


After explaining all the events to my family, now I am heading to the HWA to craft some arrows I was quite excited because I had started liking the process of making weapons and armor. I arrive and was greeted by a blacksmith who guided me towards my room, it seems they prepared a different room for me.

After looking at the materials I let out a satisfied sigh these were the best quality wolf bones. I quickly started making a bunch of arrows and surprisingly my weapon making skills leveled up after making a lot of arrows I also tried to make a dagger.

I managed to make a dagger with the same abilities like the arrows but the durability of the dagger was low because I wasn't used to making daggers after a while of practice I would be able to make perfect daggers just like the arrows.

After completely using up the materials I headed out and informed the head about the arrows, it seems they were auctioning it. I was gonna make a lot of money but those things aside I am gonna train my body.

I have noticed a lot of hunters abondone their physical training after obtaining skills and just start depending on them, only a few hunters continue to Train their body. I wasn't going to completely depend on my skills, like the time where I fought the two headed wolf where I was out of mana. I was lucky enough to kill it but this cna happen again and who knows till when my luck will last.

My goal was to be able to move my body like the time I was fighting against the two headed wolf, but without using telekinesis. I just bought a basic training rejime and started training it was simple I just had to do some exercises and then start stretching my body to the limits. This increases the flexibility of the body.

[*strength increased by 1*]

[*flexibility increased by 1*]

[*strength increased by 1*]

[*flexibility increased by 1*]

[*strength increased by 1*]

[*flexibility increased by 1*]

[*strength increased by 1*]

[*flexibility increased by 1*]

'The increase in stats are definitely not normal' I thought 'wait, is it because of the pill I took that my body is adapting very quickly' that makes sense after this I wanted to Train shade and also train my magic.

I just started using ice and telekinesis together, I was shaping the ice into daggers and then using telekinesis to shoot them. This unlocked a new skill

[*hos has unlocked a new skill - ice daggers*]

After repeating this for a while I was out of mana 'this is the perfect time to push myself' I thought and summoned shade he had been hiding inside my shadow the whole time. I had bought some mana stones while coming here so i just fed it to shade and he leveled up to lvl 3 and his size also increased.

Now that I had made sure shade is fed i just started doing push-ups and stretching to again increase my flexibility and strength. I was feeling my body get stronger and this feeling was soothing it was extremely fun.

After a while of practice it was already evening. I just put shade back inside my shadow and then left for my home, my muscles have already starting to form because of the pill I wanted to surprise my family with this especially my little sister.

I just ran the whole way to increase my stamina, it was hard but was worth it. I reached my house in 10 mins and then opened the door. But it was different I could only see my mom and big sis and they had a really worried look on their face.

As soon as I came they tried to hide their worried face and smiled while saying "welcome home" I just ran up to them and asked "what happened?" at this point they had tears in their eyes i hugged them and said "it's ok there is nothing to worry about" and patted their heads they started crying loudly.

"Alex hasn't returned yet, the school ended a while ago she isn't with her friends either i asked them there is no trace of her" said mom while sobbing. "where is dad?" I asked "he went to the police to ask them for help" said mom while we were talking big sis was still crying because she was really worried.

"wait I will also go search for her" I said making big sis even more worried but mom convinced her to let me go. I quickly made my way to the route where she used to come from. I just started searching for her tracks but there were none.

In the route she used to come from there was always one spot where mostly no one was there so I had suspiciouns that there would be something here. I started looking around and luckily found her ribbon it was a red one which was gifted to her by big sister in her birthday.

I knew she was somewhere here, I was deseparate so I used all my mana in my eyes. The mana was so much that my eyes started beading but this can heal right now I need to save my sister.

As I used all my mana in my eyes the previous observe skill evolved into "all seeing eyes" I just looked around and saw something terrifying it was a dungeon that was invisible. But this isn't going to scare me I am going to save my sister was the only thing inside my mind.

"SYSTEM, OPEN SHOP" I shout now there is only one thing I can do that is use all my merit points to purchase a dungeon free ticket that allows the people to enter the dungeon.

I purchased it and directly used it near the entrance. I was quickly able to enter as soon as I entered I could see my sister and many other girls in a corner. I had just made an entrance in the dungeon which caused a spatial hole on the wall. "brother help me" shouted alex while crying. I just started running towards them and then just picked up my sister and threw her at the spatial hole.

"BROTHER" shouted Alex like that I saved picked up all the girls and threw then at the hole the hole was starting to shrink but I was going to atleast save them I managed to save all of them but the spatial hole closed.