
RWBY: The Silver Eyed Gamer

Our main character dies and gets the gamer ability. He then gets thrust into the world of RWBY. Watch as he goes through his new life in another world. ___________________________________________ I am not going to display all the abilties of the gamer like hp, stats, exp, e.t.c. It would take to long and I'll have to show it for everything so it's just easier for me personally

Asce · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 20

The next day in the morning Nova, RWBY and JNPR were in the training rooms.In front was Nova with a box.

" Weights??!! " They yelled.

" Yep. The extra weight will restrict your movements making it harder for you to move.Youll be wearing them the entire day. However in the mornings you will be doing a morning exercise that I have been doing all this time. "

" What's that? " Yang asked.



" WHAT?? " They yelled.

" THAT ISN'T EVEN A HARD WORKOUT!! " Yang yelled. The others looked annoyed.

" Which is why you'll be wearing weights. " Nova said while taking them out.

" Okay I get it but it's not going to help much. " Weiss said.

* BANG *

She tried continue but Nova pulled a Rock Lee and got their attention. They were shocked and looked at the weights. Their eyes widened as the floor having a large spider crack.

" Still think that this will be easy? " Nova asked.They stayed silent.

" Good now get to work. Once your finished you get to eat breakfast that I'll make for you. "

At his last words their eyes lit up with fire bursting out. They took the weights and started training while imagining Novas food as motivation.

* After finishing the torture *

They were on the floor groaning in pain. Their arms and legs gave up. They were breathing heavily. They just wanted to let go. However they regained their strength when it came.

A soft aroma filled their noses as they rose up from the grave. Just like zombies they mindlessly followed the scent as it lead them to the kitchen.

When they opened the door they saw god in all his glory wearing a black shirt and pants, an apron, and his usual mask while setting the table with delicious food. He then said these golden words,

" Why the fuck are you just standing there? Hurry up and eat before the food gets cold!"

Obeying his order they rushed at the food and enjoyed their meal.


The day was honestly the same. Going to class, listening to the teacher and taking notes while trying not to sleep in professor ports class, enjoying Ooblecks class and the we cut to the scene where everyone is in the training room.

" So I can't train all of you at the same time so I'm calling back up. "

" Wait what do mean by.. " Weiss said.

As she was talking Nova used his fingers to make a cross sign and create 8 clones of himself that popped into existence.They all varying levels of shock. Nova looked at Blake.

" Like I said. Solid clones. " He said as he touched one of them.

" The clones are basically me so they will teach while I have business outside. Have fun."

" Wait. " Ruby yelled but Nova just left.

" Relax. " They heard the clone speak. They looked at them. " We're basically the same as the real one.Also what ever we teach you, you will not teach any one else okay." They nodded." Now come on. We have work to do." One them said with eye smiles.

' However Ozpin will be watching so giving him only wall walking is the best thing. As for shadow clones he won't be able to learn it. '

Each one of them took one of the girls to train.


" Alright Weiss. For the rest of the time till dinner we will start with your sword skills first and then switch to semblance training. For sword skills we will be fighting."

Weiss got out her rapier and got ready to strike. Nova brought out his dust using sword. Weiss and Nova exchanged blows with switching between attack and defence.

" Okay stop. " Weiss looked at him. Nova then went up to Weiss.

" Don't try to fight me. "

Nova then moved Weiss legs to get into the best stance while moving her arms as well. Weiss was trying not to kick him since no one had touched her like this but she kept her cool.

" Okay go through your stances. " Weiss nodded as she went through her stances. She became shocked.

' Its like my body is moving easier than before. '

" I'm guessing you noticed the changes. "

" Yes. This feels incredible. "

" I'm sure it does. Now we will continue sparring. Once we move on to semblance training I'll be making you use it to make glyphs and we will make it so that you will be able to do in an instant. "

" How long with that take? "

" Who knows? It depends on you. We will also do something called wall walking. "


" Blake you can start asking questions now. "

" How did you do that? Was it your semblance? "

" Nope. It was something that I came up with while training. "

" I see. Is that what you'll be teaching me? "

" Yes however it will be with your semblance. However before that we have to increase your aura amount. "

" Why? " Blake asked with a confused tone.

" Simple. The way i make solid clones requires lots of aura. You don't have enough so we will increase it. "

" How though? "

" Simple. By walking up walls. " Blake had the urge to hit him in the face.

" Without your hands. "


" What? " Blake was just confused at this point.Nova said nothing as he walked up the side of the wall. Blake's jaw dropped a little in shock.

" Like I said no hands. Once we increase your aura we will work on the solid clones and get more fighting experience through sparring. Now then let's begin. "

Nova then explained how to wall walk. Blake tried but she couldn't get it on her first try so she flew off the wall however she managed to learn the basics quite easily. Nova made her switch between this and sparring with him.


" Alright Yang for you we will work on you not allowing your anger to show and aura control. "

" Why aura control though? "

" When you use your semblance you are able to move your aura around your body. Which means you can use it different ways like making explosions. "


" Okay you lost me. How can make explosions? "

" By compressing your aura on your palm and then expelling in a short burst. "

" OH. That makes sense. "

" Yep. Now let's get started. " Nova said while rushing at her with punches. Yang grinned and attacked back. Nova made sure to frustrate Yang so her anger shows. When it dies he punches anger Yang on the head and then repeats the process couple more times before switching to aura training.


" Alright Ruby I have to work with you the most. We will start with aura training, then we move on to one on one combat with scythe and finally hand to hand. "

" Okay let's get started!!! " Ruby yelled.Nova karate chopped her on the head.

" Easy Ruby. This will take a lot of time and I will basically break and then repair you in a never ending process. Are you ready for this because once we start there will be no complaining. "

" Yes I am ready. " Ruby said in a confident tone. Nova nodded.

" Good let's get started. "

Nova first started teaching Ruby the wall walking which she learned pretty easily.

' She's a prodigy. She learns faster by doing. With the right training her hand to hand will be as good as her sisters. '

Nova then had her fight against him with her scythe. He gave out pointers on how to move and she soaked things up like a sponge. Her hand to hand began pretty slow but she got a bit better.