
RWBY: The Silver Eyed Gamer

Our main character dies and gets the gamer ability. He then gets thrust into the world of RWBY. Watch as he goes through his new life in another world. ___________________________________________ I am not going to display all the abilties of the gamer like hp, stats, exp, e.t.c. It would take to long and I'll have to show it for everything so it's just easier for me personally

Asce · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 10

" Carden blah blah 3 side character's blah team CDNL. "

* Clapping*

" Jeanne Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, Lie Rin, Nora Valkari. Your team will be team JNPR led by Jeanne Arc. "

* Clapping. Same as the show*

" Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladona, Weiss Schnee. Your team will be team RWBY led by Ruby Rose. "

* reaction same as the show*

Nova watched as the events of the show happened. He wasn't surprised and just waited.

" Last but not least Silvers.D.Nova. "

Nova walked onto stage. RWBY and JNPR looked worried for him as he doesn't have a partner.

" Silvers.D.Nova. Usually I would have to expel you since you don't have a partner but like all of us in the room you can clearly handle yourself even without one. "

He showed the fight of Nova vs Echo Minotar horde as well as his fight against the three nevermore. Even was shocked. Makes sense to. In front of them was a student same age as them being able to handle Grimm all by himself without any problems.

For RWBY and JNPR they were shocked by his fight against the nevermore. Ruby and Jeanne just looked in awe. The others also looked impressed. Yang was having thoughts about asking for a spar. Pyrrha was the same.

" As such you will be Beacons first lone man team. Team SLVR( Silver). Congratulations. "

There was applause as Nova walked off the stage. Ruby ran over and hugged him again.

" Ruby why do you keep hugging me? "

" Because it's like I'm hugging a giant stuffed toy. "

' I'm reduced to being compared to a stuffed animal by a 15 year old girl. Sigh this is going to be a common from now on isn't it. '

" I see but can you let go now. " Ruby pouted before relenting and letting go.But immediatly after thar Yang hugged him.

' Really? Sigh goddammit. '

" Rubes is right. You are like a stuffed animal. "

" I see. Can we at least talk about this after we settle in to our dorms? " Now Yang pouted before relenting.

They headed towards the dorms. They talked about a few things while Nova just stayed silent. Soon they went inside their rooms and looked around. Nova left them to their business while he went to his.

During the walk he checked the Scroll given to him by Gylnda.

[ School Scroll

Having it allows you to access the schools resources like it's training room, swimming pool, gym and other facilities.

Also their is a hidden tracker in he scroll.


' So that's how Ozpin knows where they are.He is diffently a stalker with this kind of security.'

As Nova entered his room he looked around and it had way more space since he was the only one there. He threw his belongings to the side before leaving.However before he left he used his aura to check the room.

' So there are cameras and microphones in the room. I was correct and it explains how Ozpin knows what's happening. Sigh I'll need time to hack into the system. Using it a can use it to download important info and keep an eye on Oz.

It'll take time though since I'll need to use the school scroll. Having that tracker placed in it will be my backdoor into the system.

For now let's go to the roof. '

Nova headed towards the roof and later down. He looked at the sky and how peaceful it is. He then closed his eyes and went into his mind scape. He learned this after expirementing with other abilties with aura mainly occulmency from the Harry Potter universe.


Inside his mind we see a bunch of other Nova around a table. They all have serious expressions with numbers one their heads signifying which Nova is talking.The original who entered his mind doesn't have a number. There are 5 extra Nova.

Nova: Alright listen up. First step was a success which was getting into Beacon.We know what's going to happen so letting plot happen is better.

However after the fall of Beacon anything is fair game. Saving Pyrrha will change the plot from then on as Salem would probably change tactics but we don't know that yet so we will wait and see.

The true reason for this meeting is to classify Ozpin. Reading RWBY and watching the show has shown many inconsistencies in Ozpins character that just doesn't make sense. On top of that most of the fan base has been divided for his character as a whole.

Some say Ozpin is evil after analysing his actions while some sympathize with his backstory and suffering. Learning about his character will make it easier for us to interact with him since he literally is a gold mine to use to get stronger.

Any thoughts.

1: I would say he is a tragic character. From the series we know that he had a family but then he died. Salem ended up bringing him back to life and got cursed which led to Ozpin getting blessed by the light god.

This means he lost his children when fighting his now ex-wife while also explaining why he had no plan.Salem is immortal. He probably tried fighting her himself but couldn't win which lead to him doing whatever he did.

Over his many lives his emotions were then crushed every time because as his friends die in that era he keeps coming back to the world of the living. He wants to die but can't and has been living in hell for a long time.

4: That's true. It is tragic. But we can't also forget about his stupidity with the schools. He made chambers for the 4 artifacts and kept them under schools hoping for the students to protect it, however we know how this goes.

What's also stupid is his decision on not using them. The best combination would be using the Knowledge artifact to learn about Salems 'kryptonite' by asking it and to explain the full weapon in detail then using the creation artifact to make it. Then use it on Salem.

5: Makes sense. As for being evil I think a better term would be the fact that he flew to close to the sun and got burned. With him trying I'm pretty sure he lost most of his emotions and is just a dead man inside.

This is probably the reason why is a stalker.After living through multiple lives he watched people die and probably couldnt handle the betrayal of someone who considers a friend.

Best way to prove this is Qrows statement to him after what he was hiding gets out.

2: Makes sense. By keeping those things in the dark Yang and Qrows reaction made sense. In fact all off their reactions made sense.

They had hope that the artifacts could be used to kill Salem and help stop this war but Ozpins backstory ended up drowning that hope.

3: I think the best way to describe Ozpin is a man who lost his will to go on. He tried doing everything he could. The maidens. Made them to help everyone defeat Salem. Didn't work. Hid the artifacts because he was afraid of the gods coming back to destroy everything. Didn't matter they left and would never come back unless all are used at the same time.

In the end all of his decisions were just not rational. Most of his ideas ended up helping Salem. Maiden powers. Capture one and they can take on a whole army by themselves. His solution don't take away the power from them but instead kept them hidden with a man with bad luck as protection.

The 4 schools didn't work as a single virus got threw security and throwed the 4 kingdom's in chaos.

His actions after that were correct as everyone would probably hunt the maidens down for power as well as the artifacts.But he assumed students would protect the school. Why would they? It's a building. It can be rebuilt.

After all he's been threw I think he just stopped making rational decisions as he just wollowed in pity as he just couldn't go on which led to the utter bullshit decisions he made.

In the end he is just a sad broken man.

Nova: Sigh. The bullshit writing produced by rooster teeth caused this. Ozpins character has been missed up but I agree with everything.

Since we are here let's just end this war between the couple. I swear the reason was also bs. They had one argument which led to the war.

Sigh we'll think of a plan after we obtain the Knowledge artifact. There are still pieces of info we need.Plus this conversation about his character was so that we can find the best way to speak to him.

To end this war both Salem and Ozpin have to die. Once that's over the world will probably have balance again.

For now meeting adjourned.



Level: 92

Money: 2, 500, 000 lien



Customised gun: Revolver, Railgun, grenade launcher, mini rocket launcher, sleep gas canisters


Exploding knifes

Customised sword that uses dust to coat itself in that specific dust. Ex: Lightning dust. The sword gets coated in lightning and gets extra cutting power.


Aura: Mastered all forms of Nen.Tree climbing and water walking

Semblance: Shadow Soverign.














130000+ shadow soilders

Alright this chapter was about Ozpins character. I have gone online to check Ozpins past and what he has done but the writing from rooster teeth for his character makes no sense. He is portrayed as a man who used logic but after looking at what he has done only idiotic decisions.

If any of you have a problem with my reasoning please give an answer to this problem as I do not understand his character at all so this is my take on his character.

Ascecreators' thoughts