
THE TIMELINE!?! - Volume: 1

In Professor Oobleck's class, my laptop is open, but I'm not paying much attention to the lecture. Instead, I'm engrossed in coding. The AI is on the verge of completing its first game—Minecraft. However, a new challenge arises: there's no system to play the game on. So, naturally, I decided to design a console from scratch.

My vision for the console is ambitious—it can play any game at high graphics, and it's portable, and compact enough to be half the size of a typical Earth console.

As Professor Oobleck enthusiastically continues his lecture, I find myself eager for the class to conclude. The moment the bell rings, I'm ready to head over to my warehouse.

Oobleck continues to lecture, "Yes! Yes, prior to the Faunus Rights Revolution—more popularly known as the Faunus War." He zooms around the classroom, emphasizing key points on the map behind his desk. "Now, while this must feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events! Why, the repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day!" Oobleck zooms around the classroom more, sipping his coffee again before continuing to zoom and talk, "Now! Have any among you been subjugated or discriminated against because of your Faunus heritage?"

As Oobleck poses a question about Faunus discrimination, some students raise their hands, including Velvet.

"Dreadful, simply dreadful! Remember, students, it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence!" Oobleck takes another sip of his coffee, "I mean, I mean, I mean just look at what happened to the White Fang! Now, which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorize to be the turning point in the third year of the War?" Oobleck notices a hand is raised "Yes?"

The hand that was raised is Weiss's "The Battle at Fort Castle!"

Oobleck congratulates, "Precisely! And who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune's forces?"

Quickly seizing the opportunity, I raise my hand to answer, "The advantage the Faunus had over Lagune was their night vision." I respond before Cardin can intervene, surprised to see him paying genuine attention, and not flicking paper at Jaune.

"Precisely, Mr. Parker. Thank you," Oobleck acknowledges as he speeds back to his board, delving deeper into Remnant's history.

Class eventually ended and I finished packing my bags, I glanced over to see Cardin engaged in a conversation with Velvet. Intrigued, I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Listen... um, I'm... sorry," Cardin offers his apology, surprising me with the sincerity in his tone. He even bows slightly as he speaks, demonstrating a level of humility I hadn't seen from him.

"Oh, uh-h, t-t-thank y-you," Velvet stammers, clearly taken aback by Cardin's unexpected gesture. After a moment, she takes a deep breath and adds, "And I forgive you."

As Cardin rises from his bow, he adds, "And I hope in the future we can become friends."

"I-I'd like that," Velvet responds, expressing a willingness to move past the animosity of the past.

The unexpected turn of events leaves me thinking, "Well, that wasn't in the script." Suddenly, I'm hit with the realization that I might have just messed with the timeline. Panic sets in briefly, and I can almost hear Doc Brown yelling at me about the consequences of altering the past. After a quick internal freak-out, I try to convince myself that maybe, just maybe, it's not the end of the world. It's probably just a small tweak, right?

Shaking off the worry, I decided it was my time to leave and head to the warehouse. As I approach it, the exterior seems a bit weathered, but hey, who am I to judge a book by its cover? Time to see what's inside.

Inside the old warehouse, I find 20 AK units standing dormant. It's time to put them to work. I set up my computer, connected it to my laptop, and downloaded preprogrammed AI onto some chips. Plugging in the chips, I power on the AK units, and they all come to life.

Pointing at the AK units, I give them instructions, "You ten, clean up the warehouse, and the others, work on assembling the machinery for the consoles." They followed my commands diligently, and with that settled, I left deciding to do something else in the meantime of them cleaning and constructing the machinery for my company, which I decided to name 'Grimmfall Studios' I walk around Beacon looking for something to do. Oh like, is Cardin still going to listen in on Jaune, probably not since he turned over a new leaf but I should still check anyway nothing better to do.

Later in the night, with the broken moon casting an eerie glow, I decided to check in on Jaune and Pyrrha. I climb the side of the building where their room is located, making sure to remain inconspicuous. Cardin's window is closed, which is a relief. As I observe, I hear people talking, and I cautiously peek over to see Pyrrha and Jaune and catch the end of their conversation.

"Pyrrha, I'm sorry. I don't need help; I need to improve by myself," Jaune says to Pyrrha before leaving the rooftop. Pyrrha is left standing there with a somber expression. I pop up from my hiding spot.

"Yo, Pyrrha, why so sad?" I called out.

Surprised by my sudden appearance, Pyrrha quickly composed herself. "Oh, Bell, I didn't expect you. Just some team stuff with Jaune," she explained.

"If you say so, but if you need anything, just ask," I reassured her.

"Thank you, Bell. I appreciate it," Pyrrha replied with a smile.

"Pyrrha out of curiosity why do you want to be a huntress?" I ask.

Pyrrha looks to me and smiles "I aspire to become a Huntress and make a difference by protecting people. It's been my dream since I was a child. Helping others and being there for those in need, that's what being a Huntress means to me. What about you Bell?"

"I... want... to be a huntsman because I have the ability to help people and why not save those who can not save themselves, I can't just stand by and let others do all the work."

Pyrrha looks at me, her eyes reflecting understanding. "That's a very selfless reason, Bell. Wanting to save those who can't be saved is a noble aspiration. It seems you have a strong sense of responsibility and a genuine desire to help people."

I nod, appreciating her understanding. "Yeah, I guess so. it's something I feel like I have to do."

Pyrrha smiles warmly, "Well, Bell, it's clear that you have a hero's heart. I believe you can achieve great things with that mindset. If you ever need support or someone to talk to, you can count on me."

"Thanks, Pyrrha. I appreciate that," I say, feeling a sense of camaraderie.

During our conversation, Pyrrha's expression changed, and she started inching closer. "That time you stood up to Cardin, that was very mature of you," she complimented, her eyes fixed on mine.

"Oh, that? It was nothing," I downplayed.

Pyrrha continued, "A lot of people wouldn't think of standing up to others, let alone using only their words. That's admirable." Her eyes remained focused on mine, and the proximity was making me nervous.

Before things could escalate, a notification pinged on my device, alerting me that Minecraft had finished downloading. "Oh, sorry, something came up. Gotta go," I hastily said, turning to leave.

However, Pyrrha seized my hand. "Wait," she requested.

When I turned back to my surprise, Pyrrha kisses my cheek. I find myself standing there, still processing what just happened. Pyrrha, seemingly unfazed, gives me a warm smile.

"Goodnight, Bell," she says with a hint of playfulness in her voice, before gracefully leaving the rooftop.

I stay rooted to the spot for a moment, feeling a mix of surprise and confusion. It's not every day that you get kissed by a legendary Huntress, after all. The night air seems to carry a subtle change, and as I watch Pyrrha walk away, I can't help but wonder when messing with Cardin might have unintended consequences, maybe it changed the timeline a little too much.

As Pyrrha's figure gradually fades into the night, I find myself staring after her.

You know Pyrrha has a nice ass. I continue to stare.

It's funny how one simple action can set the course for a cascade of changes. I never anticipated it, but I'm still conflicted about what happened, But I can only say this, I'm sorry Jaune.


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