
RWBY The Elden Rise

Elden Ring is undoubtedly one of the best games to be released in recent years. One day, several Elden Ring players woke up in worlds that were not theirs, but that was not all. Before arriving in these new worlds a strange voice told them that they all had one of the numerous bosses of Elden Ring sealed within them. Jasper is one of these people and finds himself in a world that is strangely familiar to him. Why did he end up here? which boss is locked inside him? So many questions and so few answers.

caleb_flint · Video Games
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Next step !

The Beast Clergyman stood in front of him sitting in the middle of the void but did not seem to react to the presence of jasper, only breathing noises and grunts escaped his mouth.

Surprised Jasper approached slowly but surely to see if he had noticed his presence but when he did this he noticed that the beastly cleric was asleep.

"Well...it's unfortunate...I would have liked to have exchanged a few words with him."

He went around the imposing beast to observe him more closely and he was truly impressive.

He never really noticed it when he was playing the game but seeing it in real life was something else.

Impressive or not the fact that he is asleep does not help Jasper who would have wanted to learn more about his link between him and Maliketh or Gurranq...

He had a doubt about how to call him when he is in this form.

He remembers a debate among the players, some saying that Gurranq and Maliketh were the same person while others said they were two different people. Personally he always considered that the two were the same guy so he was going for Maliketh in the end.

While walking around Maliketh his eye was attracted by something on his left hand. It was a medallion with symbols engraved on it and some red crystals implanted in it.

When he saw the medallion he immediately recognized what it was.

'The Rune of Death...'

Jasper crouched down to look at her more closely and several thoughts crossed his mind.

'The famous rune of death...if being linked to Maliketh allows me to access his skills that means that I will be able to have access to the destined death....it's a bit op. '

Immersed in his thoughts, he stretched out his hand and placed it on the rune. When he touched the rune he felt a vibration run through his body and a sort of aura of white energy began to emanate from his body.

To his surprise the same aura emanated from Maliketh's body who at that moment let out a grunt and woke up.

Confused he looked around and his gaze landed on jasper. Suddenly he let out a roar so powerful that Jasper had to cover his ears and closed his eyes.

It was literally an angry roar and it was so intense that he felt like his brain was going to explode at any moment. When the roar finally subsided he opened his eyes to see that he was no longer in the void but back in the room.

"Did he...did he just kick me out of my own mind?!....Pretty rude!"

He let out a sigh and decided to leave it as is for the month. Suddenly his stomach rumbled like an earthquake. Two days without eating, it was obvious that he needed to eat.

He stretched before getting his ass out of bed and heading towards the door. He left the room and went down the stairs to be greeted by a ball of white and black fur.

a small corgi dog was in front of him, wagging its tail happily. Jasper leaned over and patted her head.

"Looks like zwei likes you!"

Jasper turned his head to see Tai sitting in a chair next to a table on which were several plates with different types of food.

"Come on, sit down, I bet you must be starving."

It was not necessary to tell him twice because he got up and sat down at the table before starting to eat from the different dishes on the table.

Tai just looked at him with a smile on his face seeing the young man devouring the food like a hungry beast.

He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out what appeared to be his scroll then turned it on and started looking at stuff on it.

Seeing this, Jasper slowed down in his rampage against the food and decided that it was a good time to get more information from Tai.

" I have a question ?"

"Hmmm what is it?"

"Where exactly are we and do you live here alone?"

"That's two questions! Are you sure you know how to count?" He said with a mocking tone and a smile on his lips but Jasper just looked at him with a poker face.

"We are currently on Patch Island and no I don't live alone, I live with my daughters Ruby and Yang but they just got accepted to Beacon Academy a few days ago."

Perfect, now he had a better idea of where he was in the timeline of the series and I noticed that he had arrived at the beginning of the first volume.

Jasper nodded to Tai's answer and resumed his meal but Tai continued to talk.

"If you don't mind, I have a question too."

"Of course, tell me?"

"You really don't remember anything before your fight against the Ursa and what do you plan to do now?"

"Ha! That's two questions not one...."

This time it was Tai who looked at Jasper with a poker face identical to the one he had made earlier.

"Well as I told you earlier I can't remember anything and as for what I plan to do I don't really know...maybe find a way to earn money I think."

Hearing this, you didn't respond, he seemed to sink into thought and Jasper looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Well...you can stay here in the meantime if you want!"

"Wait what? ....Seriously....are you really sure?"

"Yes... since my two daughters left it's only me and zwei here so you can stay if you want."

"Wow...thank you really!"

"Hmph you're welcome."

Jasper finished his meal then cleared the table and headed towards the stairs to go back to the bedroom when Tai called out to him.

"Before you went back up there I had something to tell you."

" What do you want to tell me ?"

"Well you see... when I found you your clothes were really torn by the ursa..."

At that moment Jasper looked down to see that he was simply dressed in a white t-shirt and black shorts. With everything that had happened he didn't really pay attention to what he was wearing.

"Ho! I see...."

"I had to throw away your old stuff, but follow me!"

Tai motioned for him to follow him, which Jasper did and they arrived in a room that seemed to be Tai's bedroom.

Tai bent down and picked up a box which he placed on the bed before turning to Jasper.

"This box is full of old clothes of mine when I was younger, I tried different styles of clothing in my youth in order to find the style that suits me today so I think you should find what suits you among these clothes."

Once that was said, Tai left the room to let Jasper change.

Seeing everything Tai did for him, Jasper really wanted to find a way to thank him because he was really lucky to have met someone as generous as Tai since he arrived in this world.

He started looking through the box to find something that suited him. There were all types of clothes as Tai said but Jasper had trouble finding clothes that fit him.

After several minutes, Jasper finally found a set of clothes that went well with his appearance.

For the top he found a dark gray hoodie that continued down the back with three straps at the end, short sleeves with writing on the right sleeve and a large collar that formed a hood. Underneath the hloodie he kept the white t-shirt and for the pants he chose dark gray pants with brown bands on the thighs as well as a pair of gray sneakers with white soles. It all went well with his messy gray hair and black eyes.

He left the room and went to see Tai, who when he saw him gave him a thumbs up with a big smile.

"Not bad at all! It really suits you!"

Zwei barked in agreement with tai and Jasper bowed in thanks.

"Thank you very much for everything you have done for me, I made sure to find a way to pay you back!"

"Haha don't worry about that! Go and rest, you need it!"

Jasper nodded with a smile before going up to the bedroom and lying down on the bed.

* Sigh*

He let out a sigh before focusing on what mattered now.

'It's time for me to take the next step... should I get to Beacon as quickly as possible to meet the main cast as well as take part in the storyline or should I stay back and take another path...'