
RWBY: The Silver Eyed Gamer

Our main character dies and gets the gamer ability. He then gets thrust into the world of RWBY. Watch as he goes through his new life in another world. ___________________________________________ I am not going to display all the abilties of the gamer like hp, stats, exp, e.t.c. It would take to long and I'll have to show it for everything so it's just easier for me personally

Asce · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 24

As the bullhead come over the city Nova got up and went to the doors. As he opened them he looked at the city. The city itself was probably no different than others except for the huge walls they have to keep out Grimm.

" Hey you know I can just land right? " The driver said.

" I know. " Nova said as he jumped and started to plummet. Nova had no fear but excitement. However as the ground came closer

' Kaisel. '

He rode Kaisel to the wall where he saw people there. He went and returned Kaisel as he landed. He was then meet with soldiers who were faunus.

" Who are you? Why are you here? "

" I'm here to deal with the Grimm invasion. "

" I see. They sent a kid! "

" Hey dude calm down. "

" Are you kidding me?!! They sent a kid for this! They are just not helping because were faunus!! "

" If your just going to rant can you at least point me towards the mayor? " Before the guy could rant his friend stopped him.

" Go to the central hall. He's there. "

" Okay. Thank you. "

Nova then headed there while looking around and found something interesting.

[ Branwen Tribe Cannon Fodder

level: 7


' So Yangs mother is probably here. They probably use the invasion to steal everything. Hmm let's mess with them. '

Nova then sent walked past the cannon fodders and put a shadow soldier in there shadow to keep an eye on them.

He then reached the mayor. The mayor was a short person at 5 feet with a moustache, black hair and eyes, and wearing a suit.However his most defining feature was the hawk wings on his back.

" Hello I'm here to take out the Grimm. " The mayor just stared at him.

" They sent a child. They sent a fucking child. I have lost hope in humans. "

" You know what just let me have the ability to look around the area, have none of your men bother me and your problem will be solved." Nova said in a bored tone.

" You think you can do it? "

" I see no adult hunters here. Yet here I am doing there job. Just shut up give the order. "

" Fine. " He then grabbed a piece of paper, wrote something in it and gave it to Nova." Now let me go drink to drown my sorrows. "

' Sigh. The reason why most didn't choose this mission is because they don't want to die.Grimm invasions can almost always end up with the total destruction of a city. That and some of them are faunus racists probably so there's that. '

Nova then headed outside the walls and managed to find the path that the Grimm will take. While looking around he sensed someone watching.

' Alright. Since this is the way they will attack the options they have are from the air and on land where they are in plane sight. However I'll have Scarlet be underground to deal with those threats. For the air Kaisel, Zekrom, Queen and some shadow soldiers will do.

The rest will help me on the ground. Raven is here but she will lay low to see what I can do. For now let's use sleep gas and some good old bombs. A few pit traps and some classics should do to slow then down before I can slaughter them. '

Nova then made clones of himself and they went to do what they needed to do. They made holes so the Grimm would fall into them to die from stabbing through spikes. He even made traps that throw bombs at them and release sleep gas using wires.

As this was happening someone was watching from the trees. The person in question was a woman. She had long black hair, red armour with black clothes underneath and had a Grimm mask on.This was Raven Branwen, Yangs mother. She stood there on the tree observing the boy in front of her.

' He's been making traps this entire time. He came in on a beast that resembles a Grimm but at the same time it isn't. Also why would a child come here and who allowed this. Let's see what he can do later. Hmm. '

In front of her Nova his looking at his surroundings while a Ursa was behind him. It tried to attack him but Nova just dodged it's strikes without his face changing.

However he decided It was better to end as he has better things to do, so faster than Raven could see he disappeared and reappeared with the Grimms head in his hand.

' He moved faster than me! He is a threat however he hasn't noticed me so let's just observe him. '

' So she won't attack me. She will probably just watch me. That's fine. I'm not strong enough to defeat her yet.'

[ Raven Branwen

Spring maiden

Level: 140


' Level 140. It seems i can see the levels of the maidens now. Qrow should be behind her in level as he doesn't have maiden power boost.When he comes I'll compare .

For now let's finish the traps. Once done I can get some sleep. '

Nova finished a bit after evening and headed back to sleep while having some clones near the traps so no wild Grimm activate them.


The next morning Nova headed to the place where the Grimm were going to come. While doing so he had a milkshake in his hand and just sipped it without a care in the world.

Raven on the other hand was annoyed by the way he didn't seem to care about his surroundings but she kept it in.

' I haven't even meet him and I already hate him. '

As Raven pondered her sanity an explosion shook the area. Nova noticed it was one of his traps for explosions.

' Seems it has started. Let's get rid of the ests down below. '

Nova summoned Scarlet and other salamanders to dig under ground to deal with them. They borrowed under ground and found the tunnels leading to the city underneath th3 walls.

As they got there they then released fire from their mouths which destroyed all the Grimm in the tunnels.

In the air multiple Grimm came but Nova just looked at them before summoning more shadows to deal with them. They were destroyed moments later.

As for the traps they allowed Nova to wipe out the first batch right off the bat. He used his clones to go forward to Scott and destroy some of the Grimm.

All of them disappeared as Nova got the info.

' Looks they are coming. Let the slaughter commence. '

[ You levelled up] x 12



Level: 144

Money:500, 2, 500, 000 lien



Customised gun: Revolver, Railgun, grenade launcher, mini rocket launcher, sleep gas canisters


Exploding knifes

Customised sword that uses dust to coat itself in that specific dust. Ex: Lightning dust. The sword gets coated in lightning and gets extra cutting power.


Black sword made from Godzilla scales

Aura: Mastered all forms of Nen.Tree climbing and water walking

Planetary Devastation

Semblance: Shadow Soverign.















130000+ shadow soilders