
RWBY: The Beginning Of The END

The first and therefore strongest Enderman was supposed to be killed by the scourage of its race but instead woke up in another world very different from its own. What was it to do? Its creator was dead, its home was destroyed, and it couldn't teleport to any location it had previously known, so what was it to do? Obviously, steal anything and everything. (I'm going to have a lot of fun with this story) (Rwby AU + my own Minecraft lore)

Nxgen_Snail_Kota · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

1.3 - An ugly world

But first I have to get used to this revolting scenery.

Seriously, it all looks so disgusting with its unblocky shape that I want to puke up my nonexistent brunch? Is that what -Thanostruck4457- screamed to the one named "Bitch" before he suddenly vanished?

Meh, I'll figure it out later.

For now, I must get accustomed to this unsightly area if I am to explore the rest of this weird realm, I wouldn't be surprised if everything was as unblocky as the trees surrounding me at this moment.

Teleporting a short range over to a tree I punch the trunk as hard as I could wanting to collect some blocks for later use just in case, but instead of breaking and turning into a smaller version of the trunk, I blew a hole in the tree as the trunk had shattered into many pieces, and as the splinters pelted the ground around me the top half of the tree fell backward putting me in a state of shock.

I honestly have no words as of now.

This realm and my own have completely different rules as it seems.

I think this will be an issue.

It may be a long shot but you never know, maybe this was just a fluke so let's try once more just in case I did it wrong.


5 hours later





What the fuck is wrong with this place?

Nothing here makes any sense!

Where are my items? My blocks? Where the fuck is my crafting table?! Why can't I make tools!? I know mother said that the power to craft and mine was unique to -Thanostruck4457- and the villagers but shouldn't I at least see some semblance to normality in this place?

Everything is so bizarre here!

I can't even collect blocks, the single best racial pastime of my entire species cannot even be participated in because blocks don't even exist here, it all just turns into shards or pieces too small to even pick up with my fingers.

Not the dirt!

Not the trees!

Not the fucking leaves!

Not the cobblestone!


Nether, the closest I got was picking up an entire tree and holding it out but it just didn't have the same feeling as blocks did. It was just uncomfortable.

And the sweet berries were no better.

It looked like I could pick them up with just two fingers!

Back in the overworld I already hated them with a passion as they had nothing on chorus fruits and they looked like those nasty spider eyes, but now with them not even being blocks it was so much worse that I involuntarily shot at it with my End-Beam.

I'll be honest, it was not my best moment.

I'm just glad no one was here to witness me freaking out.

Let's just say it was not pretty.

I tried to find a cave and see if I could partake in "Mining" But there were no caves at all. I went around 500 block squaredius but found no caves, I even tried digging straight down, dumb I know, but it was my only option.

But I still found nothing!

Are caves even a thing here?!

And how come I haven't seen a single mob? Not one monster, and not one animal not even a villager has been seen, other than the weird large black mutants there have been it's all just so empty here.

This world feels incomplete. Like all the Mobs that are supposed to populate this forest just aren't here anymore or haven't been introduced yet, I've seen tracks but not the Mobs that made said tracks.

It doesn't make sense!

Did they migrate or something? Do they not live in specific biomes and is that why I've seen none? Are they Nomadic? Why have there been no signs of any villages? Not even an abandoned one has been sighted so where did they go? Did they all die out? Did they get turned into those black creatures? Were they killed by something?

Wait, do Mobs even exist here?

Maker above, all these shocking revelations are giving me a headache.

I let loose a heavy sigh.

I need a break.

Maybe I should stop trying to make sense of everything here.

Give my brain a rest.

This place is going to take some time getting used to so seeing what else this realm has to offer might do me some good in the long run, besides I have to find a location to start cultivating my own realm--or "Masterbatorium" as -Thanostruck4457- would call it.

Don't know what that is but he would always refer to his home base as such so I'd assume it's just another name for home.

I started heading south, and instead of teleporting, I decided to walk the entire way and only use my power when needed so I could find a way to start tolerating the world around me before I lose my mind and chose to just reduce it all to atoms.




A lone girl could be seen walking through a desolate village nearing dusk.


She coughs out walking listlessly through the silent streets, blood running down the side of her leg making her limp around.

"A-are you t-there mother?"

She once again asks, as her eyes wander around.

The previously bright and vibrant yellow orbs, now covered by a sheet of grey.

"I-i don't w-want to p-play t-this game a-any more m-mother"

The girl's eyes start tearing up as she, unbeknownst to her, steps over a bloodied cold corpse with a hole in its chest.

"C-can you h-hear me m-mother?!"

The little girl tries to cry out resulting in her erupting into a coughing fit in the middle of a pile of broken bloody glass.

The girl digs into her pockets and takes out a handkerchief, bringing the cloth up to her face she coughs into it for a little while before the fit dies down, and she drops the now bloody cloth on the ground and starts moving forward once again.

"M-mother? A-are w-w-we s-still p-playing mother?!"

The girl now freighted and alone shouts out.

But no one answered the call.

She had hoped that maybe someone nearby would know where she could find her mother, but it had seemed that all the townspeople were in the game as well.

The girl doesn't stop moving.

If the people were hiding just like her mother were then she would have to find them as well.

Though the girl was tired, she carried on anyway.

If they wanted to play, then she would just have to oblige.

And so even blind, she took a left and entered a shop.

The familiar jingle of the bell let her where she was, it was old man Kenny's candy shop, a nice old man who would often give her free sweets and tell her interesting stories, but he was old and slow. So if he was hiding wouldn't it be in here? The girl thought that Kenny would be an easy find.

But as her tiny hands wandered around the various isles and shelves trying to capture the old man in their grasp she found nothing. Not even any candy.

There was only a quiet dripping noise.

Puzzled she called out to him.

"K-kenny? Did I f-find you?"


It seemed that Kenny was not in the shop.

Groaning in disappointment the girl turned around and walked out of the shop the way she came, not realizing that Kenny was hanging dead from the ceiling right above where she once stood, his stomach opened and his intestines wrapped around his own neck strangling him.