
The Black Assassin Has returned

Four years had passed since Mesa became part of his new family. Current, Mesa was in the courtyard having spare with Yang.

"Stop dodging and fight like a MAN" A red eyed Yang said with tone filled with anger.

Last year, yang joined signal academy for combat and unlocked her semblance. Her semblance considered one of the strongest in the academy, her semblance allowed her to store the damage received and unleash it back at her opponent amplified. This allowed here to be the top of her class in combat. She was proud of herself until she asked for a spare with Mesa. After her first spare with him, her pride completely shattered as she experienced a crushing defeat.

Since then she trained harder in order to beat Mesa, but even after a year the gap seemed unchanging. With Mesa beating her overwhelmingly.

Right now, Yang was dashing in the direction of Mesa, while packing as much force as she could in her punch. Before her punch could touch Mesa's face, he stepped to the side dodging the punch. Such a scene could be seen repeated continuously as no matter how Yang attempted to hit him. He will always manage to step to the side or duck below her attack.

Her range was growing as she screamed " You are only good at running and sneak attacks. Stand and fight like a true huntsman ".

Mesa gave yang bored look while thinking [Even though i doubt any proper huntsman will fight in such a barbarian way, I'm still not a huntsman but an assassin, doding and sneaking is my speciality] Even with such thoughts Mesa stopped dodging and decided to attack.

He charged at yang with calm face. When Yang saw that she decided to take him head on. When they got close to each other, they punched at the same time. However, only Yang took the damage as Mesa's punch connected with her face and pushed her to the ground without being able to touch Mesa.

Mesa looked at the fallen Yang and said " Remember straight punch always faster than an arked punch"

Yang looked at him back with a pissed off face and said " next time i will definitely beat you"

Mesa only replied with "OK , good luck next time" and went back to the house

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Inside the house, Taiyang looked at Mesa and said "you won again, didn't you"

Mesa replied " Of course, Yang still has a long way before she could fight me"

Taiyang smiled " don't get arrogant, it's still to early for you to be proud of yourself, you still have a long way go. Anyway, tomorrow is your first day in signal academy, how is your preparation ?"

Mesa answered " You don't need to be worried about me, i'm not blinded by my pride. And everything is ready"

With that Mesa left Tai and head back to his room.

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Mesa sat in his room thinking [ it barely took me 1 month to master gravity manipulation. But when it came to amaterasu and Kamui it took me a whole 4 years. Now only Tsukuyomi and Susanoo left ]

[ Tsukuyomi requires many people to be my training targets, while Susanoo need a deserted place considering the size. Quite troublesome. Thankfully i have my kamui to teleport me ]

Mesa proceed to check his body [ my physical strength already that of an adult thanks to my aura reserves. My aura is far greater than yang's, it is almost like comparing an elephant to an ant. Is my aura reserves are the result of my eyes perks or maybe my semblance, after all my semblance shouldn't be my eyes but i still didn't unlock it. Maybe my semblance is huge aura reserves. Well, it doesn't really matter]

With that line of thoughts, Mesa went to sleep.

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In the morning, Yang and Mesa were heading to signal academy.

Yang told Mesa " If anyone bullies you, just let me know. I will beat them up for you"

Mesa said amused " Says the one always losing against me"

Yang replied with huff " Jerk "

Mesa smiled and said "i will talk with Tai about your language"

Yang paled and said " I'm sorry, you are the best in the world"

Mesa smiled smugly "Better"

It didn't take long for Mesa and Yang to reach their destination. Mesa look at the academy and thought [ It's actually bigger than i thought ]

They proceeded and entered the school. Mesa was separated from yang as he was a first year while Yang was second year.

The rest of the day was relatively calm for mesa, as all his classes consisted of simple math, history and some combat basics.

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At the end of the day, Mesa was heading to the school entrance to meet with Yang, when he saw yang screaming at a three older students.

" Return my bag !!" Yang said

" Not before you beg my brother forgiveness" the first senior said

" I didn't do anything wrong to apologize, it was a match in the combat lesson and he lost"

" It seems we need to teach you a lesson " The senior threw here bag in the air, then brought his weapon out, which was a dual machine guns with a blades attached to the barrels, what followed was the sound of bullet and a bag filled with hole dropping on the floor.

Yang exploded with anger, her eyes turned red and charged at the senior with the machine guns. However, before she could reach him the other two forced her to the ground. Yang tried to get free but to no avail. The two were at least 4 or 5 years older than her, she simply couldn't overpower them.

The senior spoke again " It seems you still haven't learn your lesson. Let's see why don't we shave your hair maybe you will learn the lesson"

When yang heard him talk, she became afraid. She cared and like her hair alot.

" oh.. Afraid now, you should have apologized from the beginning. Now apologizing won't do you any good hahahah …." The senior evilly

Mesa looked around, many students were watching but none bothered to help or were too scared to help, some even were watching the show while laughing. [ mmm… all of these students are watching, but none helping. They say the aspire to become great huntsmen and huntresses or even hero. But with this atitude, they are even worse than me. Seriously, at least i won't take initiative to bully the weak. That's too boring]

Mesa then spoke out loud " 3 seniors, who are almost graduate, are ganging up on a girl at least 5 years younger than them. Your bravery amazed me."

The trio leader laugh came to halt and looked at the voice source angrily " oh, pretty boy do you want to play the hero? You know what, if you don't want to end up like her, come here and apologize then cut her hair hahahaha"

Mesa tilted his head and said " you want me to apologize? Cut her hair? You do realise you are going against the school rules, you will get punished if this goes on"

The senior said with anger " don't play smart with me, you either come or prepare to end up just like her " pointing at crying Yang

Mesa looked at them briefly before a thought ran across his mind. [ Why am i even talking with them? Did i grow soft ? the old me would have killed them just for talking to me in such a manner ]

The Senior mistook Mesa stillness for fear and said with a smirk "now do what i ordered you or i will break your legs "

Mesa look at yang again and thought [ Staying with them corrupted me, this can't continue] then his eyes trailed to the senior [ I must return to my old self, this trash will be my first kill in this world]

Mesa started laughing as he realised his mistake, he became too soft. Now he knows what he should do next. While Mesa was immersed in his thoughts, the senior started to get angry and said " little bastard, did you go insane because of fear ?"

Mesa stopped laughing and looked the foolish prey before him, he gave him a bloodthirsty smile and said " Afraid ? not at all, i just realised a mistake i was about to make. Actually i'm happy that i met you today. Now, i know exactly what i should do. Therefore i have decided to thank you, by giving you a painless fast death" Mesa smile grew even wider.

The senior and the both of his friends felt fear for some reason, it wasn't only them. Even yang and all bystanders had the same feeling. They all watched Mesa walking while grinning madly toward the trio.

The trio decided to bring out their weapons and pointing them at Mesa. At this moment, they were terrified, they felt as if a deadly predator staring at them. Mesa was still walking slowly toward them. The trio started to retreat slowly while the leader spoke again " You better stop, or we will shoot you"

Mesa still grinning madly at them said " you think your little toys can harm me? It seems you still don't understand, it pointless to run or to fight for only death awaits you hehehehe" his laugh caused every student present to shake in fear.

The three started shooting bullets at Mesa, but what happened next scared them even more. Mesa's eye pattern changed, what followed was all the bullets passed through Mesa, as if he was a ghost.

When the trio saw this scene, they started running away from Mesa in the opposite direction. However, before anyone could react or register what happened, Mesa stood in front of the trio again.

The trio stopped moving completely, then fell to the ground. When everyone present looked at the trio on the ground, They saw a pool of blood, the trio blood , They were lying lifelessly on the ground.

Yang and every student witnessed the sight were completely horrified. Mesa looked at the result of his work and thought [ With this, the old me is officially back. The Black Assassin has returned]

Mesa walked toward Yang and stood a meter away from her. Yang looked at him with fear, but he didn't care. He simply said " I got to go now. Send my regards to ruby and Tai, Goodbye Yang".

Mesa eyes changed again in front of Yang, this time she noticed the pattern, it wasn't the usual one, it was different. A completely new pattern she has never seen before. A spiral appeared nearing Mesa eye, Mesa was sucked into the spiral and disappeared before Yang, just like that.

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