
RWBY, How Strange Reversed World! SI!

I think that being male in a female-led world, has its perks, and its minuses... But as I was born on Earth, this world is like paradise for me, now if I could just dwarf Salem's plans and enjoy a life of debauchery... MC is SI into OC, this fic would by SMUT with PLOT...

Nisiris · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

3. R

I sighed into Ren's mouth as my thrust sped up, but not enough to make sounds, currently, my dick was deep in Ren's ass as always I awakened, and at first, now normally, I would go for a run, then take a shower, and then make breakfast for myself, Nora and Ren if by that time Ren isn't already awake and in middle of doing breakfast himself...

But then there were times I had hard morning wood in the morning and as such, used the usually naked duo to my pleasure. Sometimes I picked Nora, who mostly always is a loud one, as such awaken Ren as I thrust into her pussy or ass, and today I wished for Nora to sleep a little more, as yesterday Ren fucked her for hours, and then my for another hour...

As such, I used Ren, who conveniently slept on his stomach, with his small but perfectly shaped and plump ass up, as such, I just used a little spit on my dick and then positioned above Ren, as my dick pulled Ren's asscheeks apart, and the moment tip of my dick touched Ren's ass pussy, making Ren wake up in shudder of pleasure, as Ren moved his head on side to look at me...

Seeing Ren staying silent as he looked at the sleeping Nora, I took it as permission as my dick penetrated into his ass, making Ren bit into the pillow as I slowly lowered myself on him, making my chest rest on Ren's back as just my hips moved up and down.


I whispered into his ear as Ren looked at me with his pink eyes and that cute feminine face, kudos to this world, the males, especially Ren, looked much cuter than most of the women...

Before Ren could ask what I wanted, I caught his lips with my own as my tongue invaded his mouth...

After a while, we continued kissing as I continued thrusting into him, our tongues danced around each other as my hands moved to his and our fingers interlocked with each other...

"I-I will c-come..."

Ren whispered between his breaths and our kissing as I nodded at him.

"Me too..."

I said as I bit his ear, making Ren shudder.


Ren whispered and I smiled as I again caught his lips, restarting our kissing spree as suddenly we both shuddered, and I released deep inside Ren's ass pussy...

I stayed in this position for a while, as both my dick and Ren's ass were now truly sensitive as any move made us shudder, still we continued exchanging our salvia as we were kissing...

But ultimately, I, with great reluctance, raised myself, and with that, my dick was released from Ren's ass with a POP like sound, and immediately making or adding to the already existing mess from last night as my sperm continued to flow from Ren's ass, but looking at it now, I realized Ren himself did release a load of white sperm as his dick was still twitching from the annal sex...

"Im going for a run, do you want something for me to buy?"

I asked as my hand played with Ren's black hair...

"Yes, a fresh bread would be good for breakfast... And maybe some salmon if we have fund..."

Ren said, making me grimace, I kissed Ren again as I seriously looked at him...

"I already said, don't worry about finances, buy whatever you want... Well, just don't let Nora near to our shared fund..."

I said with a sigh and smirk, making Ren look at me worryingly...

A worry I didn't like... I knew why... Men in this world could work as prostitutes or hookers like women on Earth, making Ren worried that the money I always bring home is because I selling my body for their sake...

Stupid... Cute, but stupid... I didn't need to sell my body, crime was always paying good, especially to someone with my skills, but I didn't want to say that to Ren or Nora that the weapons and clothing they mostly wore and readied for Beacon were bloody money...

This was my burden, and like hell, I will let these two go through any hardship... I loved them too much for it...

"Don't worry, love, big brother is careful, now salmon, you said? Should I buy other ingredients for pancakes while im at it? After all, every time we spend some sex time with Nora, she is next day very... Hungry..."

I said, making Ren sigh, the worry was still in his beautiful pink eyes, but this time Ren smiled as I successfully deflected conversation on Nora and her gluttony...

"Yes, she almost used all the syrup last time..."

"Good, syrup it is then, and Ren?"

Ren looked at me as I grinned.

"Good morning."

I said, and with the last kiss on his lips and then on his neck, I prepared myself for the morning run...


As I arrived back home, after a successful run, that was full of females that were ogling my body through my skin tight sports gear, just another thing of this world as men being the sexy ones, all the clothes for the men were made to show men's most erotic parts in the best way, as such the tight skin suit was a common thing for the men in this world...

I arrived back at our apartment, first thing that I recognized was the scent of freshly made pancakes, next was the pouting yet drooling Nora, who was now fully awake and noticed me as she pouted.

"Hey, Rey-Rey! How come you wake Ren up in such a way and not me?!"

Nore said with a pout as she looked at me and crossed her hands under her breast, bare breast as Nora was naked, making her breast even more prominent now that she had hands under them...

"And you know it how, and good morning to you too, Nora?"

I asked with a smile as I greeted her, walking around Ren, who...

Had the apron I bought for him...

The sexy pink apron under which he was completely naked, letting me see his ass, to which I had a new desire to insert my dick into...

"Because Renny always has that stupid grin after you fuck-fuck him! And the white thing that flowed from his butt!"

Nora said with a pout as I smiled at her, giving Ren the things I bought on my way home and giving his ass a gentle slap, making Ren look at me in a disapproving way, still, his eyes showed the truth, and that was that Ren loved when I spanked him, not hard, just a playful one...

"I see, well im going into shover, I can see Ren already had one, and you, Nora, what I said about morning hygiene? Plus, why do you still speak about sperm as a white thing, I know very well then you know about sex more than you let out..."

I said, making Nora suddenly grin at me...

"Shower, you say?! Then im going too!"

Nora said as she jumped from the chair...


I said, but give up, it was clear the reason Nora didn't shover yet was that she waited on me...

It was... Good feeling... But...

"But if we shower together, then we again spend too much water..."

I whined as every time I, Nora, or Ren shower together, we end up fucking... And with Nora, who seems to love wet sex, the fucking is a long one...

"Then you just must make me come sooner!"

Nora said with a grin as she gripped my arm, leading me to the shower...

I really needed next time to rent a house with a bathtub, otherwise, just the money spent on the water...

Still... Sex with Nora... In the water was always a good experience...

"You wish to challenge me?"

I said with raised eyebrow...

"Hehe, Rey-Rey is stupid, you know I always challenge you!"

Nora said with a grin...


The next hour Ren spent cleaning the kitchen and ignoring the sounds of pleasure from the bathroom as Rey and Nora were having sex in there...


Ren sighed as he looked at the breakfast that was going cold...

"Microwave it is then..."

Ren said with a sigh as he put the breakfast into the microwave, preparing it to be heated once his two adopted siblings ended their session...

"Hmm, I didn't clean my StormFlower in a long time, I can as well use this free time."

Ren said with a smile as it usually was his duty to rein in the hyperactive and horny Nora, as Rey was always busy away, making money or connections...

Ren always marveled at his brother/lover's talent in finding good jobs, just another reason Ren loved him...


Ren ignored the screaming Nora was doing as he calmly cleaned his weapons, normally Nora was not this... Lively...

Which was good, as Ren, and he supposed both Nora and Rey knew, that Ren himself could be soo...

Passive, as mostly when Ren had sex with Nora, he was inactive, letting Nora ride him or choose what position they would be in, with Rey, it was the same, Ren just wasn't...

Active, which Ren himself preferred more, as Ren didn't know if he could survive Nora when she was truly at it, even yesterday was a fiasco, and Nora was still not fully loud yesterday, like right now...

Thank God, as his brother Rey always says...

Ren smiled, he loved his siblings, but he loved quit too, and these times Rey and Nora had sex, Ren could enjoy his silence more, knowing that sooner than later Nora would be back again, but this time calmer as all her hyper and chipper self would by utterly spent by Rey, making her much more manageable...

Yes, having Rey every morning have sex with Nora was a good start to the day, not that Ren didn't like his brother's dick in his ass, as every time Rey wasn't in there, Ren felt... Hollow...


"What do you think about it?"

Ren looked back in surprise as he saw his brother Rey, now still naked but wet from water, just with a towel in his hand as he towered above him, his blonde hair and red eyes shining at him with happiness and satisfaction, and his big...

Dick... That was... Still hard...


Ren said, making his brother grin and nod his head, making Ren shake his own head...

"Oh, I think yes, someone is too sexy in that apron... Speak the truth, You wanted this, after all, you know how much I love that sight..."

Rey said, making Ren tremble as his brother put his hands on his head and his dick near Ren's mouth...

"Now come, I know how much you like him..."

His brother Rey said, and Ren sighed, truly, it was like all the things his brother Rey thought was sex...


It was a truth that Ren liked it, as his mouth slowly and sensually took Rey's dick into his mouth, his tongue playing with the tip of dick...


I smiled as I watched from above how Ren kept blowing me, his cute small lips around my dick, his hands playing with my balls, and his tongue...

Oh, his tongue playing with the tip of my dick...

I left Nora in the shower, as even if we were there to clean themselves up, I ended up dirtying Nora again as I released more than five times inside Nora's tight, very tight pussy, and equally or maybe more so tight ass...

As of right now, Nora was making sure all the sperm I released into her was out so as not to dirty her panties again...

Yes, I loved this life, and in the week we would go into Beacon, with someone in our room, I hoped that someone would be a girl, but I wouldn't mind another boy of Ren's look, I needed to be careful, the best scenario would by having Nora and Ren pair like in cannon, and my with...


It was already two years since I last saw her in person...

Huh, it brought pain when I thought about the red-haired amazon, especially with how our breakup ended up...

I... I should probably call her, now that I know she would still like in cannon go into Beacon if the news were to be believed...

"Yes, like this, Ren..."

I whispered as I felt Ren nod his head, his lips still around my dick...

Yes, I should... Probably call Pyrrha... Even if we just barely kissed when we dated, I know it was more than some silly crush we had...

And I know Pyrrha knows it too, it just... Hurts, especially when she said how, how she hated me...

I deserve it, but it still pained me to remember Pyrrha's tear-stained face...


*Author note*

Another piece of Rey's background was revealed?!

To make it clear, Nora, Ren, and Rey are from Mistral, and with how they traveled, they were in Argus for some time, where MC met Pyrrha, but more would be revealed later...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts