
Beginning Of The Tournament

In Ozpin's office, three people were present talking about Mesa's show of power.

" We can't sit and watch like this Ozpin!! There must be something we can do " Said an extremely worried Ironwood

" Calm down, James. What do you want to do?Arrest him? I doubt he will be cooperative with you " Ozpin replied with a tired voice

" He is dangerous and unstable!! He won't hesitate to kill or threat people for childish reasons. You saw the destruction he caused!! We have to find a way to deal with this monster " Ironwood argued

" He is not a monster, just a misguided child with too much power. I know he would show extreme reactions and won't hesitate to harm and kill others. But similarly, he didn't use his power to bully or oppress the others. As long no one proactively provoked him, he won't harm others. In addition, everytime he killed was related to protecting his friends and teammates " Glynda defended Mesa

" What if we provoked him without even knowing? You saw what he did out there, that kind of destruction was not a joke, it was a disaster. With that kind of strength, if he attacked my fleet, he will destroy the whole fleet with a single move !!! " Ironwood said

" Calm down, both of you. You fears are spot on James. However, we can't act upon it. If I don't count myself, then Glynda words are true, he holds too much power but he didn't use it for his personal gain or for oppressing others " Ozpin said

" You said he doesn't like you , so he keeps attacking you. Isn't that a prove, he acts like unreasonable child!! " Ironwood said

" But Ozpin still here!! Mesa's actions at most could be considered an annoying pranks, he didn't go overboard or caused harm to Ozpin" Glynda defended again

" Didn't he attack you and Ozpin in his initiation?? He nearly killed you and Ozpin!! Why are you defending him? " Ironwood was really getting angry now

" Because we attacked him first, beside his hostility toward us was because of Ozpin acting like a pedo, no offence Ozpin. I interacted with him long enough to know he is not a bad person at core " Glynda replied without backing down.

Ozpin on the side twitched hearing Glynda referring to him as pedo, Ozpin coughed to get their attention then said " For now, we can't do anything against him, regardless of the reason. The tournament will being tomorrow, we can't go and cause a scene now. That will make the people worried and afraid "

" You think they are not? After showing that kind of strength, I won't be surprised if everyone in the Vale and in the rest of the kingdoms are terrified by his existence " Ironwood replied with sarcastic tone.

" Actually, it is the other way around. People are not worried or afraid of him, in fact they are glad to have. Thanks to his talk with Lisa, Everyone came to view him as a hero and selfless person who will protect the lives of others no matter what the price he is going to pay " Ozpin told Ironwood

Hearing Ozpin's words, Ironwood was silent. Ozpin continued with a worried tone " He stopped an army of grims and gave the masses a sense of safety that we couldn't have done. No casualties on our side or the civilians side, some of the faunus who were supporting The White Fang stopped. Without him, Vale would be in unstable situation of fear and worry. He prevented all of that with single move and a little talk."

Ironwood and Glynda listened to Ozpin, they could hear the worry in voice, Glynda asked " He helped us this time a lot, yet You don't seem happy by the results, but rather worried, why? "

Ozpin answered " I don't know, his actions and words are inconsistent. What is his dream? What does he want in life? What is he intending to do? Every person I met, I could see an ambition or a dream, there is always something driving people to move forward, a wish, a dream, a desire. There are always actions or words that hint one's ambitions. But I couldn't see anything through Mesa's words and behaviour. I observed him for months but I'm still unable to get the slightest hint. He is definitely not on Salem's side, but not on our side as well. He definitely know about her, but he doesn't seem to care, our whole war is insignificant in his eyes "

" I don't think he knows, if he does, there is no way he could consider a threat to the whole humanity as insignificant, right?" Glynda asked

" Do you remember when he said if he and his brothers joined hands then they can bring down kingdoms to their knees?" Ozpin asked

Glynda and Ironwood nodded their heads, Glynda was present when Mesa said it, while Ironwood was informed of all details of the conversation back then.

Seeing them nodding, Ozpin continued " At that time, I thought it was a figure of speech or some exaggerating to show how strong they are. Now I know he said a simple truth. Mesa could cause that kind of destruction Without breaking sweat or looking tired. I'm willing to bet he can use that move multiple time successively. Mesa said he and The Black Reaper are equals and they couldn't defeat each other. Their third brother is the scariest among the three, he can summon monsters and control minds. If these three fought together they can easily crush any army. Considering all the power they hold, do you think they would care Salem and our war? I have a feeling that if Salem did anything to piss any of these three off, then everything she build for centuries will disappear in a single day. For now, we should focus on the queen's pawns in Vale. Let's hope those pawns will invoke Mesa's wrath "

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The next day, The tournament was about to start officially. Port and Oobleck were giving a fast introduction about tournament rules. Mesa was standing next to his team and team RWBY.

" Lucky for you, Your match going to be the first. You got to break legs early on. As for us, we have to wait till the fourth group " Nora said with envy

" Good luck, guys " Ren said

" I hope you will have flawless victory " Pyrrha said

" If you lose, I will spread your dirty secrets " Mesa said

" Thank you guys… Wait! What dirty secrets? What do you know? " Weiss asked with surprised look

" I know few things, you can count on that " Mesa's smile became slier by the moment

When the girls looked at Mesa's smiled, they believed he is up to no good. This smile is the one appear on his face, everytime he humiliates Ozpin. The four girls shivered thinking of this monster gunning out for them.

" Shouldn't be you wishing us luck instead of … stressing us " Ruby asked

" Nah! You can fight best when you can't afford to lose. Trust me, I'm true to my words hehehehehe" Mesa's eyes started rotating, he seemed like a demon preparing to commit the greatest evil.

<< Team RWBY head to the arena please >>

" It's our call … Let's go" Yang said. the four of them headed toward the arena as fast as they could.

" They are too fast !! I have never seen them running this fast before. Your words actually worked" Nora shocked

" Of course" Mesa said with pride

The other two sighed.

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In the arena, team rwby stood facing their opponent from Atlas academy. Yang spoke to the rest of her team " No matter what. We have to win this. For our secrets!! "

" Did you actually believe him? " Weiss asked

" he always know all kind of stuff. I won't be surprised if he knew things no one of us want others to know. We have to win !!" Ruby said with serious face

" It's not worth the risks " Yang added

The four of them nodded with serious faces then looked at their opponents.

When the Atlas team saw the four girls staring at them like their lives depended on it, they started to have a bad feeling about this. They felt as if they were preys waiting for slaughter.

Port voice rang " Let the match being "

Ruby screamed " GET THEM !! DON't LET ANYONE ESCAPE "

The four girls attacked madly.

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In one of Vale's bars, A middle aged man sat there watching the first match in the tournament. He reeked alcohol and his face flushed slightly. The man watched the match with surprised face.

Originally, he thought he was going to watch a fight between two teams. But the current situation didn't look like a fight between huntsmen. It was more like an angry group of bandits attacking village guards.

Team RWBY members were attacking relentlessly without any kind of mercy. The man saw this kind of fights before. But usually it involved like and death scenarios not in tournament matches. The man looked at the cup in his hand and said " It must be it, I'm seeing things"

He paid for his drinks, then stood up. He murmured to himself " Time to meet the brats"