
Ryan in One Tree Hill (Please Shut Up)

Ryan Atwood's life changes when he has to move across the country and start a new life all over again. He will experience new things in the small town of Tree Hill. Romance. Friendship. Family. Everything goes to the creator of show, this is my take on it so don't expect a lot off accuracy.

BloodyEat_Delight · TV
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8 Chs

Ch2: Another One, and Another One, and Another....

Ryan didn't sleep much last night, it wasn't because he was thinking of his 'power' anymore it was because sleeping in the car and earlier that he just couldn't. It wasn't until around three a.m that he actually got any sleep at all, now the sun was up early again.

He didn't know what his grandmother ate but he was already in the kitchen at the moment, since he was an early riser in the first place it wasn't going to be so bad. Currently he was making some pancakes, he already made bacon, eggs, and toast so there was a spread on the counter at the moment.

It was just the two of them but he was so use to making breakfast that he didn't mind making it he already tried some and most the bacon was gone because of that. Since his skills improved so much he ended up making honey glazed bacon which was the best thing he ever tasted, he was sure that his grandmother would like it.

"Well look who is up so early, and it smells divine in here." Granny Luna said as she entered the kitchen, he could hear the shuffle of her house shoes as she moved to the counter, "Oh my! I have a top tier chef in the house now, this taste amazing." She said while eating more of the food.

Ryan looked back to see her already loading a plate with food, "I am glad you like it, I am going to finish up this last pancake then join you in there."

"Take your time sweaty there is now rush." she said while grabbing another scoop of eggs.

A little smile went on his face before he turned back to finish the last pancake, when it was done he loaded four on his plate plus more bacon, eggs and toast. Going into the dinning room he saw his grandmother eating with spirit, she hardly acknowledged him walking into the room instead enjoying the food she was eating.

It wasn't until twenty minutes later that she was actually done, "Well that was amazing, I think it would be a good idea for you to cook all the meals if this is your level of skill." she complimented while looking up at him.

Ryan scratched the back of his head awkwardly but nodded his head, he didn't mind cooking for her and actually found it a little relaxing. It made him feel good too to actually see someone enjoy the food he made something about it just felt right.

"Alright well then. For toady we will fully settle you in, go ahead and get showered and dressed so we can go to the mall to buy you new things. After that we will come home and you can either explore the town or rest either way it doesn't matter to me just enjoy yourself." She said with a smile while collecting his plates.

"I can wash those." he said trying to take them back.

"Boy go get ready, the chef should never have to clean after making such an amazing meal. Plus there is a dish washer so you don't need to worry about that." She said with a smile while patting his arm.

He nodded not really comfortable with it but listened to her, fiddling with his choker he went back to his room and took out some clothes. It never actually crossed his mind to shower last night but now he could still smell some of his case workers cologne so he thought it was a good idea too.

He went to take a shower after grabbing some clothes, seeing that there was already body wash and shampoo he didn't hesitate to get in.

Freshly showered he came out his room wearing his leather jacket, a white wifebeater, blue jeans then he slipped on his boots. Going down the stairs he reached the bottom right when he saw his grandmother was on her way up them.

"Oh good, I was just going to make sure you are ready. Seeing that you are let's get going then." She said with a smile while shaking her keys.

He nodded and followed her to the garage, inside was three cars a white jaguar XE, A black Tahoe, and sliver 70 camaro z28. He was a little stunned the first two looked like luxury cars while the camaro was an old classic, he didn't know much about cars but these were beautiful.

"Like them? Well we will get your license transferred as soon as we can so that you can start driving them. Well the Jaguar and Tahoe, the Camaro is currently out of commission and there isn't a mechanic good enough in town to fix it." She said the last part she had a sad tone in he voice, most likely she missed driving it.

Right when he went to tell her something information about being Mechanical flooded into his head, he got all the information about fixings cars and anything related to them. He stood there dazed as it all went into his head, he wasn't surprised but he was shocked that this seemed to be something regular that would happen to him.

Coming back to himself he spoke as they got into the Tahoe, "Actually I don't have a license I never could take the test or classes for it. I do know a little about fixings cars though so if you want I can take a look at it."

She looked at him surprised but also happy, "Sure go ahead and take a look don't get to depressed if you can't fix it though. As for the License don't worry about taking the classes I know someone at the DMV we can get you into the test by this Saturday."

He nodded but didn't let her know that he could fix it probably in two days, well that is if he could get the parts with all his knew knowledge it wouldn't be challenge for him. At the moment he was happy about this happening to him, he didn't know the limitations on this but he was excited to find out what would happen.

The drive to the mall was spent with them listening to the radio, Ryan looked out the window as they passed through town and saw some signs that were hiring. He was going to look for himself some work since he didn't want to always be spending her money on the things that he wanted to do or get.

The mall wasn't as packed when they got there seeing that it was a school day, there were still a lot of people though it seemed to be a lot of old people or middle aged moms. "Well here you go Ryan." His grandmother said as they got out of the car.

She was holding out a card to him a debit card, "What....?" He didn't know what to say at the moment.

"Well I know you don't want your grandmother following you around as you go shopping so I will leave you my card. Go ahead and you better get enough to fill the car got it!! Take the keys too so you can put your bags in when you are carrying to much, I am going to meet some friends the code is 8896." She walked off without letting him talk or get his mind straight.

"You can find me in the food court when you are done!" She shouted one last thing to him.

Ryan stood there shocked a moment before looking to see that she was already with a group of women, they looked over to him and he could faintly hear their words.

"That is your grandson?!? I wish my grandson could be as perfect as yours, he looks so handsome." One old lady said with the rest agreeing.

Ryan smiled wryly but at that moment he felt himself change, his body was heating up as he could feel his body becoming more compact and gaining a better shape. He felt himself get an eight pack, he felt the twitches of his body grow some and his previous 5'9 height got to 5'11 he stood there frozen.

It seemed that it wasn't just skills he gained, it looked like his appearance could be altered too and it didn't need to be his grandmother being the one who said anything. So anyone who commented or said something that he could gain would make it where he did, he rubbed his forehead as he thought of this.

Since there was no logic to it he sighed, walking to the entrance he could tell he was getting more looks from the middle aged women who were also going in. It was hard for him to feel he stares but he ignored them and moved into the mall trying not to blush as he went in.

Going straight to the clothes section he slowed down when he heard two guys talking as he passed a comic book store, he had a bad feeling.

"Well of course who wouldn't want Tony Stark's intelligence so that they could create there own JARVIS but I think it would be better to be able to create the perfect A.I. otherwise it could be hacked." one said.

"That is true. JARVIS wasn't perfect seeing as it did get destroyed by Ultron even if Ultron was created from the stone it was just another advanced A.I that went crazy." the other said.

Ryan though was still walking as he got the knowledge to make the perfect A.I completely free of going crazy, he was shocked by all the knowledge pouring in but was happy. He never knew anything like this but with it he could advance technology a lot, it wasn't Tony Stark's intelligence but everything about making A.I's.

That is three in one day so far.

At the rate this was happening he was going to be smart enough to take over the world before this was all over, shaking he head he went to get clothes. He would think about this later because this did appeal to him a lot, but he wanted to make it first.

For the next hour he went and bought everything he need, he felt bad about it but promised himself in his head that he would pay her back when he was rich. That was a high possibility with the way that his life was going at the moment so he didn't write it off.

So far since moving here he gained something he thought he never would in Chino or Orange County, he was actually looking forward to his future.

He doesn't know why he was the one to get this but was thankful none the less.

After shopping and returning more then ten bags back to the car he went to find his grandmother, he went straight to the food court which was a decent size. He found her there with three other women who were all laughing and talking about something.

She noticed him and smiled before bringing out something from her purse, from where he stood he could see that it was an Iphone the latest model one. "I saw that you had an Ipod but not a phone so I went ahead and got you this one while I was walking with my friends. The clerk said it is the biggest gigs with over two hundred."

Ryan felt hopeless at that moment but he didn't want to make her feel bad by rejecting so he took it, "Thank you granny Luna. I am done shopping, since you are still talking to your friends then I will go ahead and just walk around for awhile."

"Alright, if you see anything you like go ahead and use the card sweetie." Smiling she went back to the conversation with her friends.

Ryan nodded while walking away, he took out the phone and started to program it, he added in Seth's number along with Sandy's. They gave it to him before he left and he thought it might be a good idea to talk to them since he was kind of settled in.

He sent a message to Seth first and got something back quickly, the two started a whole conversation before he got a message from Sandy. They were happy to hear from him and he was too, although it was a short time he felt close to the two of them.

They even made plans to come down and see him during summer break, Ryan didn't notice that he had on a smile on his face making him look even more handsome. As he was leaving one end of the mall making his way back to the other he heard something which caused him to have another reaction.

"Are you sure though?? You can't just accuse him of cheating without having any evidence of it." One woman said to another as they were sitting on a bench speaking.

"Yes I am sure, I just can't prove it. He keeps everything hidden away on that computer of his so it is hard to check anything out on it." The other sobbed as she spoke about it.

"If only you were a hacking master or something you could check it and find out the truth." Her friend tried to comfort her by saying.

Ryan though was just who they were looking for as his head filled with all knowledge of hacking, he was sure he could get in and out without anyone knowing. He thought he was safe and wouldn't gain anymore today but within just two hours four different things were given to him, Mechanical Skills, Hacking, A.I information, and his looks changed.

Although he was grateful at the moment he wanted to just yell 'PLEASE SHUT UP!!' he hasn't even tested anything besides cooking at the moment so he didn't want them to keep piling on. He needed to head home so that he was safe for awhile, thankfully he got that message.

Heading back to the food court he caught up with his grandmother who looked disappointed seeing that he had no bags in his hands. "Well are you ready to head home? Are you sure there isn't anything else you need?"

"Yeah I got everything I need. If I need anything else don't worry I will tell you about it." He said half lying since he didn't want to actually use her money on things.

When he was shopping earlier he actually went and bought the cheapest things he could find, he didn't want to make a huge bill and buy expensive things. Plus he wasn't really use to the finer things in life so he didn't buy them.

"Alright well there is nothing else to do. Do you want to ride around town and check it out or head back to the house?" She asked after they both got into the car and he handed her the keys.

"Let's go home. I want to put my things away plus I can check and see what is needed to be fixed on the Camaro." He told her trying to not to have to drive around the town.

"Alright good idea. I want to watch my stories anyway." She played along flashing him a smile and heading back to the house.