
More of the system

With one head of the two-headed wolf lying defeated at his feet, Oscar rose from the ground, his resolve unyielding. Despite the exhaustion weighing heavily upon him and the bruises marring his body, he knew that he had to press on. One more challenge remained before him, and he was determined to emerge victorious.

As he steadied himself, his gaze locked onto the remaining head of the creature, its eyes glaring with primal fury. With a grim determination, Oscar braced himself for the final showdown, knowing that the fate of the dungeon—and perhaps the entire multiverse—hung in the balance.

With a fierce battle cry, Oscar charged forward, his movements fueled by adrenaline and sheer willpower. The two-headed wolf met his advance with a barrage of claws and fangs, but Oscar deftly dodged each strike, his focus unwavering.

With each swing of his makeshift weapon, he chipped away at the creature's defenses, inching closer to victory with every blow. Despite the odds stacked against him, he refused to falter, drawing upon every ounce of strength and determination within him.

As the battle raged on, Oscar fought with all his might, his movements fluid and precise. With each strike, he felt the weight of the battle bearing down upon him, but he pushed through the pain, his eyes fixed firmly on his goal.

And then, with one final, decisive blow, Oscar delivered the finishing strike, plunging his makeshift weapon into the heart of the remaining head. With a deafening roar, the two-headed wolf collapsed to the ground, its dark form dissipating into the shadows.

Breathless and battered, Oscar stood victorious amidst the remnants of his fallen foe. With a sense of relief and triumph washing over him, he knew that he had emerged from the battle stronger and more resilient than ever before.

But even as he caught his breath, he knew that his journey was far from over. With the secrets of the dungeon still shrouded in mystery and the enigmatic blue box waiting to be unlocked, he prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and determination.

For Oscar, the adventure was just beginning, and he was ready to embrace whatever destiny awaited him in the vast expanse of the multiverse.

With a sense of satisfaction, Oscar acknowledged the notification of his level up to 15. He felt a surge of pride at his progress and the new heights of strength he had attained.

"Nice," he murmured to himself, a smile gracing his lips as he glanced at the blue box. However, his attention was quickly drawn to the next message that appeared before him.

As he read the words detailing his newly activated skill, Poison Immunity, Oscar's eyes widened in surprise and gratitude. The passive ability would provide him with invaluable protection against poison and its related effects, ensuring that he could no longer be afflicted by such dangers.

With a newfound sense of confidence in his abilities, Oscar knew that he was more prepared than ever to face the challenges that awaited him in the dungeon and beyond. With his strength, skills, and now his immunity to poison, he was ready to continue his journey with unwavering resolve and determination.

As the purple gate open again, as he walked through it, as he did he returned to his room, as he felt a sleep, as he woke up, he saw notification

Notification: Do to sleeping in your own bed, all status effect has been healed, all hp has been. Fully restores, all States point has been fully restores, all damage has been fully restored

With a sense of relief, Oscar read the notification detailing the effects of sleeping in his own bed. He felt a wave of gratitude wash over him as he realized that all his status effects had been healed, his HP fully restored, and his stamina points replenished.

Stretching his limbs and feeling refreshed, Oscar rose from his bed, ready to face the new day with renewed vigor. The trials and tribulations of the dungeon felt like a distant memory as he basked in the comfort of his own room.

With a sense of purpose and determination, Oscar knew that he was ready to continue his journey, armed with the knowledge and experiences gained from his adventures in the dungeon. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he would face them head-on, confident in his abilities and unwavering in his resolve.

As he stepped out into the world once more, Oscar felt a sense of excitement and anticipation building within him. With each step forward, he knew that he was one step closer to unlocking the secrets of the enigmatic blue box and discovering the destiny that awaited him in the vast expanse of the multiverse.

Hey Oscar help. A voice cane from the down stare. Get your ass here.

Yes aunty. Oscar said singing. Guess I will just be doing the farm work, with my daily quest

With a resigned sigh, Oscar made his way downstairs to answer the call of his aunt. Despite the interruption to his plans, he knew that tending to the farm was just another part of his daily routine, albeit a less exciting one than battling monsters in a dungeon.

As he set about his chores, Oscar couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over him. The familiar sights and sounds of the farm brought back memories of simpler times, reminding him of the life he had before he was thrust into the world of adventure and danger.

But even as he worked, Oscar couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation that lingered in the back of his mind. The mysteries of the blue box and the adventures that awaited him in the multiverse beckoned to him, filling him with a sense of purpose and excitement.

As he toiled away in the fields, Oscar knew that his journey was far from over. With each passing day, he would continue to grow stronger and more capable, until the day came when he would unlock the full potential of his abilities and fulfill his destiny as a true hero of the multiverse.

As Oscar was on his bed, he saw notification, as new features was unlocked, as he saw it was called a skill tree.

What is a skill tree. Oscar siad confused. What is that.

The Skill Tree is a feature that allows you to unlock and upgrade various skills and abilities as you progress in your journey. It's like a visual representation of your character's growth and development, showing you the different paths you can take to customize your abilities and improve your capabilities.

Think of it like a tree with branches representing different skill categories, such as combat, magic, agility, and more. Each branch contains different skills and abilities that you can unlock by investing points or meeting certain requirements.

By spending points or fulfilling specific criteria, you can unlock new skills, enhance existing ones, and tailor your character to suit your playstyle and preferences. Whether you want to focus on becoming a master swordsman, a powerful mage, or a nimble rogue, the Skill Tree allows you to chart your own path and become the hero you were destined to be.

Ok thanks system. Oscar didn't what else to call the blue box other then that. So let's see what I have

As Oscar navigated through the Skill Tree interface, he was greeted with a plethora of options and possibilities. Each branch of the tree represented a different aspect of his character's development, offering a wide array of skills and abilities to choose from.

With a sense of excitement, Oscar began to explore the various branches of the Skill Tree, curious to see what lay in store for him. From combat techniques to magical spells, from stealthy maneuvers to passive buffs, there was no shortage of options to consider.

As he perused the available skills, Oscar thought carefully about how he wanted to shape his character's abilities. Did he want to focus on improving his swordsmanship, or did he prefer to delve into the arcane arts? Did he value agility and speed, or did he prioritize resilience and defense?

With each decision he made, Oscar felt a sense of empowerment, knowing that he was taking control of his own destiny and shaping the kind of hero he wanted to become. As he selected his first skill and watched as it unlocked before him, he knew that the journey ahead was filled with endless possibilities and untold adventures.

Armed with his newfound skills and abilities, Oscar felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the multiverse. With the Skill Tree as his guide, he embarked on a journey of self-discovery and growth, determined to become the greatest hero the world had ever seen.

Alright what is this. Oscar saw another option opening next to the skill tree. What do you wanna be

As it shows two option, one says the heros way and the other says the monster ways, the hero ways had that if human while the mosneye way, also had a human bur Oscar can see that it was different.

I pick you. As he pressed the monster way. I don't not why but I am picking you

As Oscar made his choice and selected the "Monster Way" option, a new path unfolded before him, diverging from the traditional hero's journey. With a sense of curiosity and intrigue, he embarked on this new adventure, eager to explore the mysteries that lay ahead.

The "Monster Way" offered a different perspective, one that embraced the darker aspects of the multiverse. While the hero's path typically involved upholding justice, protecting the innocent, and defeating evil, the monster's path presented a stark contrast—a journey fueled by ambition, power, and the pursuit of one's own desires.

As Oscar delved deeper into the Monster Way, he found himself confronted with choices and challenges that tested his resolve and morality. Would he succumb to the temptations of darkness and embrace his newfound power, or would he strive to overcome his inner demons and forge a different path?

With each decision he made, Oscar felt the weight of his choices bearing down upon him. The path of the monster was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but it also offered the promise of untold power and potential.

As he continued on his journey, Oscar knew that the choices he made would shape the course of his destiny. Whether he emerged as a hero or a monster, one thing was certain—he was ready to embrace the challenges that lay ahead and carve out his own path in the vast expanse of the multiverse.

Meanwhile Lilith just watched with a smile, as she was ready to lap. As Lilith observed Oscar's decision with a knowing smile, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She had anticipated his choice, knowing full well the allure of power and the seduction of the darker path.

"Ah, the allure of the monster's way," she murmured to herself, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Powerful indeed."

With a flick of her wrist, Lilith summoned forth her own powers, weaving them into the fabric of Oscar's journey. She had carefully crafted the options before him, ensuring that each path held its own unique challenges and rewards.

As Oscar delved deeper into the darkness, Lilith watched with keen interest, eager to see how he would navigate the treacherous waters of the monster's way. With each step he took, he drew closer to unlocking his true potential, becoming a force to be reckoned with in the multiverse.

With a satisfied smile, Lilith settled back to watch the drama unfold, knowing that whatever path Oscar chose, he would be a formidable presence in the ever-shifting tapestry of the multiverse.

As Oscar was still in his room, check the path he found something interesting.

Grimm human hybrid transformation. Oscar said reading the special effects in got on the monster way. Unlocked at level 25 huh

As Oscar pondered the intriguing option before him—Grimm human hybrid transformation—he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. The prospect of undergoing such a profound transformation filled him with a sense of awe and wonder.

Unlocked at level 25, the Grimm human hybrid transformation promised to grant Oscar a unique blend of powers and abilities, merging the strengths of both humans and Grimm into a formidable hybrid form. It was a tantalizing prospect, one that held the potential to elevate him to new heights of power and mastery.

But with great power came great responsibility, and Oscar knew that he would need to tread carefully as he ventured down this path. The transformation would undoubtedly come with its own set of challenges and risks, and he would need to be prepared to face them head-on.

With a determined glint in his eyes, Oscar resolved to continue honing his skills and abilities, inching closer to the coveted level 25 milestone. As he did, he would carefully weigh his options, considering the implications of the Grimm human hybrid transformation and the impact it would have on his journey.

But for now, Oscar knew that he had much to learn and much to accomplish before he could unlock the true potential of his abilities. With the Skill Tree as his guide and the Monster Way as his path, he was ready to embrace whatever challenges lay ahead, confident in his ability to overcome them and emerge stronger than ever before.

Hey system how do I get to level 25 fast. Oscar siad looking at the system. Tell me

"Oscar," the system's voice chimed in, "to reach level 25 swiftly, focus on completing quests, defeating formidable foes, and exploring new territories. Additionally, consider utilizing any experience-boosting items or participating in special events. Prioritizing these strategies will accelerate your leveling progress and bring you closer to unlocking the Grimm human hybrid transformation."

Oscar thanks. Oscar siad looking at the system. So what do I do not

As then the notification cane from the system as it was quest, as it says go to beacon, and stop the tragedy from happening, completing this mission will give you a b rank Dungeon, key with that if many exp, so the special unlock of new skill.

As Oscar pondered the unexpected quest notification from the system, he couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. The mention of stopping a tragedy at Beacon, especially during the Vytal Festival, raised alarms in his mind.

"Wait, what tragedy?" Oscar muttered, his brow furrowing in concern. The Vytal Festival was meant to be a time of celebration and unity, not a stage for disaster. Nevertheless, the urgency of the quest was clear, and he knew that he had to act quickly to prevent whatever calamity loomed on the horizon.

With a resolute nod, Oscar steeled himself for the task ahead. Whatever challenges awaited him at Beacon, he was determined to face them head-on and ensure the safety of all those in attendance.

"I won't let whatever tragedy that's looming cast its shadow over Beacon," Oscar vowed, his determination burning bright. With the weight of the quest upon his shoulders, he set out to fulfill his mission and bring peace to the Vytal Festival once more.

To be continued

So um yeah hope people like this and give me power stone, also before people ask I am not adding Blake or yang to Oscar harem so yeah

Next chapter