
RWBY: Like a ⌈Silver Bullet⌋ Piercing Through

Dying after getting tetanus from a rusty golden arrow was not the plan when I constructed the master plan for my first day in college. Oh, well, at least I have a punching ghost as my companion in this new world of bloody evolution. "Is that a mother-trucking JoJo reference?" "Your next line is, "W-WHAT?!", am I right?" "Good grief, it looks like you need a beating from Uncle." "Everyone knows that when the piano plays, RUN." "FOOLS! ATLAS SCIENCE IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD!" "Insane? No, the question should be towards you... Are you prepared? Because I am." RWBY X JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Damaine_N · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


I woke up with a slight jerk to my body, the blinding pain to my throat and arm causing me to sober up from my dreamless sleep. I would groan in pain, if my throat would just stop hurting. Fuck, even breathing hurts.

My eyes, now open, looked around my surroundings before my heartbeat slowed down. Right, I died and transmigrated into this world of bloody evolution... Wait, what did that mean? I can't remember anything at all.

That doesn't... Oh, so that's what the Stand User of ⌈Mr. Blue Sky⌋ said. Don't panic? How the hell does one do that upon understanding that his memories were wiped clean. Fuck, I could only remember basic facts of myself.

My name is... Jordan. I think? Maybe? It's vague, but my name is definitely Jordan. This is so weird, it's like it's at the tip of my tongue, but I just can't say it out. Frustrating, yes, but confusing more.

Summoning ⌈Silver Bullet⌋, I was about to order it to check something for me when I paused for a second before looking at the silver Stand in the air.

'We're changing the name of your Stand Ability, Color Up sounds really weird.'

My Stand simply shrugged, without me controlling it you see, and nonchalantly looked out of the window that was next to my hospital bed. One, my Stand has some kind of sentience at least, since it answered back to me. Second, I can see from my Stand's eyes if I concentrated hard enough between the connection of it and me. Third, damn this view out the window was amazing.

It's like I'm in a European country in terms of architecture; I've never been outside my own country before, so this is a sight to behold. And since my Stand had 20/20 vision, seeing things from afar with such precision was really an eye-opening experience.

Enjoying the view, my Stand suddenly heard footsteps getting closer to my ward, and immediately moved autonomously to me with its body in a tensed position, ready to explode into action at any moment.

Reeling ⌈Silver Bullet⌋'s protectiveness down a tone, I decided to act asleep and told ⌈Silver Bullet⌋ to go invisible, closing my eyes and slowing down my breathing as, a few long seconds later, the door opened.

From its eyes, I saw a doctor with the standard white coat entering with... Huh. The woman from earlier was walking in through the door with the person who called us.


Hold up, go back a little. Say what now? The lady, Summer, was looking paler than I'd like, but was fully conscious and — !

'Another one?!'

She is staring at ⌈Silver Bullet⌋! How? It's invisible, yet it was clear that her eyes were on my Stand! Oh, come on, the rough looking guy with black attire too! Jesus Stand-fucking Christ, how many people can see Stands here?

"We know that you're awake, kid, so get up."

The man said with a no-nonsense tone as I mentally sighed. So much for surprise attacks.

My eyes opened and looked straight at the two. With my good hand, I gave a wave.


I suddenly was engulfed into a hug in an instant, ⌈Silver Bullet⌋ somehow managing to not move in time to save its user.

'F-Fast! Silver Bulletcouldn't even reach in time! What is that speed — ? '

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh, if only Tai and the kids could come meet you!"

Summer started to tighten her hug on me, causing me to choke at the impressive strength behind these frail-looking arms! I tried to sound my protest, but the hug simply got tighter by the second!

"Summer, you're choking him to death."


And in an instant, she was back at the rough voiced man's side, white petals trailing in the air, with her grinning sheepishly with an embarrassed look. Her hands were behind her back as she leaned back and forth, like a child who was restlessly waiting for permission from her parents to play her new toys.

... Since when did I give analogies? What is even going on?

"Listen, kid. I'd say my thanks for saving my idiot partner here, but I'm on the clock, so I'll say them later."

The doctor who entered along with the two quickly got to work as he started to pull out the medical equipment that they stuck onto me while the man grabbed a chair and sat down with the back of the chair facing me.

"Qrow! You said that you were only going to say some light things, not interrogate him!"

Summer berated as she started hitting the man in the shoulder, my mind recorded the name Qrow with the man's face, who didn't even flinch at the sudden strikes. It looks like he was used to it, too.

Ignoring the hitting, Qrow took out a file from his jacket and opened it.

"No records, no identity, no nothing. It's like you're a ghost. And James kept bragging that Atlas' registry system was considered to be the best, heh."

He snorted at the last sentence before leaning towards the back of the chair, his face turning serious.

"And what were you doing in the Grimmlands? I did some recon after saving you two, and I couldn't find any home or temporary stay in the area."

Summer stopped hitting him and looked back at me, this time her eyes were filled with curiosity as well. My answer?

I gave a shrug, wincing slightly at the pain of using my bad arm's shoulder, and then gestured with my hand holding onto a pen, writing something in the air. Qrow got what I wanted and took out a notepad with a pen. He was about to stand up and hand it to me, but stopped when ⌈Silver Bullet⌋ reached out and grabbed it.

"So this is your Stand. I didn't expect to see a handful so far, especially with the ratio... Are you an exhibitionist or something? It doesn't have any clothes at all other than that revealing crop top and loin cloth."

The humor didn't reach Summer as she bonked him in the head.


With a single thought, ⌈Silver Bullet⌋ wrote at quick speeds before showing them the notepad. Since I couldn't talk, I might as well use this way of communicating.

["Hahaha, very funny. As for the answers, I have no idea. I literally have no memories other than my name and some general knowledge from here and there. It's Jordan, by the way, and my Stand is ⌈Silver Bullet⌋. I can't remember my surname, along with more important things."]

The eyes of Summer started softening as she read the note, but Qrow remained steel-hearted.

"That's awfully convenient, isn't it?"

Qrow then signaled the doctor who finished his job, to evacuate the room. A few seconds after the doctor left, he continued.

"How's Salem been, hmm? Is she doing well, controlling her Grimm around? Ah, though she must be feeling murderous after missing the chance of her existence."

... Salem? Who? From what I'm understanding, this Salem person is someone of importance, since the man was trying to get information or a reaction out of me from his wording. So, I answered honestly.


The silence could cut the tension in the air as we both stared at each other, Qrow trying to rile up another for answers —

"Sigh... Yeah, he's clean, Oz. Heck, his memory amnesia thing is real too. Kid doesn't know anything about her or anything about the Grimmlands at all. "

"Phew! I knew he was a good guy!"

Summer cheered childishly as the room's door opened, revealing an older, middle-aged man with white hair and green eyes. The way he was walking... It may look normal to a normal person, but with ⌈Silver Bullet⌋, I could see it.

This man was dangerous; every step he took was silent. Literally no sound was being produced. Walking towards my bed, I noticed the cane that he was carrying.

The design was super weird, it was a normal looking cane at first, but when it came close to the handle, the design shifted, with something that resembled a trigger near the handle section, like a guard for a rapier.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Jordan. I am Ozpin, the current Headmaster of Beacon Academy. I'm sure that you have many questions, but first..."

Letting said cane stand push onto the ground, he placed both hands on the handle's apex before apologizing.

"I am very sorry for the sudden questioning, young man, but it had to be done. The timing of your appearance, and the mystery behind your identity and background were too much of a risk. However, Qrow has cleared you of said accusations, and thus I shall apologize."

He bowed his head slightly, causing my shyness to flare up as ⌈Silver Bullet⌋ appeared beside the man to stop his bow. Raising his head, he inspected ⌈Silver Bullet⌋ before smiling slightly.

"Thank you for being so understanding. And your soul is quite strong to manifest a Stand so clearly."

Another one who can see my Stand!

["Can anyone see Stands? I thought only Stand Users can see other Stand Users..."]

Silver Bullet⌋ wrote and showed the crowd as Summer raised her hand up into the sky like a child.

"Oh, oh! Since you don't remember, I'll give you a crash course on Aura! Every being that has a soul has the latent power within us called Aura, the physical manifestation of our very soul! It can do cool stuff like force fields, makes healing much faster, and even strengthening our bodies to superhuman levels!"


In another instant, Summer disappeared and reappeared with a whole whiteboard. Seriously, can we address this insane speed that she's displaying?

"Ahem! And then, at the apex of Aura Manipulation, there is the Semblance! It's kind of like a Stand Ability, but based on what your soul wants, kinda, it's not confirmed yet with science, but I like to believe it!"


"Mine is Rose Phasing! I can phase and control my whole body through matter. When I'm in my phasing mode, my whole body becomes as light as a feather, meaning I can go superfast since I'm ignoring air resistance!"

Excuse me, what? That's fucking busted, no? How the hell did the two even jump her if she is basically invincible while phasing?

"The side effect is a trail of roses though, and the drain to my reserves are quite high if I use them too much! Oh, and Qrow's is — "

"And that's too much info, Summer."

Closing her mouth with his palm, he shuts her off before she could tell me Qrow's Semblance. Ozpin kindly ended the explanation.

"A Stand is the same as Aura, they both are manifestations of the soul in physical form, meaning Aura Users can see and harm Stands, the latter is only applicable if said Aura User attacks with Aura."

Ah, that makes sense... That's how Hazel damaged me, he channeled his Aura into the fire that burned my arm and throat. And so that means ⌈Silver Bullet⌋ can't be damaged if Hazel runs out of juice.

["Wait, so you guys get a force field, super enhancement, and unique powers? That doesn't seem fair at all. I don't have any of those other than a unique power."]

Ozpin chuckled at the note before giving an explanation while the two started bickering as if we both were not in the room, with Summer starting the whole bickering topic by licking Qrow's palm like a child.

"Stands are much more formidable, Mr. Jordan. Their physical parameters have a much higher ceiling than those of normal Aura Users. Moreover, Stand Abilities are much more diverse and effective, as most have no energy cost or many restrictions."

Lifting his cane, he grabbed the cane by the handle before gently tapping on my damaged arm, causing me to wince slightly.

["Ouch, Ozpin, what gives?"]

"Apologies; I was just trying to make a point. You see, even if Stand Users do not have "force fields", you seemed to have mostly healed from your 3rd degree burns in just 3 days, compared to the usual period of a month. Stand Users do have same properties as Aura Users, thoughto a lesser degree."

He pauses in though upon finishing his sentence. A few seconds later, he turned to the two partners, before gently tapping his cane onto the ground. The impact, however, gave out a slight tremor that shook the room slightly.

The bickering stopped, and the two looked as if they were children getting caught stealing cookies from their parents.

"Summer, I've just recalled that Mr. Jordan here has no home to return to if he discharges today, so — "


The lady shouted at the top of her lungs once her brain registered the few words that Ozpin said, her eyes sparking with glint and excitement at —

Wait, I myself just processed what just happened. Excuse me, what?

"... I was about to ask you to kindly help with fetching him to the orphanage in Patch, but that will work too, I suppose."

Ozpin pushed his glasses to his nose bridge before raising his cane towards my chest. I was expecting something else, but the moment his cane touched my chest, the pain around my burns disappeared.

Raising my hand testingly, I gave a whistle (My throat doesn't hurt anymore!) and rotated my shoulders, not feeling the pain anymore as the older man twirls his cane.

"A gift for helping my student. Summer, thank you for your services, take the month off to heal and break the new family member in. Qrow, I shall see you later. Paperwork waits for no man, after all."

Summer gave him a loud "Thank you" while Qrow groaned at the man's remarks before Ozpin walked away silently. What a chill dude.

The door closes as silence briefly surrounded us.



In a flash, a set of papers appeared on my lap, with Summer slightly panting as she gave me a pen to work with.

"So, adoption papers! Sign here, here, and here!"

"What? Summer, why do you have adoption papers on hand?"

"You're such a funny person, Jordan, what kind of question is that? And call me Mom now!"

I turned my head to meet Qrow's eyes. He simply shrugs.

"She's like this sometimes."

"... I see."

Well, I don't have a home anyway, and Summer has seemed to be a nice lady so far...





The girl who was the splitting image of Summer cheered as she gripped my jeans, looking up with curiosity. Seriously, those silver eyes are so cute, I think I'll get diabetes from the sweetness of this child!

"Yes, Ruby, I know that it's your name."

"Jojo! I'm the Miraculous Huntsman, Ultra-Hunt!"

A second child's voice caused me to look behind me, revealing a blond girl my age that looked completely unidentical to Summer and Ruby, but a splitting image of Summer's husband, wearing a large white cloak that belonged to Summer.

Wrapping the fabric around her body, she suddenly hopped from the couch towards me from a height. ⌈Silver Bullet⌋ manifested in an instant, catching the girl at a safe distance from the carpet before gently placing her down.

"Yang, that was dangerous! And my name is Jordan, not Jojo."

The elder girl, however, gave a smirk as she started repeatedly calling me "Jojo".

"Jo! Jo! Jo!"

Ruby, following her elder sister's footsteps, starting clapping her hands as she continuously called me by their nickname. I groaned as I looked at Ruby and held her by her shoulders. The nickname "JoJo" just felt really weird to me.

"Jor-dan. My name is Jor-dan."

I waved a finger to the sides as I tried to get her to say my whole name...

"Jo Jo!"

I gave a short sigh and stopped trying as I let her play with my fingers, her attention seemingly shifting quite fast while ⌈Silver Bullet⌋ moved to stop the other girl from climbing the couch. Oh well, it's a start, at least.

It's been a few weeks since I was adopted, the process taking not even a few hours of processing before I was suddenly a citizen of Vale, residing on the island of Patch, where the old Valean Kingdom was previously.

Looking back at the couple who were enjoying their time on the couch, I could see their smirks as they watched me take care of Ruby and Yang. Noticing that I was looking at them, the blonde, muscular man grinned as he looked at his wife.

"Well, dear, at least we don't have to call a babysitter now that Jordan is here. He basically acts as two babysitters with that Stand of his!"

This man was Taiyang Xiao Long, the husband of Summer Rose. He worked as a teacher at the school near the house called Signal Academy, as they explained a day prior when I asked where he and the kids had gone at times.

I have done some research on this world's computer that also acted as a phone and tablet, the Scroll. It's a marvel of engineering; in my opinion, something so small held the components and power of a full-pledged computer.

Anyway, Signal Academy was not an ordinary academy. Of course, it had normal classes for primary and secondary standards, but it also had another course that one could opt in.

The Huntsmen Course.

Based on my research on the family Scroll in the house's library that acted like an office, Huntsmen were licensed fighters whose main role was dedicated to slaying the creatures of darkness, Grimm.

As expected from a fantasy world, there were monsters that one could make a career out of killing. That's an interesting prospect.

"Ha, ha, ha. Very funny, Tai. I'll be waiting for my invoice by tonight."

I gave him a dry laugh, causing the couple to laugh themselves as I tilted my head to look at the TV in front of me. More specifically, behind my neck, in the area where it meets my left shoulder.

Sudden flashes of scenes played in my head as I moved my hand to touch the object of interest.

"Heh, and here I thought I had no surname."

I muttered to myself with mirth as my eyes landed on the birthmark shaped like a star. For some reason, I could feel it; whenever I looked at my birthmark, my heart would throb as if it were aflame. It was a sign—a sign that I was blessed (or cursed if you look at it that way),

Being adopted by the Rose-Xiao Long family meant that I could take their surnames for myself, but I decided to put the two surnames into my middle name instead and asked if I could name my own surname.

Summer and Tai were a little surprised, but they warm-heartedly gave me the go-ahead with the decision, so when I filled in my registration papers for permanent residency in the Kingdom of Vale, I made sure to add a surname that embraces the legacy of my bloodline to the document.

My name is Jordan...

Jordan "Rose-Xiao Long" Joestar. And this is my story. My story of embracing the legacy of my bloodline—the fate of the Joestar blood.


Eh, before then, I'll continue to do that when grow into size. I'm so tiny right now it's a bit ridiculous that my body is only about 50 inches when my Stand is like 75 inches. It's a bit embarrassing if I did any cool things with this body size.

◀——–– To Be Continued




Stand Profile

Stand User: Jordan "Rose-Xiao Long" Joestar 

Classification: Stand User

Stand Name: ⌈Silver Bullet⌋ – Composer: Casey Edwards

Stand Ability: [Name Pending]

Stand Ability Description: Can control an inanimate object's speed and trajectory.

Stand Parameters

Power: B

(Strength and ability to cause destruction)

Speed: B

(Agility and reflexes as well as performance speed)

Range: D

(Range of manifestation, ability influence, and spatial mobility)

Stamina: D

(Duration of how long an ability will last)

Precision: A

(Accuracy of their abilities to specified targets)

Developmental Potential: C

(Possible functions, utilization, and capacity to improve its capabilities)