
Ruby Rose

Ruby Rose stood amidst the bustling halls of Beacon Academy, her mind buzzing with excitement and anticipation. The Vytal Festival was just around the corner, and she couldn't wait to showcase her skills in the upcoming battles. With her trusty weapon Crescent Rose at her side, Ruby felt ready to take on any challenge that came her way.

As she made her way through the academy, Ruby caught glimpses of her friends and teammates, each one focused and determined in their own preparations for the tournament. Yang's boisterous laughter echoed down the halls as she sparred with other students, while Weiss could be seen practicing her precision strikes in the training room.

But it was Blake who caught Ruby's attention the most. The enigmatic faunus seemed lost in thought, her amber eyes distant as she trained alone in a secluded corner of the courtyard. Ruby couldn't help but wonder what was weighing on her teammate's mind and resolved to check in with her later.

For now, though, Ruby's focus was on honing her own skills and preparing herself for the challenges ahead. With the Vytal Festival fast approaching, she knew that every moment of training counted, and she was determined to make the most of it. As she took a deep breath and squared her shoulders, Ruby's excitement only grew, eager to prove herself on the world stage once more.

Ruby scanned the bustling hallways of Beacon Academy, her gaze searching for any sign of her teammate Weiss. She knew that Weiss was usually diligent in her training, rarely missing an opportunity to sharpen her skills. But as she looked around, there was no sign of the ice queen anywhere.

Concern creased Ruby's brow as she turned to her sister Yang, who was sparring with another student nearby. "Hey, have you seen Weiss?" she called out, her voice tinged with worry.

Yang paused mid-fight, glancing over at Ruby with a furrowed brow. "Nope, haven't seen her," she replied, her expression mirroring Ruby's concern. "She's not usually one to skip out on training. Maybe she's in her room?"

Ruby nodded, her mind racing with possibilities. "I'll go check," she said, determination flashing in her silver eyes. With a quick goodbye to Yang, she hurried off in the direction of the dormitories, her heart pounding with worry for her missing teammate.

As Ruby checked all of Beacon she wasn't able to find her, as she left beacon, takeing Glynda permission, she was going in high speed using her semblance, to help as she pumped into some, as she saw it Oscar.

Sorry about that. Ruby siad picking up Oscar. Names Ruby rose what is yours

Oscar blinked in surprise as he found himself unexpectedly colliding with someone in the midst of his own thoughts. As he looked up, he was met with the earnest gaze of a young girl with silver eyes and a determined expression.

"It's okay," Oscar replied, offering a sheepish smile as he dusted himself off. "I'm Oscar. Oscar Pine."

Ruby's eyes widened in recognition at the name. "Oscar Pine?" she repeated, a note of curiosity in her voice. "Wait, are you the same Oscar who's been causing a stir around here lately?"

Oscar's cheeks flushed slightly at the mention of his newfound reputation. "Um, yeah, that's me," he admitted, feeling a bit self-conscious under Ruby's scrutiny. "I've been... trying to figure things out."

Ruby nodded understandingly, her expression softening. "Well, don't worry about it," she reassured him with a friendly smile. "We've all got our own mysteries to unravel. Hey, speaking of mysteries, have you seen our teammate Weiss anywhere? She's gone missing, and we're really worried about her."

Oscar shook his head, his brow furrowing in concern. "No, sorry, I haven't seen her," he replied, his voice tinged with worry. "But I'll help you look for her if you want. Two heads are better than one, right?"

Ruby's eyes lit up with gratitude at Oscar's offer of assistance. "Thanks, Oscar," she said, a sense of determination shining in her silver eyes. "Let's find Weiss together." And with that, the unlikely pair set off on their search, their hearts set on reuniting their missing teammate with their team once more.

As then Oscar, saw a quest pooping up, as it says hello Ruby find her friend Weiss, as Oscar sigh knowing that he got a quest in quest.

Oscar glanced at Ruby, his expression serious. "Do you have any idea where she might be?" he asked, concern evident in his voice. "Any places she frequents outside of Beacon?"

Ruby furrowed her brow, racking her brain for any clues that might lead them to Weiss. "Well, she's usually pretty focused on her training," she replied, her voice tinged with worry. "But sometimes she likes to go for walks in the forest nearby to clear her head. Maybe we should check there first."

Oscar nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a good place to start," he said, determination firming his resolve. "Let's head to the forest and see if we can find any signs of her."

With a shared nod, Ruby and Oscar set off towards the nearby forest, their hearts set on finding their missing friend and bringing her back safely to Beacon.

As Ruby and Oscar ventured into the forest, the dense canopy overhead casting dappled shadows on the forest floor, they kept their eyes peeled for any sign of Weiss. The silence of the woods was broken only by the soft rustle of leaves and the occasional chirping of birds.

"Keep an eye out for any footprints or signs of disturbance," Ruby suggested, her voice hushed as if not to disturb the tranquil atmosphere of the forest. "If Weiss has been here, there might be some clues nearby."

Oscar nodded, his senses on high alert as he scanned the forest floor for any indication of their friend's presence. "Right," he agreed, his eyes darting from tree to tree. "We'll find her, Ruby. We just have to keep looking."

As they pressed deeper into the forest, their footsteps crunching softly on the leaf-strewn ground, Ruby's heart clenched with worry for her missing teammate. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, that Weiss was in trouble and in need of their help.

But just as doubt began to gnaw at her resolve, a glint of light caught her eye up ahead—a flash of white amidst the sea of green. With a surge of hope in her chest, Ruby quickened her pace, her steps guided by the promise of discovery.

As they drew closer, the source of the glimmer came into view—a clearing bathed in sunlight, where Weiss stood amidst a carpet of wildflowers, her expression distant and contemplative. Relief flooded through Ruby at the sight of her friend safe and unharmed, and she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Weiss!" Ruby called out, her voice echoing through the clearing. "There you are! We've been looking everywhere for you!"

Weiss turned at the sound of Ruby's voice, her blue eyes widening in surprise at the sight of her teammates. "Ruby?" she exclaimed, a mixture of relief and confusion evident in her tone. "What are you two doing here?"

Ruby rushed forward, throwing her arms around Weiss in a tight embrace. "We were worried sick about you!" she exclaimed, her voice muffled against Weiss's shoulder. "Where have you been?"

Weiss returned the hug, her features softening with gratitude. "I... I just needed some time alone," she admitted, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, and I thought a walk in the forest might help clear my head."

Ruby pulled back, her eyes searching Weiss's face for any sign of distress. "Are you okay?" she asked, her concern evident in her tone.

Weiss offered her a small smile, her demeanor relaxing as she looked at her friends. "I am now," she replied, her voice steady. "Thanks to you two."

With Weiss safe and sound, Ruby felt a weight lift off her shoulders, her worries melting away in the warmth of her friend's smile. As they made their way back to Beacon Academy together, Ruby couldn't help but feel grateful for the bond they shared and the strength they found in each other. No matter what challenges lay ahead, she knew that as long as they stood together, they could overcome anything.

Weiss then looked at Oscar, as she sighs looking at him, as she goes to him.

Sorry about this. Weiss siad looking at Oscar. Sorry for my teammate dragging you into this, so who may you be

Oscar nodded, understanding Weiss's apology. "No need to apologize," he replied with a friendly smile. "I'm Oscar Pine. It's nice to meet you, Weiss."

Weiss studied Oscar for a moment, her blue eyes searching his face as if trying to glean something from his expression. "Oscar Pine," she repeated, a thoughtful frown creasing her brow. "That name sounds familiar. Have we met before?"

Oscar shook his head, his own expression puzzled. "I don't think so," he replied honestly. "I'm new to Beacon Academy, actually. Just trying to find my place here."

Weiss nodded, seemingly satisfied with his answer. "Well, welcome to Beacon," she said, her tone warm despite her earlier reservation. "I hope you find what you're looking for here."

"Thank you, Weiss," Oscar replied, returning her smile. "I'm sure I will, especially with teammates like Ruby and yourself."

With their introductions out of the way, the trio continued on their way back to Beacon Academy, their bond strengthened by their shared adventure in the forest. As they walked, Oscar couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging settling over him, a feeling that perhaps he had finally found his place among friends who accepted him for who he was.

As they left, Oscar saw there level and names

Character: Ruby Rose

Title: Huntress as it glitches for a bit as it says Protagonist for a btu before back to Huntress.

Level 45

Ruby Rose, is a nice kinds and had way to much energy, she likes cookies, her friends she likes adventure and fairy tails, she is the daughter of Summer Rose and Qrow Branwen, she doesn't know Qrow is her real father, as she was raised by her uncle Tai.

Character: Weiss

Level 45

Title: huntress

Weiss is the next in line to take the Schnee dust company, she doesn't have a good home life, and used to hate Faunus, she loved her sister winter, she acts cold but is very nice and kind.

As Oscar just read all of that then blinked.

Ok that enough. Oscar said closing the system before going his own ways. I think I should check what the rewards for the my quest is

As Oscar delved into his quest rewards, he found himself presented with a list of potential prizes for completing his mission to find Weiss:

1. Experience Points (XP): A significant boost to his level, allowing him to unlock new skills and abilities.

2. Dungeon Key: Access to a higher-level dungeon with greater challenges and rewards.

3. All skill levels up, your skills all have been leveled up.

Oscar weighed his options carefully, considering the potential benefits of each reward. With his newfound knowledge of his teammates' strengths and weaknesses, he felt confident that he could make the best choice for himself and his journey ahead. With a determined nod, he selected his reward and prepared himself for the challenges and adventures that lay ahead.

Meanwhile back to Ruby, Weiss just looked at her, as she did she asked her something

Where did you meet that boy. Weiss siad talking about Oscar. And how did you get him to help you

Ruby glanced at Weiss, her expression thoughtful as she considered her friend's question. "Oh, Oscar?" she replied, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Well, it's kind of a long story."

She paused, gathering her thoughts before continuing. "We actually met in the forest while I was looking for you," Ruby explained. "He seemed lost and a bit confused, so I offered to help him. Turns out he's new to Beacon and was just trying to find his way around."

Weiss raised an eyebrow, curiosity evident in her gaze. "And how did you convince him to join us on our little rescue mission?" she inquired, her tone laced with amusement.

Ruby shrugged, a mischievous glint in her silver eyes. "Oh, you know me," she replied with a playful grin. "I just flashed him my best 'heroic leader' smile and told him we could use all the help we could get. He seemed pretty eager to lend a hand, especially after I mentioned that you were missing."

Weiss couldn't help but chuckle at Ruby's explanation, shaking her head in amusement. "Leave it to you to recruit a new teammate on the spot," she remarked, a fond smile gracing her features. "Well, regardless, I'm glad he was there to help us. We couldn't have found our way back without him."

Ruby grinned, a sense of satisfaction washing over her. "Yeah, he's a good guy," she agreed, her gaze drifting off into the distance. "I have a feeling he's going to be a valuable addition to our team."

With their friend found and their adventure behind them, Ruby and Weiss continued on their way back to Beacon Academy, their bond strengthened by their shared experiences and the new friend they had made along the way.

Meanwhile in Ozpin office, he was seeing the camera as he saw Oscar as pulled out all his filed of all the students, after a while he found no filles about Oscar.

How odd. He siad looking at th camera. What did you come from, more importantly.he siad looking at him. How did Glynda and the other believe your a new student in beacons. As he sent a call to some. Qrow can you come to beacon real quick

As Ozpin awaited Qrow's arrival, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling of unease. The mysterious appearance of Oscar Pine, coupled with the lack of any official records or files about him, raised questions that demanded answers. As Qrow entered his office, Ozpin wasted no time in getting to the heart of the matter.

"Qrow," Ozpin began, his voice tinged with concern. "I need your help with something rather unusual. We have a new student at Beacon, a young man by the name of Oscar Pine. However, there's something... off about him. I've searched through our records, and there's no trace of him anywhere. No enrollment forms, no background information—nothing."

Qrow raised an eyebrow, his expression shifting to one of mild surprise. "That is odd," he remarked, his voice laced with curiosity. "You're sure he's a student here?"

Ozpin nodded gravely. "Yes, he's been seen around campus, and he's even helped Ruby and Weiss during a recent incident in the forest," he explained. "But there's something about him that doesn't quite add up. I need you to look into this matter further. Find out everything you can about Oscar Pine and report back to me with your findings."

Qrow nodded in understanding, his expression serious. "Consider it done, Oz," he replied with determination. "I'll start digging and see what I can find. If there's something fishy going on, we need to know about it."

With that, Qrow left Ozpin's office, leaving the headmaster to ponder the mystery of Oscar Pine and the secrets he seemed to harbor. As Ozpin watched him go, he couldn't shake the feeling that they were only just scratching the surface of a much larger, and potentially dangerous, enigma.

To be continued

Anyway yes, Ruby and wiese are going to be in Oscar harem so yeah, anyway anyone you wants to add ti thr harem, Note no cinder or salem, yes I know Qrow is not Ruby dad, but in this universe he is

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