
RWBY: When Grimm Cry (Discontinued)

What happens when the Hinamizawa virus and the curse of Oyashiro enters the world of Remnant? Things will never be the same as before.

GangstaSaiyan · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5

The summer heat was baking the ground of Beacon and Vale, as it was just hot enough to burn the sole of everyone's bare feet. Luckily Everyone was wise to stay indoors, expect for one person.

Cinder was in the warehouse plotting and planning something, as she had knew the summer heat would be unbearable.

"This is going to kill me before I get a chance to do what I need." Cinder said. "The target is Blake...she's the queen carrier..for these strange event's going on." She shot an arrow at a head shot picture of Blake as she grinned. "It's time for us to move out and begin our search."

"Finally some action." Mercury said as he cracked his knuckles and jumps off a crate.

----- The Queen Carrier -----

Blake awoken in her dorm room, she noticed things were a bit different. "Did I....?" She sat up as she went to wash her face. She looked in the sink water for a moment, before getting angry and slapping the water. "I did, I ended my own life in my last timeline. Only to end up in this new one, Dammit!"

"Bingo." Oyashiro said as she walked into Blake's dorm. "You jumped off the roof, and splat. Faunus pancake." She snickered as she saw Blake's face go pale. "Oh and I should mention, in the last timeline you were in before waking up in this one, Yang killed Weiss. So...yeah, you're screwed either way you look at the end results."

Blake shook her head as she glares at her. "Let me guess, this timeline's going to be different, which is why my dorm looks messy? Am I right?"

Oyashiro nods her head as she laughed a bit. "Yep, you just missed your team going on summer break."

"S-Summer?!" Blake yelled. "H-How? It wasn't even summer time in the previous....wait a minute."

"Each timeline you wake up in, is a different event." Oyashiro said. "We're the only two here at Beacon...every hunter, huntress and staff are on summer break."

Blake clinches her fist. "Then I will not allow you to mess up anything here, while I'm still alive."

Oyashiro giggled. "You're a fun specimen Blake Belladonna." She walked over to Blake. "But you see, I've already made sure each and every person here knows of my curse."

"You monster." Blake said.

"You think I'm a monster?" Oyashiro asked as she laughs a bit. "No, you're wrong. Everyone else are the monsters. I'm just a demon doing what I do best."

Blake growled a bit as she went to walk out of the room. "I have to warn them."

"Good luck with that." Oyashiro said. "You're going to have your hands full with Cinder and her lackeys."

"Wait, what do you mean?" Blake asked as she stops.

Oyashiro was silent as she didn't say anything to Blake, she simply walked past her and out into the hall. Leaving the cat girl confused on what she meant by Cinder.

"What does she mean?" Blake mumbled to herself as she rubs her chin a little.


"Time to get this job done." Emerald said as she was standing outside. "I don't see Ruby or the other two."

"Perfect." Cinder said as she smirked. "Mercury, get inside. Knock Blake out...it's time we take her to our hide out."

Mercury grins. "Sounds like a fun idea to me." He walked off and into the academy as he casually made his way through the halls.

"Think Blake think..." Blake said as she sat on her bed. "What did she mean by Cinder?"

Mercury was half way down the hall, and was heading towards RWBY's dorm. He kicked the door open, and walked into the room. "Where are you Blake?" The room was completely empty, there was on sign of Blake anywhere. Mercury slammed his fist against the wall as he growls. "Dammit, she's not here."

What Mercury didn't know was, Blake had left the room before he had came down the hall. She had jumped out of the window, but kept it opened to make them think it was left opened for the breeze. Blake had hid out of view from Mercury, she waited for him to leave so she could get back into the dorm room.

"She's not here." Mercury said. "Are you sure she was here?"

"I'm sure of it." Emerald said. "She couldn't have gotten far.." Emerald looked around the courtyard thinking Blake was out there somewhere. Nope she was still hiding from them, Emerald walked towards the door to look inside.

Blake took the chance to jump out from where she was hiding at and threw her sword onto a leaving airship, as she was hanging there on the edge of the ship. "....They were trying to kill me..."

Oyashiro watched from where she was at, she snickered for a moment as she turned around. "So, she finally caught on...perhaps I should get rid of those three before they become troublesome down the road..." She snapped her fingers as if she had set traps in the academy.

Emerald's head got split opened as she collapsed on the floor, Mercury had the bunk bed crash on top of him. Crushing his body underneath, while Cinder climbed into a barrel which caught fire and exploded. Oyashiro cackled as disappeared.

Blake arrived in Vale, as she jumped from the ship and landed on her feet. "I need to find Ruby and the others before I'm caught." She hadn't known that the three chasing her had died at Beacon, but she wasn't going to head back to find out either. "Where would I be if I were Yang?"

As Blake walked through Vale, she started to think for a moment on where she'd be able to find her team at. She wasn't to sure where Weiss would be, the only thing that came to mind was that either Weiss was back in Atlas for summer or if she had gone to a beach.

"Darn it, I can't call them either...they left their scrolls at the dorm." Blake said. "What am I going to do?" She wondered if Ruby and Yang would be at the cafe', so she checked there. Sadly they weren't there.

Blake had left the cafe' as she let out a sigh, she was going to give up on searching for her team none of the students at Beacon would be in Vale anyway. She was going to go to the docks but stopped as she spots Neo.

Neo noticed her as she smirked, she walked over to her as the mute twirls her umbrella over her shoulder. Blake backed up and was getting ready to fight her, but the moment she blinked. Neo was right up to her as she had the umbrella aimed at her gut, Blake moved her eyes down noticing.

"Let me guess, one wrong me and you'll gut me?" Blake asked as her eyes looked at Neo, who casually nodded her head at Blake's question. "Tch....why are you and your group trying to kill me for?"

Neo being mute didn't answer as she just smirked at Blake. Not wanting to give her a proper answer using her scroll or sign language, she swiped at Blake cutting her a little as she backed up from the Faunus.

Blake glared at the mute as she stood there. Neo watched to see what Blake would do, she waited like a hawk glaring at it's prey from afar. Blake noticed as she didn't want to make any sudden movements, she had to think of something to get Neo away from her. Or she'd be Faunus sushi.


A crow had flown over head as it dipped behind a building as Qrow had appeared, he had noticed what was going on. "Hey, how about you back away from her?"

Neo noticed Qrow as she glared at him, she hadn't expected for someone to show up to save Blake. She noticed that Qrow was reaching for his sword as she pouts before shattering into glass.

"She's gone." Blake said with a sigh as she turns to look at Qrow. "Thank you Qrow...where are the others at?"

Qrow took his flask out and drank a little from it. "Yang and Ruby are back home with Taiyang for the summer. Weiss, I don't really know...I've been on patrol duty. So I did happen to notice the situation that was going on."

"Meaning I have to figure out what I can do for my summer break.." Blake said as she lets out a sigh.

Qrow thinks for a moment as he had an idea. "Say, why not help me out?" He put the flask away as he looked at her. "Could always use some help with keeping watch for criminal activity. Not to mention the Fang are starting to become active again."

Blake crossed her arms as her bow twitched. "I'm listening." Seems like Qrow had gotten her attention after he mentioned the Fang. This was her chance to take Adam down once and for all.

A/N: [As of now, this story will no longer be continued...I'm sorry for those who've been looking forward to reading more of When Grimm Cry, I was so hyped for writing this story out. But...sadly I've officially ran out of ideas for this story. When it came to Scarlet Blood I had ideas left and right, and help from my friends. But I just don't have any creative ideas for this anymore, maybe I'll bring this story back to life some day....but until then, this story is no longer going to continue.]