

Xaé Adam's POV

"Omg! Xaé Shaquanda Adams wake up you'll be late." and that ladies and gentlemen is my second alarm my mother Larrisa Adams damn that woman is LOUD. "I'm up mom." I respond because if I don't she will send Lo and behold m

y little brother Kyle with ice cube water and that little devil will not hesitate trust me. I got out of bed did the bed showered and got dressed and my favourite colour is Black people I don't want to know if black is not a colour but it's my favourite. And also my hair, my hair is not that tangly it is soft curls that sometimes get knots if I go days without washing it.

I got dressed in my black ripped jeans black crop top and black Nike air Force kicks okay GO WHITE GIRL GOOO! I took my rucksack and phone and went downstairs. "Go wake up your brother and tell him to hurry." my mother commanded and if you don't what she says you going to get whooped. My mother is a beautiful scary black woman and my father is Asian and when I say I'm ugly don't argue with me. But I'm beautiful my brother is the ugly ass. I knocked on his door and he didn't respond I got in and guess what the little fucker is still snoring. "Wake up Kyle mom said you gonna be late. Kyle! KYLE!!" I shouted with my all might and he's still sleeping. "Okay I'll let her come up." I went back downstairs "He's not waking up." I told mom and she went upstairs fuming.

A minute and shouting and cries later Kyle and mom came back with Kyle dressed and mom holding her gold sandals and you all know what that means haha! "How are you dear brother?" I asked mockingly and he sneered at me we at breakfast and drove together to school my own personal hell. I parked in my spot and looked at Kyle. "Okay now you don't know me and I don't know it's just mere coincidence of surnames okay sister?" Kyle said and I didnt take it to heart after all he's my brother that's how he shows love. "Okay Ky." I raised my hands in mock surrender. "I love you little sister take care." he said kissing my check and the fucker called me his little sister he's like 16 and I'm 18 urgh!

I got out and went straight to my locker I found my friends there waiting for me "Hey Xaé!" shouted my one and true best friend Delilah Rodriguez my Latina babe. I smiled wide and ran to hug her beside her was "our best friend" Brittany Crawford why I put that in connotations? You'll find out. I faked a smile in return of her very own I half hugged her. "Okay let's go to class ladies." The hallway monitor rushed everyone because we act like we didn't hear the bell. "OHH Xaé won't it hurt you to dress in brighter colours next time? Black isn't your colour hunny." my dearest best friend decided to comment. "Okay Brittany no one asked for that so let's just go to class yeah?" Lilah came to my rescue.

We sauntered and went to out first class English my favourite class of all because I love literature. "Welcome ladies and take a seat." Our English teacher Mr Bennett said Mr Bennett is the definition or Sun and wants to make every Bervely High School girl to sin because he's cute buff and has a personality to match by that I mean goofy fun patient and understanding I mean what woman doesn't want that kind of man? He teaches English and P.E you can guess how packed it is in P.E. Learners filled the classroom and Mr Bennett got to work. "So we are going to have this semester's project people," my ears perked up like a dog getting treats but no I hate projects because I always get paired up with a cheerleader or a jock and trust me the stereotypes aren't fake they're dumb and leave you to do all the owrk."...now listen up you're going to pair up and write down your partner's characteristics and not their personality strength weaknesses and all and that you're going to do a poem or a story or a documentary on it understand?" The class hummed and groaned.

I looked at Delilah and she showed the same excitement I want to be paired up with her badly. "And also I'm going to pair you BOYxGirl now let's get it." he said and my smile fell wow another chance of writing my work alone. "Delilah Rodriguez and Mark Lyle, Stefanie Parker and Clyde Carson..." he went on and on and on and my name was called. "... Xaé Adams and Ryan McBlack Hearl..." well okay who's that? I looked around for him and literally saw no one I identified as Ryan McBlack Hearl. Okay then. Mr Bennett finished the list but continued. "Okay I'm going to leave and in the remaining 20 minutes get to know your partner better okay? see you tomorrow people." He winked and I swooned and I'm sure so did all the girls.

I stood up and looked around for Ryan after a minute a boy sitting far at the corner raised his hand. I slowly walked to him. "Hey Mr Hearl." damn! why do I have to be so awkward. Cue the forehead slap (mentally) of course I don't want to seem like a lunatic. "Hey Miss Adams." he replied. I sat down next to him and looked around awkwardly and him also. We sat and didn't talk about anything. I cleared my throat and looked at him. "So the project is 60 days and we have enough time to fight the awkwardness?" I said and he chuckled and boy was it a sound. "Yea I guess." he said and shut up after that I looked at Lilah and our eyes met. 'Help' she mouthed and I snickered. Mark is a talkative meathead and is actually smart but mean and he pretends to be bad ass I would know because I once got Biology with him. The bell rang and I shot out of the seat and out the classroom I sighed once out of the classroom. Delilah was out next. "Omg I thought Mark was a nice person but no and he's a little rascal." she complained after a minute of complaints and comparing our partners Brittany joined us. Luckily I did not have the next class with her.

"Okay bye ladies, see you at lunch." I waved at them Delilah dramatically cried . "Ohhh Ohhh! my Godeth Xaeth what will I forth without youeth OHHHH!" mind you she was shouting the whole hallway turned to look at us I blushed. "Lilah behave please." I said before running away. God Lilah is a handful.

"Good morning learners take a seat and let's learn." Mr Cole the coolest middle aged teacher chirped and we complie#2