
Ryujin: Dragon Lord

Ryuunousuke Takeshi, 15 years old, male. He is ambitious, and aims to join the Japanese military, as a military grade weapon demon. Unfortunately, he faces a predicament, where he cannot activate his Dragon Class abilities. However, he is accepted into a small military corporation, run by his older brother, Ryuuji Takeshi, named BELIOS, named after the great man himself. He must use his military training to help him with his personal battle in finding the man who shot and killed the love of his life, as well as fight a battle between Belios and another military corporation by the name of M.D.P.F. (Military Discipline Punisher Force), who claims that the Belios Corp have committed a huge crime, worth being called treason, under the treaty signed by the real Belios himself, which stated that no one should be killed without consent from the government. Ryuunousuke must try his best to prove them not guilty and save his fellow crew members in the battle.

Allen_Walker_GOAT · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 - Mari Yuukihira

It all started in the year 2033. I reflect upon that fateful day, etched into the depths of my memory. I'm Ryuunousuke Takeshi, I'm only 13 years old, I had been eagerly anticipating my date with Mari Yuukihira, the girl who held my heart. Our connection had grown deep over time, and this particular evening held promises of precious moments.

As the golden sun began its descent, casting a warm glow over the city, Mari and I set out together. We walked hand in hand, our laughter harmonizing with the gentle breeze that whispered through the streets. Every word and every smile shared between us painted a picture of blossoming love.

Our destination that evening was the park, a serene haven where nature intertwined with our youthful spirits. We strolled beneath the canopy of trees, our footsteps in sync, as laughter danced between us like delicate petals carried by the wind. We found solace in each other's presence, the world around us fading into insignificance.

As the sun cast vibrant hues across the horizon, we settled upon a blanket spread beneath a blossoming cherry tree. We shared stories, dreams, and aspirations, our voices mingling with the symphony of chirping birds and rustling leaves. Time seemed to stretch, our hearts beating in perfect rhythm.

We exchanged secrets and childhood memories, our laughter echoing in the tranquil space we had created. I couldn't help but marvel at the way Mari's eyes sparkled with every tale she told. It was in those moments that I felt an inexplicable sense of gratitude for the universe bringing us together.

As twilight enveloped the park, we reclined on the blanket, gazing up at the star-studded sky. I traced constellations with my finger, my heart swelled with a profound sense of belonging. Mari nestled closer, her head resting against my shoulder, our spirits intertwined in a tapestry of shared dreams.

Reluctantly, we departed from the park, our hands still linked, our connection unbreakable. The world around us appeared ethereal, as if bathed in the magic of our love. Our footsteps carried us closer to home, the anticipation of the next meeting already taking root within our hearts.

However, as fate would have it, our path intersected with the darkest of tragedies. Outside the bank, chaos erupted, shattering our idyllic world. A masked figure brandishing a weapon emerged, sending shockwaves through our fragile existence. In the blink of an eye, Mari's life was cruelly extinguished by a single gunshot.

Horror and confusion washed over me as I witnessed Mari crumple to the ground, her innocence stolen away. I thought, "how was she so easily killed when we are demons?". Desperation coursed through my veins, igniting a fire within me. It was in that moment that Yusuke, my twin brother, arrived at the scene, drawn by the commotion that shattered our world.

Yusuke's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as he comprehended the devastating scene before him. His voice caught in his throat, unable to find words to ease the unbearable pain that engulfed my heart. The weight of our shared grief threatened to consume us both.

As I knelt by Mari's lifeless body, Yusuke approached, his face etched with anguish. Tears welled up in his eyes as he fell to his knees beside me. In that moment, our bond as brothers transcended words, our shared sorrow cementing our unity amidst the darkest of times.

Yet, before we could fully grasp the magnitude of the tragedy, fate delivered another cruel blow. Yusuke, overwhelmed by the chaotic scene, took a step forward, his eyes still fixed on Mari's lifeless form. In an instant, a speeding car careened into the intersection, colliding with Yusuke, propelling him into the unknown.

My heart shattered further as I witnessed the devastating impact. Yusuke, my twin brother, disappeared from my sight, swallowed by the chaos and uncertainty. Despair consumed me, my cries of anguish mingling with the sounds of screeching tires and the cries of onlookers.

In my state of agony, I ran rampant, driven by an overwhelming desire for vengeance. I chased after the robber who has already ran very far away from where I was, my mind consumed by a single purpose. But just as I approached the precipice of recklessness, my older brother Ryusei, 20, a member of the military, who had arrived late intervened.

Ryusei, with his years of discipline and experience, understood the dangers that lay ahead. He tried to warn me, to plead with me that the path I was embarking on was not worth the cost, and that i should leave it to the cops. But my grief-fueled determination refused to be swayed. I carried on, my resolve unyielding.

It was then that Ryusei, fueled by a deep concern for my well-being, tackled me to the ground. The impact jarred my senses, jolting me out of the blinded pursuit of vengeance. As I lay there, stunned and breathless, a seed of realization took root within me.

In that moment, I understood the futility of my reckless quest. The pain of losing Mari and Yusuke threatened to consume me entirely, but I knew that seeking revenge would only perpetuate the cycle of darkness. A glimmer of clarity shone through my despair, planting the seeds of a different path.

The thought emerged within me, a notion that whispered of joining a military corporation, just like my older brother. I desired to gain the special training and skills necessary to confront the man who had torn Mari away from me, as well as become a military grade weapon, due to the fact that I am a demon. It became a beacon of hope, a possibility of finding justice amidst the depths of my sorrow.