They're at random. !!!

Chiyong_Eun · Video Games
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Chapter Two: New Marksman

"Hi! I'm Caitlyn and I love a good chase." Her voice was very unique just like her hair. The color is a beautiful red strawberry blonde but shines a blonde in the light. You can just know that Miss Fortune, our teacher, would either have beef with her or become the greatest of friends.

"Caitlyn you can sit next to Janna and Morgana over there." Miss Fortune pointed to the girls names Janna and Morgana. Janna is a girl with long black hair, a head

Classes continued, notes were taken, and precautions were told before everyone walked towards the exit. Those that brought accessories held them close to their bodies. "So everyone, this is Ashe and she's the special instructor for today." Miss Fortune steps aside and a lady with a lovely hat on comes out. Her white silver hair tied into a low ponytail and her bow was built thick with gold.

"I'm Ashe, your instructor for the AD/AP classes. Here we utilize skills, abilities, and find new ways to do the most damage to enemies. I'll demonstrate." She pulled back her arrow and the arrow glows a bright yellow before she let go. Almost in slow motion is multiplied and in a cone-like shape, arrows shot out. "Who should we have go next?" Everyone looked at each other before Caitlyn raised her hand.

The wind blew to dust as the blonde loaded her gun before smirking. She pressed the trigger as it charged up, and now if you were to blink the shot would be almost invisible but a bird-like shape shot out. A big explosion was heard, the dummy was laying down, and Caitlyn was back in line. "I'll go next, Ms. Ashe."

"Call me Ashe, Xayah." Xayah was the strongest out of the class in terms of experience. She's the girl with the perfect boyfriend and is academically talented. Her bangs dyed a blue with her white hair was almost like a perfect contrast. But her boyfriend no one's ever seen before from the school that is, but he existed for sure. The pictures on her phone are perfect proofs of it.

She threw two of her feathers before recalling them a basic move to the eye but very different towards a person. "Ashe?" Xayah asks before the white silver head blinked.

"Sorry but that happened so fast, it's very different from two years ago." Xayah giggled before going back in line. "We have about twelve more people?" Ashe reminds everyone before more people stood up.

Two more people were left and both of them didn't want to go. Tia and Ezreal. Ezreal dyed his hair black and his friend Lux or Luxanna dyed her hair a white. "Ladies first?" He let Tia go first, as the girl stepped up to the dirt field. Closing the door behind her. Ezreal was a ladies' man, handsome and charming but he doesn't let anyone get too close to him unless you're Lux. Many speculate they are dating but the two think of each other as close friends. It's a rumor now.

Taking a deep breath Tia's marks on her chest and face glow making her nails grow longer. Lifting her hand up a staff appeared from the sky as she threw it up adding a rotation to it. Grabbing it she directed it at the dummies and a fast light came out. The only problem with this was the distance was short. So she was closer to the dummies than others. "Your turn?" She smiled as she passed the black-haired guy. Standing back in line.

The day was over yet everyone was still talking in the hallways. "I can't believe that we have such a big art assignment." Soraka whines as Tia snickered.

"Maybe you shouldn't have taken art." Sona retorts, Tia, snorts before clutching her backpack.

"I have to go back to the warehouse and meet Elise again. She needs to give me my Silk, fashion majors." Tia flicks her hair over her shoulder.

Walking out of the school the trio said bye to each other before Tia saw her childhood friend. "Lux!" Running over Lux waved. "How do you like the new teacher for AP/D?"

"She was my teacher last year, I should be asking you that." Lux ruffles her hair as Tia clutched her hair.

"Stop." The silver girl whines as Lux looked at the girl in her eyes.

"Where's the silk you were getting?"

"That damn Elise spider lady ripped me off, although spider silk is a super rare material. What was I to expect?"

"Ah! We have two new girls, Rell and Seraphine. You should go to Sera for this, I heard she's really good at retrieving things. I think she spends time in the library after school." Lux exclaims, Tia waved bye before running towards the library.

Opening the door quietly, she walked in and sat down at a vacant table. Pulling out her textbooks she studied as she looked around. The only other girl in the library was a pink-haired girl, tying up her hair with a black hair tie.

Walking up to her Tia tapped her shoulder. "Are you Seraphine?"

"Yes, what can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if you would accompany me for a deal."

"Sure, let me pack up my stuff. And I don't do this for free, so if you have a plushie of some sort of some material like a Staff or Ruby Crystal." Seraphine put her hand out as Tia reaches into her bag. Pulling out a red crystal of some sort Tia hands it to her.

"There my payment, now it's against spider lady. The treasurer of our school."

"Ah! Senior Elise! She's amazing and really pretty. When she went on stage last year she wasn't nervous at all." Seraphine rants, they walk towards the same warehouse unaware of someone following them.