
RWBY Re: Altered

My own telling of the adventures of team Rwby, while I do love the show iv'e always preferred the fan made content from a narrative perspective so this is simply my own take on that. I'm going to try and keep the narrative very close to the original show, the main deviations being character, lore and setting based. While characters are different I still want to present them as the characters from the show but from hopefully a more psychological standpoint. Book 1 will include the events before beacon and Book 2 will start with volume 1. If the title doesn't make it clear this hopefully wont be my definitive retelling of the story, I want to return to this at some later point with ideas I get while writing the books. It will have quite an inconsistent release but regardless please comment if you notice anything off with my writing or if you get bored through any sections. I wont be focusing on romantic elements as much as other fics do purely because Rwby is a mess when it comes to that aspect and I've always preferred writing platonic relationships over characters that just want to bang everyone, when I do write relationships some will very likely end in heartbreak, yes I'm evil.

pulsesplice · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

White (3)

The concert hall mas massive, enough to fit several hundred on the ground floor alone with three more floors set round the edge of the hall topped off with balcony seating for VIP's. All seating was set at a slight incline leading down to a stage that filled a fifth of the hall by itself. Most of the hall was coloured in darker, subdued blues with decorations taking on a lighter, icy appearance with the overall tone brightening as it swept up to the stage. The back wall of the stage had a large, picturesque window as tall as the hall itself, elegantly shaped to accentuate centre stage. The stage itself was flanked by regal blue curtains that pinned up in the centre and dropped down either side. To top everything of all down the hall were lights framed on the ceiling that shone a cyan hue, reflecting off the stage floor.

"Excuse me." Winter muttered as she politely moved through to one of the standing locations near the back of the room.

She quickly recollected herself into her usual poise. Scanning the hall, she could make out the main balcony seating on either end of the room. In one sat multiple officials she had come to know through the years, most of which she noted were vehement supporters, contractors or partners to her fathers' company. No doubt trying to make a good impression on the few who weren't.

On the opposite side sat her father on one side of the booth, her brother Whitley in the middle and her mother on the other side. It was rare to see her mother anywhere near Jacques these days, she had become very distant in the past few years but could never resist hearing Weiss sing.

Speaking of, the girl herself gracefully entered the hall. The first thing Winter noticed was her combat attire that she had donned, peaking over at Jacques she couldn't make out any change in his stiff expression, so he had clearly allowed this, much to her surprise. Though she knew it was what made Weiss the most comfortable in public, quickly noting to get more formal attires made to similar measurements and standards.

Weiss reached centre stage as the lights focused in on her. Winter was a little worried that she wouldn't notice her in the crowd since the only place she could stand was pretty out of sight, mainly due to some… family issues.

Though as Weiss lifted her head and scanned the room she almost immediately zeroed in on Winter, letting out a large but still polite smile and bowing towards the audience. Though she noticed she had ever so slightly twisted the bow in her direction specifically, something that it seemed Jacques noticed too as he sent a quick glare down at Winter before focusing back on the stage.

And so, Weiss sang.

Winter was always impressed in her sister's skill and talent in musical arts, it was easy to understand why the hall was filled to the last person. Her voice echoed round the hall perfectly, almost like she was bending her pitch to lead the very sound to a more desirable outcome. There were no impurities in her voice, no imperfections, every note carried the exactly feeling it was supposed to.

She could only wish it was under better circumstances though.

Around five minutes into the song a voice called out behind her.

"Miss Schnee?"

Winter turned back to notice one of the guards on station.

"The General asks for your presence; you were due half an hour ago."

Winter buckled slightly at this, though unnoticeable she clenched her jaw slightly.

"But I-" Winter stopped her words immediately, this wasn't how someone in her station was to act. Letting out a deep breath she continued.

"Of course, I'll depart now and inform the General of the reasons behind by delay personally."

Following the soldier out the hall she could only get one last glimpse at Weiss on stage, uttering a mental apology before departing.


Weiss finished the song on a high note. As the hall erupted in applause she bowed faintly, looking up to receive a small nod of approval from her father and a small smile from her mother. Quickly rotating her view round to Winter she found, nothing… there…

As the applause continued and only grew louder, for Weiss the sound seemed to dim out into a white noise. She couldn't make out any of the people in the crowd or what they were saying, she only felt her breathing stall slightly and a cold sweat creeping up her back.

Although she stood in front of hundreds of people, she couldn't help but notice how lonely she felt up on the cold, open stage.

Leaving behind a polite smile she left the stage before she began to feel any fainter. Declining the assistance of the numerous servants at hand she made her way to her private quarters off stage.

Setting down onto a chair in front a wide array of mirrors she finally calmed down her breathing as she noticed her eyes watering up slightly. Shaking her head, she sat up straight, looking directly at herself in the mirror.

"You are a Schnee, remember that."

"You are a Schnee despite all else."

"You are a Schnee and nothing else."


Half an hour later she left the room and began walking down the halls, she was supposed to meet some people after the concert, though she ran into a conversation she wasn't expecting to hear.

"Miss Schnee was truly wonderful this evening." One of the men started. "I haven't the faintest idea why she wishes to attend Beacon of all things."

The other was a thin and gaudy man, one of her fathers' secretaries. She recognized him since he was one of the people present at the meetings she had with her father about her schooling, he gave this man seemingly full authority over the tests she was supposedly going to undertake for her chance at enrolling at beacon. It was one of the main reasons she had been training so harshly recently.

"Indeed, though I would pin the influence on her sister." This sentence made Weiss's blood boil.

He continued on. "She can't stop making problems for the company, just because she couldn't perform to the same standards as Miss Schnee, she pushed her off to a career as a huntress of all things."

"Yes, though they balance each other out well. Her sister was well ahead of her combat wise at her age, she's just chasing after a pointless dream."

"Exactly, though its not as if Miss Winter has actually anything valuable to give to her fam-"

"ENOUGH!" Weiss yelled out, causing the two to jump.

Stomping down the corridor she cornered the two, one who, full of shock, looked like someone had killed his cat while her father's secretary just looked amused at the situation.

"My apologies Miss Schnee, we didn't see you there, is there anything you would like to discuss?"

"I heard all of it, don't think you can get away with slandering MY family name like that! I wonder what father would think once he finds out!"

Though the secretary just seemed equally as amused. "I haven't the faintest what you're talking about Miss Schnee, you must have misheard us." Looking round to get a quick nod from the individual now covered in sweat.

"Don't thi-" Weiss continued ranting on only to be cut off by the secretary.

"It seems Miss Schnee is rather worked up after spending so much energy on her pristine voice, we were just simply admiring your performance and the conversation happened to lead into stock shares." Yet again glancing back at the other main present to get another affirming nod. "I would suggest Miss Schnee gets some rest, I'm sure your father would be devastated to know that the performance but such a burden on you."

Wiess made out to shout again but clenched her teeth. The only way she would win over this issue was by pressuring it for months since the two would just speak for each other, it would ultimately just lead to the Schnee family losing face, which the secretary was well aware of, and he knew Weiss wouldn't press further exactly because of this issue.

Weiss barely held a growl in as she just stared up at the cocky grin he presented.

"I'm taking the test now!" She pretty much bellowed out, marching past him to go retrieve her weapon.

"Miss Schnee are you sure?" He questioned back which only made her lose her patience more.

"Of course I am!" She may be a Schnee, she may have to live up to family name, but she won't be pushed on a path forced for her. Not by these people and not by her father.

After a few seconds the secretary spoke up. "Very well Miss Schnee. I will have it prepared in the combat hall."

Weiss just snorted at the reply, storming off with one thought.

'I may be a Schnee, but my life is still mine. I'll honour the family name my way!'

Little miscalculation, will be one more chapter on Weiss. Little details just keep on popping up as im writing it that i didnt plan on but i want to expand on them regardless. Don't really like the conversation at the end of the chapter but it puts across what I wanted it to. Next chapter will mostly be combat, hopefully

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