
RWBY: Wayward Enchantment

-----Number 1! this is a rewrite! Number 2! I don't own the art! Number 3! Content warning I guess?----- No synopsis sorry but more subject matter I suppose? This is my first real attempt at a darker fic, it may not be the best obviously. The MC is very much a bad guy, and will be preforming crimes. This fic may not be suitable for all people if you know what I mean. I'm the writer and I don't even feel that comfy writing it! Though I still want to write it and I think it will be a good story. Hope you enjoy and bless your unsavory souls for reading the upcoming mess.

ZeOwl · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs


On one hand I wasn't nervous, but on the other hand a itch scratched at me. I hated when I had to go with Plan B. Specially when it involved others. The do it yourself mentality was by far the best when supplemented by minions. Coming up in an elevator with a blonde lady made me a little uncomfortable. Her name was Glynda and I normally avoided people like her. Tended to dig up the stuff I bury.

"Here we are, stay formal Mr.Beau."

"Call me Mars..." The elevator doors opened and she stepped out before me. She took her place next to the desk. A grey haired late 60ish? Man sat behind the desk. He was certainly Ozpin, but he looked both young and old.

"Greetings Headmaster Ozpin. May I call you Oz?"

The man shifted and then nodded. "As you wish Mars, may I ask what made you decide to become a teacher?"

I put a somber look and stared at the ceiling, "A few months ago I got a wake up call. I got my ass kicked and I realized I was severally lacking in skill and creativity. I hope to make sure the future huntsman are well prepared."

Glynda was clearly hurt by my words. After all I indicated previous taught Huntsman were not prepared. "And how would you prepare the students exactly? You have no notable achievements."

I laughed, "They may not be notable to you, Glynda. However not everyone has the same view on achievements. I thought I had reached my peak until a few months ago."

"What changed?" I could see Ozpin's curiosity and smiled. "I expanded what my semblance could do. I wish to do the same with future huntsman."

Glynda was furrowing her eyebrows. "Stop skating around the topic, just spit it out Mr. Beau."

My eye twitched at her still calling me Mr. Beau. "Call me Mars, and my semblance is dubbed Enchantment. Generally it was or more like I had limited it to only enchanting my weapon with the elements without dust." I smiled at Ozpin's interest.

"That is already considered a incredible semblance Mars. How exactly did you make it better?"

"I got creative, From enchanting objects with my aura, producing Grim repellent or attraction, I even managed to do some more impossible things. Like give my cloak and tunic here the ability to regenerate my own aura. I could even alter the physical appearance of things if I start stacking enchantments. So I want to teach students more about their semblances."

Glynda looked a little shocked, but Ozpin looked amused. "Glynda's semblance is telekinesis what creative methods would you suggest for her?"

Telekinesis eh? "Depends on what it can do and what she knows how to do. She could fly or hover with it obviously, but if she were to grip the air itself then she could create phantom structures. Not to mention perhaps telekinetically grabbing the bones of a creature. By grabbing the a specific part of a Grim she could paralyze it without grabbing it as a whole. Lastly hmmm, theoretically if she was powerful enough she could grip energy like gravity or the aura of another individual."

I skirted around the topic of just grabbing the spinal cord of a person and paralyzing them. Truthfully that was the first thing I thought of... Glynda eased up and seemed to be in thought. Ozpin smiled and pulled a cane out to stand up. "That's not bad, let's say what would you do about super speed that takes the form of rose petals?"

That was specific... I rubbed my chin, "Like the person turns into rose petals or as they run rose petals fall behind them accelerating them."

Ozpin shrugged, "Give me examples of both."

"If it is the first the first objective would be bringing objects with them, and obviously they would likely move their clothes and weapons with them. So you would want to increase the weight of objects they can carry with them. After that to carry others along with them and then finally pass through small spaces. Like window shutters, cracks in doors, or perhaps through successive attacks. If it is the second..."

Ozpin seemed to judge my suggestions, and I continued. "If it is the second you would want them to accelerate other objects with the rose petals. Maybe even control the petals like several small weapons? I assume the rose petals are being created as a side effect of their aura burning from use of their semblance. So they could likely use it as a cloud of petals to stand on to fly or even create acceleration tunnels. Though that would take years to master, specially since the petals would be their aura leaving their body. So anything else, Sir Oz?"

"Yes I suppose it is... Very well you can be put on assistant teaching with Glynda. You can help students with their semblances during their sparring and training classes. Glynda sort out some accommodations for Mars here. For now though... Hmmm, you will have to stay off campus until the academy opens. In time perhaps we can make you an official professor here with your own course for the students. This year's class will be a trial period, good luck Mars."

I was a little pissed, but teacher's assistant was still better then nothing. Glynda sighed and walked back to the elevator. "I will escort you out, Mr. Beau."

"Call me Mars, we will be working together this year Glynda. I hope to get along."

She rolled her eyes and closed the doors and I watched Ozpin start thinking. It seemed he had a specific student in mind when he asked the question about the rose semblance. Perhaps I would meet them soon. Controlling the student Ozpin had his eyes on would certainly be helpful.