
RWBY: The Silver Eyed Gamer

Our main character dies and gets the gamer ability. He then gets thrust into the world of RWBY. Watch as he goes through his new life in another world. ___________________________________________ I am not going to display all the abilties of the gamer like hp, stats, exp, e.t.c. It would take to long and I'll have to show it for everything so it's just easier for me personally

Asce · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 16

The sun rose over Vale as Nova woke up from his nap. He tried to get up but couldn't as there was weight on his chest. He looked down and saw a black haired girl on him with car ears.

' Oh wait that's right. She slept on me yesturday. Let's wake her up.'

" Blake wake up. " Nova said while shaking her.

" 5 more minutes. " Blake mumbled.

" But if you don't then you won't get any fish."

Blake snapped her eyes open and lit up.

" I'm up. Where the fish? " Blake looked around but saw nothing until she saw Nova and the position they were in. She then remembered last night and quickly ran to the bathroom while blushing hard.

Nova didn't comment and just got up before quickly doing his morning routine. For his 10 kilometre run he just blasted through the streets to get it done.

He arrived back at the room and changed into different pair of clothes. Blake came out wearing her usual clothes.

" Want to get some breakfast? " Nova asked.

" Sure. "

" Great. I know I great place that sells pancakes."


At the store Nova had ordered a pancake that was covered in Banana Macadamian Nut paste while Blake got one with chicken.

" So what's the plan? " Nova asked.

" Hmm what plan? " Blake asked. Nova just gave her a deadpan expression.

" Blake I know your going to investigate the White fang so please drop the act already. Also monkey boy get down here. "

Blake looked up and saw the faunus from yesturday.

" How did you know I was here? " The guy asked.

" I saw your tail sticking out. Anyway who are you? "

" Names Sun Wukong. "

" Nice to meet you. But seriously why were you following us? "

" Well I wanted to speak to her. " Sun said pointing to her.

* Time skip of Sun and Blake talking*

" Well I want to know what the white fang are doing in Vale. " Blake said.

" And put a stop to it. Well I know where they are going to be. There's a shipment of dust coming to Vale. "

" And the robbery happened at a dust shop. "

' Okay I'm done with this shit. Let's just give them the details. '

" Okay I'm going to simplify this so listen up." Nova said. Blake and Sun looked at him.

" The shipment of dust coming here is from the Schnee company since the White fang hate Schnnes. And using basic villian psychology they will do it at night so we just wait till then. "

" Thats it. " Sun said.

" Yep. "

" Okay. Then what do we do in the mean time." Blake asked.

" Anything we want. We will just meet up at the docks at 11. Sound good. "

They just nodded. Nova then took his leave.

" He's seems like a pretty cool guy. " Sun said.

" He is. " Blake said.

" So what will we do now? "

" Like he said. Anything we want. " Blake said with a smirk before leaving.

" Hey wait for me. " Sun yelled as he gave chase.


Nova walked through the streets of vale enjoying the view while eating his ice cream he got from a store.

' Still can't believe they have one with cigar in the name. '

Nova then held his hand before it turned black.

' Hmm armament was tricky but learning how to use after that was easy. Focusing my aura onto my skin and increasing the density would give me this.

Conqueror was a but hard to control but it worked out. Using it on students who were up at night helped.

However I haven't been able to use it on a wider scale. The cannon fodder I'll be facing will make nice test subjects.

For now through let's go get some paper. I'll start writing chapters for food wars.


No. The only thing that can satisfy me to gain the attention of everyone is to write swort art online abridged. '


" Finished. " Nova said. " Took a while but I finally made the first few chapters. Though I have to go meet up with Blake and Sun. "

Nova got up and went to the docks and saw Blake and Sun watching from the roof of a building. Nova just walked behind them.

" So what's the plan? " Nova asked. Blake gave a small jump from fright while Sun just screamed in terror.

" Didnt know you could have such a high pitched voice. " Nova said.

Sun rubbed his neck from embarrassment.

" Yeah. My mom says it's a gift. "

" I see. Got a plan for when they get here."

"For now we will just observe and then make our move. Before then we will not engage the enemy." Blake said


" White fang brothers why you helping this human? " Blake said while holding her weapon at Romans neck.

' Sigh this is annoying. I knew she would do this but really. Do not engage and then she engages. '

Blake then started fighting Roman.

' Now she's fighting Roman. '

Sun soon joins in.

' I swear the fact that his nun jucks are guns is so cool. Well anyway let's get some practice in. '

Nova walked towards the other cannon fodder.

" HEY what are you doing? "

" Walking towards you. "

" Seems we got a smartass. Everyone get him. "

' Should I make a cheesecake? '

" I don't know boss should we? The guy is walking to us with his hands in his pockets and has no weapon. "

' Hmm. There was that one video on earth of that guy who made a Oreo cheesecake.'

" So? "

" Doesn't something seem off about him. "

' Hmm I'll try making it with a cookie bread and ice cream in the middle.'

" Just shut up!! He is just one guy while we out number him. I think we can handle this now kill him. "

" Ahhh... "

The cannon fodder rushed at Nova trying to stab him. Nova just stood there as he watched them get closer.

However an invisible force fell onto each of them as they got knocked out and fell to the ground. Nova just stood there thinking about his creation.

" HEY you animals load the ship. " Roman yelled. However he stopped in his tracks as he say if the white fang fodder on the ground.

" Blake. " Ruby said as she arrived with Penny.

" Heard gun shots and came here. What happened? "

" Roman and white fang members were stealing dust. Me and Sun tried to stop Roman but he was getting away but Nova already knocked them out. "

While Blake and Ruby talked Nova was staring at Roman.

" Well clock work orange fan we meet again. "

" Black how nice to see you. How have you been. "

" Pretty good. Though the assignments are pain sometimes. "

" I can relate to that. "

" Anyway I have to ask how will you escape this time. "

" OH Black. After our first encounter I realised that I had to find a way to beat you. But I got nothing until it finally hit me.

My special technique that will allow me to win every time. "

" Really. Well use it you have my full attention. "

Roman smirked.

" The name of this technique is... " Roman then bent his knees as he charged.


In the opposite direction pushing past Sun Blake and Ruby who were shocked by his decision to run.

' How the fuck is there a goddamn Jojo reference here ???!! ' Nova thought calculating the reasons why the reference was here.

' Well whatever. He's gone and I'm stuck here with this question. Screw it let's just think about that cheesecake. '

Soon the cops show up and take the fodder into custody. Weiss tells Blake she accepts that Blake is a faunus and everything is okay.

" By the way. Nova why are you here? " Yang asked.

" I helped Blake track them down. Anyway I have a favor to ask. "

" What is it? " Ruby asked.

" I have an idea for cheesecake that uses cookie as the bread while the filling is ice cream and I need taste testers. "

" Okay. " Yang said.

" That sounds delicious. I'll try it. " Weiss said.Blake just nodded. Ruby was silent. Yang got worried.

" Ruby is something wrong? " Yang asked. Yang then shook her.Ruby then fell over.

" Ruby!! " Yang caught her.

" Did she short circuit after hearing cookies with ice cream? " Blake said.

" Yep. " Weiss and Nova said.

" Well anyway since we are done here let's go back and get some sleep."

" Fine with us. " Yang said. Yang picked up Ruby as they headed back to their dorms.



Level: 132

Money:500, 2, 500, 000 lien



Customised gun: Revolver, Railgun, grenade launcher, mini rocket launcher, sleep gas canisters


Exploding knifes

Customised sword that uses dust to coat itself in that specific dust. Ex: Lightning dust. The sword gets coated in lightning and gets extra cutting power.


Black sword made from Godzilla scales

Aura: Mastered all forms of Nen.Tree climbing and water walking

Semblance: Shadow Soverign.















130000+ shadow soilders