
RWBY: When Grimm Cry (Discontinued)

What happens when the Hinamizawa virus and the curse of Oyashiro enters the world of Remnant? Things will never be the same as before.

GangstaSaiyan · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

The lights in Beacon flickered as the sound of a body bring dragged on the floor could clearly be heard in the silence of the academy. Muffled screams for help, and cries came from several body bags.

Jaune locked himself in his dorm room, as he was alone. He knew wasn't too sure what was going on, but he was going to get to the bottom of it. There was a sudden knock at the door of his dorm room, he scurried to his feet almost slipping as he grabbed his sword.

"Jaune?" Ruby called. "Are you in there? I made some cookies...and Weiss made some food, I know it's not the best time, but can I come in?"

Jaune blinked as he was confused. Why would she be out in the hall with flickering lights and a murderer roaming about. He glanced at the door for a moment before slowly unlocking it, he wasn't too sure if he should unlock it all the way. But then the door opened half way, Ruby was peering in through the gap as her eyes were different.

"I see you Jaune." Ruby said. "Please let me in Jaune." She started to squeeze her fingers through the gap as she reached to grab the chain lock, and started tugging on it. "Please let me in, I won't hurt you...I promise."

Jaune stood there shaking, he peed his pants as he was terrified. "N-No, stay back...you hear me...go away." He swung his sword at Ruby's hand, cutting her a little as she yanked her hand out, her other hand was still keeping the door slightly opened. Jaune hesitated for a moment before grabbing the door handle and slamming it shut by force, crushing Ruby's fingers. "Go away...go away...go away...GO AWAY!"

Ruby cried as she slipped her fingers out as she was silent, she had ran off down the hall. Jaune let out a sigh as he slumped against the door.

-------- Death by a injection--------

The teams were given the following day, however. Some students were missing. Which puzzled Ozpin and the others. Cardin was among those missing students, but no one noticed any blood on anyone or their weapons. The only possible solution they could come up with was Grimm must've gotten to them.

Ruby not remembering what she had done, noticed scratches on her neck. "Holy Oum, how did that happen?" She would lightly touch her neck as it stung. She winched a bit as she glances around a little, looking for something to cover her neck up with. "Band-aids...I need some band-aids."

"Hey lil...." Yang said as she stopped. "What happened to your neck?"

Ruby yelps as she spun around on one foot. "I-I don't know, I just noticed it." Her eyes started to water as she was about to cry. But she sucked it up and cleaned her eyes, she looked at Yang as she snaps her fingers. "Yang, give me your scarf!"

"My...scarf? For what?" Yang asked. "Oh...oh wait, now I got it." She took her scarf off and wrapped it around Ruby's neck. "There, now it's hidden."

"Thank you Yang." Ruby said. "I should probably head to Vale to see if I can find any band-aids. I shouldn't be long..." She quickly gave Yang a hug before dashing out of the dorm room.

On the roof of the dormitory, Blake was pacing back and forth as Oyashrio appeared. But was no longer in Pyrrha's form, she was in her original form. Since it was just those two, she didn't need to keep a low profile.

"There's no way those students could've just disappeared like that." Blake said as she glares at Oyashiro. "You have something to do with this don't you?"

"Who me?" Oyashiro asked. "Maybe." She looked at Blake as she watched her pace back and forth. "I can't help it if they were spirited away by my curse...oh wait, correction. They were spirited away by your team leader Ruby."

Blake stops. "Again talking about this curse, what curse is it? And Ruby isn't a killer. Unless it's Grimm, but still."

"You don't believe me?" Oyashrio asked. "Here, have a look for yourself then." A memory fragment appeared behind Blake, which showed Ruby slaughtering Cardin and what was going to be his team.

Blake's eyes widen as she barfed, she clinched her stomach as she wipes her mouth. "You sick monster...."

"I'm not the sick on here, she is." Oyahsiro said. "She's the one who has been cursed by me, but she doesn't know it, she's like my pawn."

"Your pawn?!" Blake shouts. "Is that all? We're mere pawns?"

"Bingo." Oyashiro said as she snickers. "You see, I'm nothing like my other self...small and shy. I'm the real deal of. My statue you asked about..it resigns within the vault of the academy."

"Meaning?" Blake asked a bit confused.

"Meaning, whoever tries to sneak into the vault will be cursed by me." Oyashiro said as she grins a bit. "But seeing that, you and your team carry the curse already. Same for Jaune, it will peek an interest in some unwanted visitors."

Blake clinched her fist as she gritted her teeth. "And let me guess, your curse on me is what you told me. If I die, or my team or Jaune die. A whole new timeline will be made where I'm the only one who remembers?"

"Mmhm." Oyashiro said as she nods her head. "That's the correct Blake."


Ruby was searching through Vale for band-aids, she stopped by a clothing store on her search as she glances in through the window.

"Oooh wow!" Ruby said as her eyes shined, her eyes were locked onto a particular white dress with a purple bow and sash and deep silt up the middle, complete with a white beret. "I want that!" She jumped up and down pressing her face against the glass window. "But I don't have the money..." She stood there thinking for a moment as she had a sneaky grin on her face. She pulled out a credit card, that had Weiss' name on it. "I'm sure she won't mind if I use her credit card to buy what I need. It's not like she's going to need it at the moment."

Ruby would casually walk into the store, luckily for her. The owner of the clothing store had mentioned to her where she could find some medical supply, leaving the store with her new outfit in hand. Ruby went to where the person had told her to go, but something had stopped her.

"Well well well, if it isn't little red." Roman said as he smirked walking over to Ruby. "Let me guess, you''re on your lonesome out here. Which makes it easier on me for finding you."

Ruby stops as puts the bag down. "You...uh...who are you again?"

Roman looked dumbfounded as his cigar nearly fell out of his mouth. "You clearly don't remember do you? We met at the dust shop, you were the reason why my goons were beat."

Ruby felt the gears in her head turning, as if they were rusted for a few days. Eventually something clicked as she looks at Torchwick. "Oooh, you're that guy from A clockwork Orange right?"

"Huh?" Roman asked. "The hell are you talking about kid?"

"You know, that one guy from that movie." Ruby said. "Alex I think?"

Roman groans. "I don't know what you're talking about..not like it's going to matter now." He held up his cane and pointed it at Ruby. "Time to say bye bye.."

Ruby noticed this, but didn't have much time to react, as Torchwick fired a dust shot at her. Crescent Rose was shot at, as Ruby had her backed turned. But something was rather off, Crescent Rose started to crack, Torchwick smirked as he spun his cane around.

"Not going to fight back? Pity." Roman said. "I might as well finish what I started." He walked over to Ruby and smacked her with his cane, as he then grabbed her hood on her cape.

"Gahh!" Ruby gagged as she was pulled back, she landed on her butt. She was about to get up, but Torchwick smacked her again with his cane, this time however he smacked her so hard that her nose broke.

"Shame you came all this way, just to be killed." Roman said as he stepped on Ruby's stomach pinning her down on the ground. "Oh well, you're one less problem I have to deal with."

Ruby couldn't move, as her face was covered in blood now from her broken nose. She had her eyes closed as she cried out from the pain. Roman smirked as he laughed, he rose his cane up and swung it down, bashing it against Ruby's shoulder's.

"What's the matter red? Can't fight back?" Roman asked.

Ruby slowly opened her eyes as they had changed. This startled Trochwick, he knew she wasn't a Faunus. Ruby slowly moved her left arm out as she reached for a rock, this rock had a pointed sharp end on it. She grabbed it and brought her arm towards Roman's leg and stabbed the rock into his leg.

"You little shit!" Roman yelled as he kicked Ruby's side with his other foot.

Ruby was kicked hard by Torchwick that she went flying a few feet away from where he was at. She slowly stood up as she held her side. Her eyes still changed glaring up at Roman, she then started to laugh insanely as she threw herself back despite her hurt side.

"What the hell?" Roman asked. "What's with this brat?"

Ruby eventually stopped laughing as she leaned forward, and grabbed Crescent Rose. She dashed towards Roman as she grinned widely, she swung her scythe at him as she ended up cutting his hat in half.

Roman watched his hat fall off his head as he flicked his cigar. "That was my favorite hat....how dare you?!"

Ruby didn't say anything as she slashes at Torchwick still. Her eyes glaring at him like daggers into his soul, Roman blocked every attack with his cane as he headbutts Ruby. Which knocked her back, but the crazed insane huntress only threw herself at him. She reached for something in her pouch as he pulled out a syringe, she kneed Roman in the gut as she knocked him down on the ground. Her keen now slamming onto his chest breaking his rib cage.

"Ho-How?" Roman asked. "W-what are you?"

Once again Ruby didn't say anything as murder filled her eyes. She rose the syringe up and injected it into Roman's neck, pushing the liquid from it into his body. She took the needle out and tossed the syringe aside before getting off of Trochwick, she glanced at her now broken scythe as she had also tossed that aside.


Ruby has been missing from Beacon the whole day, not only that but Weiss had noticed her credit card was missing as well. Yang started to worry, but she knew Ruby told her it wouldn't take too long. But it was taking forever, she wondered if there was anything on the news. So she turned opened her scroll and checked the news.

Yang dropped her scroll as she noticed what was being shown, Crescent Rose lied on the side of the street next to Roman's dead body. He had clawed at his own throat, but not a single sign of Ruby. Just the body, and Crescent Rose. Yang felt her heart drop to her stomach, she didn't want to believe that her sister was dead. "No....Ruby..."

Weiss looked over to Yang, and then went to check what she saw. Before she could, the door opened as Ruby walked inside the dorm, she had a bandage wrapped around the middle of her face. Covering her broken nose, as she had band-aids on her neck as well, she was a bit confused at why she was being looked at. "Hey...what's up?"

"Ruby..you're okay." Yang said. "I thought...."

"You thought I died didn't you?" Ruby asked looking at her sister. "I managed to get away from him...but before I left he started to claw at his own neck..."

Weiss glances over to Ruby for a moment as she sat down. "You've seen better days though, you wouldn't happen to know where my credit card is do you?"

Ruby let out a small giggle, but clinched her side. "Ow....y-yeah..I used it for what I needed." She slowly walked over and handed Weiss her credit card. "Sorry.."

Weiss wanted to be angry with her, but the shape and condition Ruby was in. Was worse enough, she didn't want to make matters worse on her. She took her credit card from Ruby as she lets out a sigh. "It's okay..I think me and Yang should leave so you can rest, Blake's been out all day as well."

"Okay...thanks." Ruby said as she looks at Yang. "If I need anything..I'll ring."

Yang would slowly nod as she helped Ruby to bed, even though her bed was above Weiss' she had lied her down in Weiss' bed instead. Yang noticed the bag that had the new outfit in it as well as a new weapon. "After you rest up Ruby, change your clothes.." She would then leave the room with Weiss, leaving Ruby to rest.