
Rwby: Guts the berserker

Guts, a warrior with a troubled past, finds himself in the magical world of Remnant. His past haunts him, and he is determined to find redemption. He is a complex character, with many layers to his personality. Guts is a formidable fighter, with incredible strength and durability that makes him a force to be reckoned with in battle. His proficiency with a range of weapons, including a massive sword, only adds to his intimidating presence. However, Guts is constantly struggling with his inner demons. Guts sets out on a journey to confront his past and overcome his personal struggles. Alongside his friends, he fights to protect the people of Remnant from the Grimm, learning to let go of his anger and tap into his true strength. As he battles and travels with Team JNPR, Guts becomes a respected and powerful ally, finally finding peace and redemption. I don't own the cover nor the Anime/Comics/Manga/Books/Movies/Tv Shows in the Fanfic. 700-1500 words/Ch. 1-5 chapters a week.

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15 Chs

It spoke to you!?!

Ozpin spun around to face Qrow and Guts, his black suit and green scarf a stark contrast against the white walls of his office. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this impromptu meeting?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of skepticism. Qrow rolled his eyes and gestured towards Guts, still in the shadows. "Well, you asked for us," he said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Ozpin narrowed his eyes, studying the two men in front of him. He had just returned from accepting Ms. Rose into Beacon two years early when he received word that Qrow was on his way.

It was unexpected but not necessarily unwelcome. However, what did concern him was the fact that Qrow was sober. Don't get him wrong, Qrow was much heavier than drunk, but it came with a caveat.

His semblance was more potent when sober, and he could sway opinions more easily. After Summer died, Ozpin was lucky he found Qrow drunk; otherwise, he might have lost him forever in that illegal bar.

"Qrow, you are… surprisingly sober…," Ozpin said, a hint of tension creeping into his voice.

Ozpin heard Guts scoff, but he ignored it. Qrow sighed and leaned back in his chair, a sense of ease emanating from him. "Yep. Let me tell you, Oz, it feels good for once in my life. I feel free," he said.

Ozpin was shocked. Has his magic been weighing Qrow down? Was there an issue he needed to address? Would he have to take the magic back? Ozpin quickly shut off the cameras in his office and leaned forward, projecting a no-nonsense personality. "Qrow, if my magic is hampering you in any way, I will be able to take it back," he said, his voice serious.

Qrow shot forward in his chair, his hands raised in protest. "Woah, Woah, the magic is no problem. It's the kid," he said, pointing behind him towards Guts.

Ozpin sat back, relieved but still curious. "The kid?" he asked.

"Yeah, the kid I told you about, Guts. Let me tell you, the kid is unbelievable," Qrow said, shaking his head in awe.

Ozpin sighed and pushed up his glasses. "Yes, I've read your report on him; however, I fail to see how a young kid who isn't even an official huntsman could stop her…," he said, his voice trailing off.

Qrow shook his head. "You weren't there, Oz. The kid saved my life," he said, his voice full of conviction.

"A bit of an exaggeration, Qrow. You are a skillful huntsman. I doubt you would not know when to retreat," Ozpin said, his voice laced with skepticism.

Qrow scoffed. "Trust me, that kid is more powerful than he looks, and the beast he fought. I thought I was a goner."

"I got the impression that the monster was killed in one shot by the kid when you met," Ozpin said, rereading the paper report to ensure he understood correctly.

"There was another," Qrow said instantly.

"Another?" Ozpin asked, looking up, shocked. One Grimm was an abnormality, but two were a significant issue. Was she planning an invasion from Patch? Ozpin shook the thought away. The numbers would show something was up long.

Qrow nodded gravely, recalling the recent encounter with the monstrous Grimm. "Yeah, we ran into one of those things while out there. And let me tell you, it was a real monster. It was like an Amalgamation of different Grimms - it had the claws and spikes of an Ursa, the body of a Bengal, the head of a Beowolf, and a tail with tons of spikes. And to top it off, it could speak. It was unlike anything I've ever seen before," Qrow said, his voice laced with fear and disbelief.

Ozpin's expression turned to one of concern at the mention of the speaking Grimm. "It spoke to you? You heard it?" he asked, clearly worried about the possibility of the Grimm having more human-like intelligence.

"Yeah, it spoke to me. The kid - Guts - said it came from some astral place or something like that. But let me tell you, it was tougher than any other Grimm I've encountered. My sword couldn't even scratch it," Qrow said, shaking his head in disbelief.

Ozpin sat in stunned silence, amazed at the power and danger of this Grimm. "Well, that's certainly something. But that still doesn't mean he's good enough for the cause. How do we know his loyalties?" he asked, voicing a valid concern.

Qrow stood up and leaned over the table, gripping the edges and staring intently at Ozpin. "Ozpin, that kid could take on you, Glynda, Jimmy, and me all simultaneously and still have enough energy to fight off another horde of Grimm. He could either be our greatest ally or our worst enemy. Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers," Qrow said, his voice low and urgent.

Ozpin was taken aback by Qrow's conviction in Guts' abilities. Perhaps there was something to this kid after all. "Fine. We'll see. But I still need to talk to him myself," Ozpin said.

Qrow leaned back in his chair and said, "Guts, you're up!"

From the shadows, Guts stepped forward, his simple armor and sword on full display. He stood before Ozpin, ready to be addressed.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?" Ozpin asked, gesturing towards the pot on the table.

Guts shook his head, his expression serious.

"I assume you heard everything said, so I'll get straight to the point. Why do you think I should accept you into my school?" Ozpin asked, looking at Guts intently.

Guts let out a sigh before answering. "To be honest, you shouldn't. I'm cursed, for lack of a better word. I fight monsters not because I want to but because I have no choice. They keep following me until they are satisfied," Guts said, his words heavy with emotion.

Ozpin was taken aback by Guts' response, finding similarities in his own story.

"Tell me, do you know the tale of the two brothers?" he asked, his tone serious.

Qrow was surprised by Ozpin's blunt approach, but Guts remained unfazed. "Qrow has told me a few of the fairy tales of this world...though I don't believe all of them," Guts said.

"But what about the tale of the two brothers?" Ozpin pressed.

Guts leaned back in his chair; his eyes fixed on Ozpin as he spoke. "I believe there is a god," he said, his voice carrying a note of uncertainty. "But I don't believe it's the same god you believe in."

Ozpin chuckled a hint of amusement in his voice. "That is where you are wrong, my friend," he said, his eyes twinkling. "Allow me to tell you the history of Remnant. It may change your perspective on things."

As the brief history lesson came to a close, the clock struck 9 o'clock.

Ozpin stood up and announced, "You will find a room ready for you to use for the time being. While you stay here before the semester begins in a few days, all facilities are open to you. I'll have one of my night staff members lead you to your room. Good night, Guts."

Guts nodded and stepped onto the elevator that would take him down to his designated room. Ozpin let out a sigh and said, "Thank you for bringing him in, Qrow. I truly believe he will be a great fit for us." Qrow nodded and stood up from his seat. Ozpin continued, "Qrow, that reminds me, your niece is also coming to Beacon too." Qrow let out a sigh at the news.

Guts lay on his bed in his new room at Beacon, his mind racing with uncertainty. He had a week to go before the first group of students arrived, and at least a month before "his class" arrived, but he was also restricted from leaving campus as he wouldn't be allowed back in. 'I guess I'll just have to train tomorrow,' Guts thought to himself, trying to find a way to occupy his time.

(A/N: Happy New year, I wish you guys a prosperous 2023)