
RWBY: The Rose Dragon

A young man died to the mighty truck-sama and you know the rest. Wishes, rebirth, and a crazy time. Join the MC as he hunts Monsters, Demons, prowler of the night. Zzzzzzzz ah I fell asleep oh is that a bird or a giant nevermore. Yes that right welcome to remnant.

D1ablo_5016 · Anime & Comics
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Death and wishes you know the drill

(Ok not sure if this is necessary as it is my first time writing a fanfic. But all content and rights to RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth and Skyrim to Bethesda and Fate to Kinoko Nasu. Would like to say that it is not a crossover but some Skyrim and Fate content will be used)

A young man had been forced to leave the house by his parents as he was an extreme introvert with few social skills or friends yet his parents didn't understand this and thought he should go out more leading to his current situation. He stood under a door way in the middle of town attempting to avoid a heavy downpour of rain that had started a few minutes ago. He was a little pissed off as he could be at home playing his video games or reading the latest updates of his favourite fanfiction but no here he was in the middle of town at least a 40 minute walk from his house and the rain intensifying with each minute that passed.

Deciding he couldn't really wait for the rain to stop the man zipped up his jacket and pulled up his hood and started the journey home. After 15 minutes the rain had intensified to the point he could barely see 10 feet in front of himself. As he thought to himself about how when he got home he would be finally be able to read his fanfiction and game he gave a sigh of contentment when he spotted a little girl crying over a doll she had dropped in a puddle in the middle of the road. Looking around for the girl parents shielding his eyes with his sleeve he spotted a bright light piercing through the thick curtain of rain and in a panic ran and pushed the little girl out of the way as a truck appeared from the mist and hit the young man.

He just had the time to think to himself "Shit, I guess I will never get to read that update... hehe I wonder if I will get reincarnated..." before whispering aloud "goodbye Mum, dad" before the world flashed white and then everything went black.

The boy then opened his eyes and he was sat in front of a familiar man with white hair that seemed to glow with a rainbow of colours giving a brilliant hue under the light, a white cloak and a wooden staff in hand as his purple eyes glittered with mischief and amusement.

"FUCCKKKKKKKK!!! WHY IS MERLIN FROM FATE HERE HE IS LIKE THE ULTIMATE FUCKING TROLL. I AM SO FUCKED!!!" the boy screamed in his head, his eyes cast down his hair casting a shadow over them. As he looked he saw Merlin poking the ground with a stick crouched over with a small rain cloud over his as he whimpered to himself 'I'm not a troll I am far more handsome and smart and handsome and did I mention handsome' trying hard to ignore Merlin's obviously great sense of humility he awkwardly spoke up "So why am I here? I'm dead aren't I?"

Merlin immediately perked and practically teleported in front of him his whole body surrounded by sparkles his face was almost an inch away from the boys face causing the boy to lean away slightly as Merlin announced with a wide mischievous smile " You have been brought here to be reincarnated by the great me, Merlin! So what do think?" The boy immediately deadpanned at the man's smile and response "yeahhhhhhh.... Thanks, but no thanks just send me to heaven or whatever" and attempted to turn away.

Merlin instantly grabbed his shoulders and begged him to give a chance and that it would be fun and how the boy could go on a great adventure but the boy still refused so Merlin used his trump card and started "I will grant you three wishes..." before being interrupted "yeahhhhhh no thanks." Merlin sputtered "Wha.. Wha.. What?!? But wishes?" He protested weakly before saying "how about if I give you five wishes?" Before the boy turned and with a pained sigh as Merlin still gripping his shoulders in a painfully tight grip before releasing him as he heard his response and jumping up and down in joy and asking "So what do you want to wish for? Remember you have five wishes."

The boy then scratches his head and thinks about what he could wish for as remembered all of the different novels he had read and what they wished for and how overpowered they became before deciding.

"Merlin I have decided on upon my wishes, First I want to reincarnate as my Skyrim character with all of his skills, abilities, equipment and powers. Second I want to be reborn but only really become conscious at the age of 5. Third I want to be reborn in the world of RWBY a year before Ruby is born, in a settlement near the Grimm lands but for me to remain safe until I regain my memories. Fourth I want to dictate my semblance, I want it to be similar to the tori tori no mi: model phoenix but with a dragon instead while still having the ability to regenerate and use flames and the ability to control the heat of the flames to 5000 degrees to -5000 degrees. And finally the ability to use Fuinjustu from Naruto."

After this there was a long pause between the two as Merlin looked at he boy before saying "I can't give you all of your inventory, shouts or magic especially as you liked to use the fortify restoration loop and duplication glitch. It would simply be to much"

The boy then asked "How about a compromise?" as Merlin looked at him with curiosity, "How about I can use shouts but as a form of glyph like Fuin using the words that are used on the word walls and it doubles as another semblance alongside my Fire dragon semblance. While you let me keep the illusion and restoration school of magic and the spells from the destruction school. I will exchange conjuration and alteration for a version of Armament Haki that can be taught to others that had been passed down as a family secret. Finally just let me keep my stalheim swords, bow and daggers and Deathbrand armour and Chillrend and Dragonsbane and all the ores, food and potion ingredients my character had and convert the septiems to lien and in exchange for all my godly items you will also give me silver eyes."

Merlin thought about and scratched his chin before saying "Okay that's doable and it would make things more entertaining... Ok lets do it... Also I will throw in a unlimited inventory as you had like a fortify carry weight ring with like almost ten million. Also I like the idea of using the words and fuin so I will also add the enchantment aspect to the semblance but they will need to be injected with aura for them to work as soul gems don't exist but you may also be able to use dust to fuel them, I'm sure that you will work something out. The Haki is doable and it won't use up aura and can be taught to others as i think it will make things all the more interesting for me to watch. I can give you the weapons you asked for be they will nerfed except for on your almost ten million damage Chillrend however it will only be useable in certain conditions much Artoria's lance. The armour will be all but indestructible but i will allow it. The weapons will be slightly better than most as the materials are better but will, without enchanting still be normal weapons while using your magic will be slightly different more freeform rather than just 5 spells for each element. I will also let you keep the food, ores and potion ingredients as a thank you for the entertainment in advance. Also I am going to slightly alter the logic of the world so it isn't abnormal for you have a harem so long as you are a strong male due to good genetics and the threat posed by the Grim. Also I will grant you the silver eyes and something a bit special that you can work out when you get there. Also knowing the reason you asked to be born so close to the Grimm lands and Summers mission will happen shortly after your fifth birthday when you regain your memories. Just so that you know the only reason you have been given what you have is because three of your wishes were based on the circumstances of your birth."

As Merlin said this he waved his wooden staff over the boys head causing a glittering light to wash over him as his vision turned white and he heard a whisper of "Good Luck Daemon Nix-Ebon" before he disappeared.

After the boy had disappeared he wondered if he had given the boy to much before laughing and then sighing "Oh well, it should be fun either way" before then snapping his fingers, " Oh yeah I forgot to tell him I put unlimited cookies into his inventory so he can bribe the little rose, heh he will work it out I'm sure." and then disappeared in shower of flower petals.

So this is my first time writing not sure if its any good it is more a product of boredom than anything else but please review and let me know.

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