
RWBY: The Silver Eyed Gamer

Our main character dies and gets the gamer ability. He then gets thrust into the world of RWBY. Watch as he goes through his new life in another world. ___________________________________________ I am not going to display all the abilties of the gamer like hp, stats, exp, e.t.c. It would take to long and I'll have to show it for everything so it's just easier for me personally

Asce · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 2

Exactly 2 years has past and so far life has been great. I managed to gain new shadows from Grimm. I took more Beowulfs as Fenrir can lead them. The others are:

Salamander: I managed to find some giant lizards Grimm in some caves. It was a nest and the mother was the queen. She a lot of potential to grow. When I turned her into a shadow she was at Igris level and still is. I also made shadows of some of her kids. They grew up fast as well. They breathe fire and control it at will. They also have tough claws, strong jaws and scales which helps them while hunting.

Nevermores: The oversized pigeon from the show. Yep them. I got a few of them. Their leader is at Igris level as well.

Deathstalkers: Remember the scorpion looking Grimm that chases Pyrrha during initiation. Yep I found a lot of them and now they work for me. Their leader is also at Igris level.

Snakes: I found a bunch of snakes in the forest. However the best one and the leader in my army is a black snake. She is a 50 feet long snake. She is also highly venomous. A perfect addition my army.

So as it stands my fleet consists of:







Scarlet( leader of the salamanders)

Queen( leader of the nevermores)

Sting( leader of the scorpions)

Fenrir( leader of the wolfs)

Selena( leader of the snakes)

13000 Shadow legion soldiers. (This includes all the other Grimm that turned into shadows)

So yeah I have gained a lot in 2 years. As for level it's been a challenge. The deeper I went and fought stronger oppentents I gained more levels however it takes a lot of them to gain enough experience to do so. I am now at level 39. It has been a slow process.

Now though it's time to get my final shadow. It's a dragon Grimm. It's basically a a lizard with wings that can shoot lightning. I want him so bad.Its time to hunt.


I am now here at his den. When I look at him he looks even cooler up close. He has the same Grimm design of having bones on him.

He notices me. I give out a demon grin and taunt with my aura. It worked and it's charging at me. I dodge and jump onto its back. As it starts to fly I stab him. He gives out a large screech.

He then begins to roll around to get off him. I let go bit I use Kaisel to take me closer.

" Beru. "

I summon Beru and he gets to work. Beru right now is the strongest as he is the only one with the general rank. That and he's been excited to have a fight.

I watch as Beru literally tear this Grimm a new one before bringing him to me.

[ Name: ????

Rank: General

Level: 1


" Your name will be Zekrom. " A Pokemon but goddamn that Pokemon is badass. It's a black dragon who can use lightning. Life is great right now.

[ You levelled up. ]

I go up one level.

" Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggghhhhhhh...."


With this over I decided that it's time to go travel. I'll go to different places to get new shadows. This includes humans.

However it seems that the gamer system just likes to mess with me. Right in front of me is a gate. A motherfucking gate.

" Yolo!!"


Once I'm inside all I see is snow. I turn around and see the gate turn red.

" Are you freaking kidding me???!! Screw let's just get this over with. "

I used sense combined with my aura to try and find the boss. But it seems lady luck is on my side.

" Come out I can see you. " I say.

" Interesting. I'm surprised a human like you could see us. "

" So why are you here? "

" Simple. To make you a deal. "

" Hmmm.. "

" Either you join us or die. "

I just look at him while looks back at me. This deal is stupid.

" No thanks. "

" Then you die. " He says as all of his soldiers get ready to attack.

" Can you really take us all? You're all alone. "

" Am I? " I say.


" Am I? " This human is strange. He's all alone. We out number him yet he isn't afraid. I thought it was a fake just to calm his nerves but right it looks like the devil is right in front of me.

I was about to question him when Something came out of his shadow. Soldiers. Shadow soldiers. As I was about to move I was held down. I felt fear. My heart was beating. His bloodlust is to strong.

" Go and kill them all. "


It seems this is the same red gate where Jin Woo failed his first extraction. Life decided for a do over.

As my shadows destroyed the army I engaged their leader. I rushed at him and used by daggers. He blocks them and goes for a counter. I saw it coming and dodged before driving my knife into his wrist.

" Gahhh.. "

As he drops his dagger he tries to punch me but I dodged and make some distance between us. He looks at his wrist before calming down and focuses on me.

I just walk towards him while holding my daggers. He starts to get buffer. I use gyo. It seems he using aura to enhance his stats.

He charges at me and tries to strike me. I dodge each one of his strikes before returning it. I punch in the stomach lifting him off the ground after covering myself with Ten.

He keeps attacking and I keep dodging, blocking and retaliating. My hand to hand is pretty good. I decide it to end this so as he comes in with his dagger that he dropped I blocked it before cutting off his arm.

He yells out in pain but I use this chance to go behind him and snap his neck.

[ You level up ] x6

Looks like I levelled up. 6 levels huh. I guess this army gave me some levels.

" Arise. "

Instantly most of the shadows come out including the leader. I look at the leader. He's at Igris level.

" Link. Your name is now Link. "

After naming him I called all my shadows back before leaving the red gate.


" Sweet freedom!!!"I yell as I got out the gate.

After that beautiful side track I decided to leave and head into town. I need information.