
RWBY: Path of Blood

A Young Man who was a former mercenary gets transported to the RWBY universe. A tale of the strongest soldier that takes on the greatest monstrosities of remnant. This is my first fan-fic hope you guys enjoy. Schedule: Hopefully Daily Tags: Anti-Hero, Harem, School life, R-18

FrostByte47 · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Chapter 87: Pride cometh Before the Fall

Pride stood in front of them imposingly. He didn't care who stood against him. He couldn't take them seriously. For him they were all the Same. Ants beneath his feet.

"I'm sorry I only intended to demonstrate my power a little bit, I didn't mean to send you flying." He said apologetically, while smirking towards Haruki.

"I mean you really shouldn't blame me, you guys are really fragile. Don't pin this on me it's all on you guys for being so weak..." He pointed towards the downed Haruki. He looked towards Ozpin and his Expression turned serious.

"I'm not here to destroy your home, I'm here to rule it. I can cha- -" Before he could finish talking Haruki used lightning form and came smashing towards Pride. He went all out, he put all of his strength with that strike. Pride stretched out his lean arm and flicked his wrist.

Haruki's strike was swatted away like a fly. He flipped midair and sent a punch with fenrir fangs. Pride waved his hand and caught the punch easily.

Haruki instantly pulled away, he stood a good distance away from pride. Pride was frowning, "Seriously? Do you get off on interrupting people? Not that I care but there's a proper time and place for that..." He said as he raised his eyebrows towards Haruki's direction.

Haruki was silent he was just glaring towards Pride's direction. His form suddenly morphed, into a jet black werewolf. His glowing red eyes peered directly into his enemy. Sparks of electricity were emitted on the corner of his eyes. His blood red fangs thirsts for his flesh. The flame like veins on his claws pulsate with pure power. His Claws that radiate both Heat and Cold couldn't wait to tear his opponents flesh asunder.

On his left arm he held a massive jet black blade covered in scales of a dragon. The blade had a mouth, that opened and closed, as if it hungers for fresh meat. His entire body cackled electric fury, roaming his flesh generating power in every turn.

He disappeared from sight and when he reappeared was below pride's line of sight. He swung his blade upwards. Pride however blocked his strike with ease. But this time Pride was smiling.

"It seems I underestimated you..." He eyes Haruki as he blocked the multitude of attacks from him. This time pride was parrying his strikes to divert the power to the side. Each time he does, the ground shook and the surrounding buildings cracked. The sheer power the two were emitting far surpassed everyone from Beacon's side.

They all had their eyes opened wide, "I thought we saw the extent of his powers. I can't believe we're dead wrong." Yang said as she protected her sister close from the waves of aura that were assaulting their hiding spot.

Ozpin and Glynda were both silent. Ozpin felt that Haruki got even stronger, but he could see his aura. Pride however had no aura emitting from him. But the power he felt from him was suffocating. It terrified him, he probably could confidently say that Pride was more powerful than Him and Salem combined.

He was furrowing his brows. Trying to quickly form a plan to save all of the people int he immediate area. For this is a battle that they couldn't win. A for more powerful than anything he has seen. Second only to the gods of both light and dark but not that far behind.

He was sweating profusely thinking of a way to escape this predicament. He stared towards the bleeding Qrow, "If only I was stronger..." He clenched his fists.

Yang and Ruby were steadily nearing their uncle who was injured, Helping him up. Everyone tended to the injured while Pride and Haruki exchanged blows.

Eris on the other hand had her eyes open wide in excitement. Her smile almost reached her ears as she watched the battle. Aergia raised her eyebrows as she stared towards Eris, "This is probably the first time I have seen you this excited, Normally in a fight you'd always have this bored expression. What changed? is it that guy?" She pointed towards Haruki.

Eris tilted her head, "I don't know? I just feel like we're one in the same. A kindred soul you may say."

Aergia shrugged her shoulders, he stared towards the masked youth, "What happened to you?" The youth just shrugged, "I kinda overexerted myself."

Aergia sighed, "What the hell do you think your semblance is for? You stupid fuck." She insulted his stupidity. The masked youth just shrugged his shoulders and laughed it off.

She turned towards the battle of Haruki and Pride, She observed their battle closely while secretly recording the two off them.

Haruki felt that his attacks weren't working, Pride on the other hand yawned, "I can't do this all day you know, I have a busy schedule. I can't extend play time for like..." He taunted Haruki by staring at his free wrist that doesn't even have a watch. "An hour or so."

Haruki clicked his tongue and stepped back, he reverted to his human form and Sent jet-black dire wolves towards Pride. Thousands of Revenants of Both Human and Grimm emerged from the ground as Haruki brought out Echoing Fury.

"What are these gonna do?" He stared at Haruki skeptically. He motioned Eris to clear out the Rabble that Haruki has summoned. Eris immediately dashed in the middle of the enemies.

She hacked them apart easily, she did it quickly and efficiently. While Pride was observing Eris, Haruki appeared behind him holding both Mournful Vengeance and Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi. He weaved the two blades around slashing madly at Pride.

Pride's wings blocked some of the attacks, but the attacks that went through were blocked by his fingers directly, "I'll give you points for the effort at least." He pushed back with his own strikes matching Haruki's own speed.

Haruki was forced to back away a few steps, "I'm not done yet, let me show you a forgotten technique. Developed by one of the strongest people I know..."

Pride's interest was piqued, "Hoh... Come then, let's see how far that technique could take you!"

He summoned a third Blade, <<FrostBite>>

The blade fell and stabbed the ground freezing it. Pride scoffed towards Haruki, "How the hell is that going to make anything better? You don't have a third hand now do you? That would be creepy as hell."

Haruki smirked, he smiled and bit down on the handle of Kusanagi, He held both Mournful Vengeance and FrostBite on each hand. He steadied his stance while Pride stood there amused, "Hahahahaha!!! What in the hell are you doing?"

'Well this is only in Theory, but I hope I could pull it off...' He thought to himself.

[This isn't the time to be trying out new things kid!] Gluttony chimed in.

'Relax this was inspired by a certain pirate/swordsman that's really strong and absolute weapon mastery plus path of shura can't go wrong with that.'

Haruki dashed and charged his weapons with electricity, His eyes of takemikazutchi crackled electricity as he neared Pride. He activated absolute domain. Power surged from beneath.

Pride smiled wide and anticipated the attack that was coming through him. "Alright come at me!!"

Haruki's aura swirled and when he was a few steps away from Pride,

"<<Path of Shura - Fukuzutsumi Makyusen>> x100,000"

It looked like he had three heads that bit down on three blades each and Six arms that held multiple blades. Is it a mirage? An illusion? Pride didn't know for sure, but he was going to take it head on. He is intending to break it in front of Haruki's eyes.

They clashed head on colliding with one another, and when they passed by each other. Sounds of clashes went on at impossible speeds. Their eyes couldn't even follow only a select few could see through the attacks and we're surprised by the sheer power and technique it held within.

It was a pure clash of power, a resounding boom echoed across the area and Haruki was sent flying towards a nearby building, creating multiple holes. Pride on the other hand was still standing without even a single bruise.

He was about to gloat towards Haruki but suddenly his masked cracked and a few bits fell off. Revealing a perfectly lined jaw and thin lips. His confusion turned into shock, then his Expression broke into a smile.

"I was wondering why you kept aiming at my face, So this is why..."

Haruki leapt out of the rubble in his Vànagandr form. Holding Nidhogg over his shoulder. He climbed the building he crashed on and jumped in the air.

"Chains of Gleipnir! Nidding!!"

Thick Roots that contained the weight of the world and ribbon like chains wrapped pride and coiled around him like snakes.

He fired Nidhogg towards Pride's direction, "Bruni!!! x100,000!!" He took advantage of Absolute Domain before it timed out. Intense heat came out of the Cannon's barrel. It felt like heat from the sun that concentrated into one point.

A pillar of flames shot straight towards Pride's direction. Pride Tried to break the bindings but he was met with intense resistance, Everytime the he would more the roots would tighten and get heavier. While the ribbon like chains made it even harder to move.

He could only stretch out his hands and take the brunt of the attack.


Everyone guarded from the heat that radiated from the tall pillar. When the flames died down and the smoke cleared. Pride was still standing holding out one hand that had small burns. However it was quickly regenerating. "Interesting... You managed to wound me." He said as if the whole thing didn't even happen.

"It seems I have been surprised once more."

Haruki was breathing heavily he has pulled out everything from his arsenal that could even manage to wound pride, but it was all in vain. The best he could do was a small burn on his arm. But he wasn't nearly done, he still had one last attack.

"World Eater!!" He threw Nidhogg in the air and it turned into a massive serpent like dragon. It saw Pride wrapped up with the roots of Yggdrasil. It gave a deafening roar towards the heavens and opened it's massive jaw to bite down on him.

"Alright, playtime's over. I'm getting bored." He exerted his powers to break the chains and roots that bound him. As he raised his arms the chains slowly broke. The roots snapped. A huge shockwave hit all off them making them all fall back from the sheer pressure he was exuding.

Pride held the Mouth of The Serpent like Dragon with both of his hands. He was being pushed back a little but he lifted NidHogg up and slammed it on the ground. He then put power on his hands to rip it in half. Creating a rain of blood, drenching the streets red. Weirdly enough he wasn't even drenched in red, it was as if blood was avoiding him.

He looked as ethereal as he did when he first landed on the ground. He heaved a sigh and appeared in front of Haruki. He grabbed his face and slammed him on the ground.

His body bounced like a ragdoll. After bouncing in the ground for multiple times Pride punched him right in the guts. Creating a huge crater while Haruki was stuck in the middle.

He scanned everyone of Haruki's allies staring at them one by one, "You pride yourselves on your power. Your Kingdom of a million Hunters. But heed my words for we Have roamed this Universe much longer than you. We are the Sins!

I bring you change, and usher in a new era!"

He stepped on Haruki's chest to prevent him from standing up. The Sinners lined up behind him, and Greed appeared Beside him. Cackling like a madman.

"You humans are imperfect, riddled with flaws. Yet you Delude yourselves in dreams of grandeur and try to strive for peace. I have seen with my own eyes how you work.

The oldest and most enduring of Human practices.


It's always war...

Your desire for power far outweighed the blessings the world has given you. Even Without the Grimm threatening your survival, it won't be long before you turn this world into shit."

Everyone of Haruki's women have arrived on scene and a few of their allies. They saw Haruki being trampled Beneath Pride's feet.

"You separate and segregate yourselves making it more difficult to unite, yet you call these diplomatic bullshit a United front? Who are you kidding.

Small steps corrupt...

It is imprinted on every human brain and will eventually be your downfall."

Pride's relaxed expression quickly turned into one of anger, his brows furrowed and his Expression twisted into rage.

"YOU DESERVE NOTHING!! What the world has given you, I will take back!

I don't know how you could contain such wickedness and corruption in that tiny frame of yours.

All of you are weak, yet so arrogant! What makes you think that you are superior than anything else!? when everything could be used as a threat to your primacy!?"

He picked up Haruki by the neck, "Look at your so called "hero". He couldn't even manage to beat me. It tells you one thing, I am not the enemy of humanity.

I am it's savior. You want to know why? Because I have the power to fix it. Fix you."

Haruki tried to struggle, but he had barely any strength left so he could only squirm on pride's arm. Pride scoffed and threw him at Ozpin's feet rolling. Neo ran towards him, as she was supported by Kurenai.

"I would erase your legacy, your history, your will. I would erase the things that made you human. I will rebuild you using my own form. Better in every way. I will take away the first thing that made you imperfect.

Free Will...

Then after that I will take away your desires. Nothing but an empty shell. I will guide you to perfection. Soon none shall be left but order."

Ozpin gathered enough courage to try and refute Pride's words. "You're crazy! Are you telling me, that you have the capability of erasing every single person in this world?"

Greed cackled. His empty eye sockets that emitted a faint glow of red stared at Ozpin and replied to his question, "Not everyone. Just enough, a handful of people. They will have the strength to stand back up and rebuild."

Neo helped Haruki sit up. He glared at Pride, "And when they can't?" He asked weakly.

Pride gave him a knowing smile, "Ask Noah."

Haruki's eyes opened wide. He clenched his fists. He doubted the power of Ars Magus. He thought that this was one of the most powerful weapon in history. But what use is it if he can't even use it to stop this world from getting destroyed.

Touma stepped in front of Haruki. Neo instantly went on guard glaring at the sinner, "I have seen with my own eyes many long and terrible wars. I have met brave warriors and good people whose deaths have weighed heavily in my soul.

On Mistral I have witnessed the conquest of Corrupt officials. They burned villages turning them to ruins. I have watched the kingdoms of tyrants fall into dark ruin after so many years of slaughter. Even then I was not glad, for too many had fallen who were needed elsewhere instead of fighting wars.

Too many lives extinguished, yet it only fueled humanity's Desire.

A sea of blood that seemed to stretch over the horizon without end. But with it we have killed the last tyrant to ever plague remnant. We have emerged victorious.

But it dawned on me...


What use is victory without anyone to celebrate it with? Give me a battle of annihilation. With it we could start anew. A fresh start. Free from corruption."

He left those words and turned his back and stood behind pride once more. Pride once more neared Ozpin and the group.

"Do you see my point?

Perhaps not, I cannot consider the fate of a single man, nor ten, not a thousand. Billions must die, our actions will topple the scales and bring forth a new age. Where everything is perfect.

That is why we do not have the luxury to count the cost of our actions. I am the Sin Of Pride itself. I am willing to bear the burden of hundreds of billions of lives. Because it is my duty. I am willing to play the part of the world's greatest villain to make everything right.

You are but callow infants, but with my guidance, It will be paradise."

He spread out his white wings, it looked very angelic and holy. But it slowly turned black, with glowing violet veins spreading from his back. Black horns covered in scales sprouted from his forehead.

"I will pave a way for humans to thrive. Let this day serve as a warning. That we could arrive at anytime.

Savour your victory here, if you could even call it that."

He snapped his fingers and all of the Grimm in the area exploded into tiny chunks one by one.

"Because it will be cold comfort when your time comes." He turned his back against them, Then a swirling purple vortex appeared in front of him. He entered the portal without even looking back. The sinners followed on by one.

Eris stared at Haruki, "Get even stronger, the way you are now is not nearly enough to beat Touma." But before she entered the portal she stared at Haruki and blew a kiss towards his direction, "I look forward to our next date~"

Aergia just scoffed, she didn't even bother to look at them. She entered the portal immediately.

The masked youth stood in front of the portal. He removed his mask and looked towards Haruki, "You disappoint me Wolfgang... Make sure that the next time we meet you're a little stronger." The masked youth held Touma's shoulder and Touma's body glowed and turned into a rectangular strip of paper with engravings and a star drawing that entered the youth's pocket. Revealing that the masked youth was the real Touma all along.

Haruki's eyes opened wide, he now has a clear view of The Youth's face. It was a face he was very familiar with, although he looked younger, he could discern the similarities. The youth smiled towards Neo and the other's direction.

"Take care of my son for me."

Haruki's expression turned furious and growled towards his direction, "Touma!!! I will make sure the next time we meet, I'll kill you for good!!"

Touma just laughed and entered the portal. Greed was the only one remaining his eyes stared straight at Pyrrha. He extended his hand and red electricity flowed towards her direction. Everyone was too weak to anticipate the sudden turn of events.

It wrapped Pyrrha's body and she convulsed on the ground. Immense pain assaulted her senses. Greed cackled, "Hahahahaha!!! Get stronger girl! That is my gift to you. Perhaps, if I'm pleased with the results, it would be one of many!"

"What did you do to her!!!"

Haruki with the remaining strength he has left used Kusanagi to slash towards greed's direction. Greed scoffed and flicked his skeleton hand. But before he entered the portal he said, "You know what it is... And say hi to gluttony for me! Kahahahahahaha!!!"

The swirling purple vortex disappeared, what replaced it was dead silence. No one could utter a single word. But they felt the same thing.


It felt like this was a wake up call for all of them, but they had no time to wallow in despair. They had to fight back. Even though it's moot, they won't go down without a fight. Even if they're beaten down, they will keep standing back up. Because that's what humans are. We spit in the face of desperation.


Aaaaaaannnnnddddd!!!!! That concludes Volume 2!! It's been a long ride from the first one. I honestly expected that this would end sooner but life got in the way. Thanks for sticking around! I can't apologize enough for the long absence.

But after this is just specials and Omake! Just pure LuLs this would go on for a while. I need time to prepare for Volume 3: The Fall.

I want it to be great so hang on. I'll do my best to write a great draft. Thanks for reading my work I truly appreciate all of you.