
RWBY: The Rose Dragon

A young man died to the mighty truck-sama and you know the rest. Wishes, rebirth, and a crazy time. Join the MC as he hunts Monsters, Demons, prowler of the night. Zzzzzzzz ah I fell asleep oh is that a bird or a giant nevermore. Yes that right welcome to remnant.

D1ablo_5016 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Starting Training

(Would just like to say before anyone read this that the weight measurements are correct I am assuming people in RWBY-verse to naturally stronger especially those with aura even if it was show in the manga or anime)

A bang on his door caused Daemon to startle awake as he sat bolt up right on his bed. His grandfather entered the room dressed in baggy khaki combat trousers and a white tank top. Arms crossed over his chest.

"Up and at 'em Lad! Its 6 o'clock you should be up and ready by now and starting but since its your first morning training I'll let it slide this time but you 5 minutes so move, MOVE, MOVE!!!"

With this said his grandfather pivoted on one foot and left the room leaving Daemon in a panicked frenzy as he rushed to get ready. Daemon quickly threw on a pair of light faded grey tracksuit bottoms, a white t-shirt and a faded light grey hoodie. A pair of short white ankle socks and a battered pair of trainers.

Having gotten ready Daemon quickly rushed to join his grandfather who was just out front of the house and came to a stop in front of him. After a moments silence his grandfather said to walk to the edge of the village gesturing with one hand him to follow over his shoulder as he walked ahead. Once they got to a small clearing his grandfather turned to him and began to speak.

"Right my boy today we will not be training rather assessing your current level of fitness and ability. Your first task is run as map laps around the settlement as you can within an hour. The circumference of the village is exactly 1.21 miles. Your ultimate goal is keep running for as long as you can."

With this Daemon gave a nod of acknowledgement and understanding to his grandfather. After a moment of standing there his grandfather barked at him "Well what are you waiting for you lazy maggot get running! GO! GO! GO!"

With this Daemon took off at a light run drawing an unseen look of approval from his grandfather as he mentally took note of his form and found not flaws to correct before muttering to himself with a sigh "This boy really is a prodigy if only I had longer to train him." His form was perfect, he was clearly trying to pace himself and his stride was measured. After this he wondered if the boy would use his aura to enhance himself

(14 minutes later)

Daemon was breathing freely feeling invigorated rather than tired even as was only metres away from passing his grandfather on his first lap. Feeling Daemon decided to speed up feeling that he should be able to complete the laps still. He past his grandfather without a word and continued.

Once Daemon had past him his grandfather's face could be seen holding a look of shock at the speed the boy had kept and energy he clearly still had. But what really caused his surprise was that he couldn't feel the by using aura at all to enhance himself making his achievement all the more impressive. Normally only a 2nd year or above huntsman in training or athlete could hope to do the same without aura. Let alone at 5 years old, with proper training the boy would be a monster. After that he wondered whether the boy even knew that he was able to use his aura to make himself stronger, faster.

(46 minutes later)

Daemon had managed to 5 laps in the hour he was given but now was feeling a little tired. He had stopped with his grandfather after his last lap before his grandfather led him to a clearing a little bit away from where stopped.

The clearing was a large basin behind a hill 15 minutes away from the settlement. Surrounded by a large oak trees and dense foliage that would hide the area from sight. The basin its self was around 35 metres in diameter and sat about 7 feet beneath the rest of the surrounding terrain. Near the centre of sat a small picnic blanket and a long cylinder shaped item wrapped in a blanket.

His grandfather smiled as he looked at the basin "Your mother made this area for her and your father to train in. Her semblance had an earth manipulation while your father's was a fire creation semblance that let him make fires but he couldn't control the fires. Well then follow me."

His grandfather then slide down the slope in the basin before sliding down the incline of the basin to the bottom. Having done so he walked towards the picnic mat. Seeing this Daemon followed his example sliding down the side of the basin and heading towards the blanket.

Once in front of it his grandfather his grandfather gestured for him to sit and handed his a banana a slab of flapjack and a bottle of water saying "here you haven't had breakfast yet have you? Eat this." Daemon took the offered items and began to eat and drink. One this was done he and his grandfather sat in silence for 15 minutes to let the boy digest it before his grandfather stood up and picked up the blanket wrapped object before gesturing for Daemon to do the same.

Once they had stood up grandfather led him away from the blanket and started to show him different stretches for each muscle and muscle group such as the seated trapezius stretch, shoulder stretch, triceps stretch, lower back, hip flexor stretch in three planes, hamstring stretch, quadriceps stretch and the calf stretch as apparently these were both the easiest and most important stretches to do before training. His grandfather spend almost an hour showing him how do each one and then making sure that his form was correct and that they were done properly.

After this was done his grandfather unwrapped the object in the blanket revealing two wooden swords and a two small wooden dumbbells. His grandfather then picked up the dumbbells and did a few curls with them before smiling at his grandson and asking "So my boy how much do you reckon these little wooden dumbbells weigh." Before putting them on the ground in front of Daemon who attempted to pick it and barely managed to lift.

Realising that he wouldn't be able to lift it otherwise he quickly activated his aura and started curling it before abruptly stopping hearing a gasp from his grandfather. Turning to him he saw the shock written plainly across his grandfathers face he asked with a concerned tone "Grandpa are you okay?". His grandfather in response gave a boisterous laugh and said "I am more than alright my boy just surprised. Tell me have I have told what my semblance is?" Quickly wracking his memory Daemon gave a shake of his head before his grandfather continued "My semblance allows me multiply the weight of an object that dumbbell you just curled weighs exactly 1 tonne. I was surprised as I didn't expect you to be able to lift it is all"

After this worked through several different sets of free weights exercises using the weights doing 20 of each set causing a burn to start in his muscles even with his aura active. After doing eleven different exercising do 3 set of 20 repetitions on each his grandfather finally declared that he was done and handing him a sandwich telling him was mid-day and that he should take a break. So Daemon took a thirty minute break eating his sandwich and drinking some water before his grandfather finally he threw one of the wooden swords at him making react quickly and catch it by the hilt.

This drew a smile from old man as he raised his sword and got into fighting position arms raised about his head sword angled down at diagonal across his body ready to strike or deflect, his torso tilted to lessened the surface area presented to his opponent so they had less area to strike, his knees slightly bent and his right foot in front with his left back both in line with his shoulders. "You have a good reaction time boy but lets see how you fight!"

Daemon put only his right hand on his sword which he held at waist height, His body only slightly slanted, his knees slightly bent. His grandfather fought the urge to sigh thinking "Well I knew that the couldn't be good at everything" before making a quick hard swing at the boys left side when suddenly Daemon deflect the wooden sword knocking it aside by the tip and the quickly rapping his own blade on his grandfather's inner left knee, then his left shoulder before bringing the wooden sword down the old mans right collar bone and then resting the tip on the now kneeling man throat. His grandfather let go of his sword and held up his hand as an indication of his surrender thinking to himself "The brat fooled me. All of those flaws in his stance were traps in order to goad me into attacking him. Slippery little Bastard." Before letting out a great bellow of laughter as Daemon moved the tip of the sword from his throat and helped him up before quickly put him in a head lock ruffling his hair.

"You my boy are going to be the greatest huntsman alive by the time I have finished training you. However now before dinner I am guide you through meditation to help you achieve the next level of aura strengthening. For the next three hours his grandfather guided him until he could begin to strengthen on specific parts of his body although his control over wasn't perfect in response to which his grandfather just twitched and muttered "Monster" under his breath.

After that they returned home where his grandfather cooked his up a steak telling him that he would need the protein that it would provide him after his day of training. After this he showered and brushed his teeth before going to sleep.

His grandfather poured himself a bourbon and pulled out the diary of all the tings that he needed to teach the boy and all his family techniques so that he could pass it onto the boy when died so that they wouldn't be lost. However, his mind was occupied with just how strong his grandson was and how monstrous his instincts and abilities even without training were. Nonetheless he couldn't wait to see how far the boy progressed in the time he had to teach him.

(The next day)

Daemon was awake at four in the morning which surprised his grandfather who told to go gather the gift he had been given on his birthday the bracelet and the wooden staff and sword. The training for today started with him wearing the bracelets which had been set to weight a tonne between the four, 250 kilogram each. One bracelet was worn around each wrist and he was told to do 5 laps of the settlement and that the end goal for this part of the training was for him to be able to 10 laps of the village in 2 hours while wearing the weights.

(90 minutes later)

Daemon had finally completed the five laps around the village and was now panting to recover his breath and felt tired. His grandfather had given him the same breakfast as yesterday and a 30 minute rest break. After this Daemon was forced to rise and prepare to do his stretches for which he was told he could remove his bracelets as well as warm-up spar with his grandfather. After this was told to put them back on and give his grandfather two hundred punches with each hand and two hundred kicks with each leg although thankfully the weight of the bracelets had been reduced by 75 kilograms each making them weigh only 175 kilograms. His grandfathers reason for this that Huntsmen's weapon are heavy especially mecha-shift weaponry

This took almost three hours as his grandfather only counted them if his form was perfect. Now however he was being asked to give 100 sword swings straight down, straight up, diagonally down to the right, diagonally down to the left, diagonally up to the right, diagonally up to the left and left and right strikes horizontally with a wooden sword that his grandfather had used his semblance on to make make it weight almost 300 kilograms.

After this Daemon was taught various sword and staff katas for around 2 hours before his grandfather started their meditation today however he didn't make a breakthrough although he did almost master strengthening and channelling aura into only certain limbs. After this they went home and had a nice beef burger with chips for dinner before Daemon went to bed and his Grandfather continued to fill out his journal mindful of the strength that his grandson really possessed.

Okay Guys was orignally going to cover the training ssection chapter in one go but decided I would the start of it then another chapter as a time skip to the end of the 5 months of training. I was advisied to make my paragraphs shorter and have attempted to do so hopefully it is a bit better than the last chapter.

D1ablo_5016creators' thoughts