

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the cliche someguy gets transmigrated and have to be the hero of their own stories right? Welp one young boy was hand picked from Gaia to be sent into another world against his will with no consent to being tranfered away. Unaware that Gaia was Remnant itself that sent Jack into the world of RWBY with the powers of a fragmented ability of [THE GAMER]. How will Jack the Gamer deal against Remnant troubles as its Destroyer, Servant, or Guardian.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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256 Chs

Chapter 208: Battle of Beacon (11)

Chapter 208: Battle of Beacon (11)

~Third POV~




Shooting out ice projectiles out of G. Weiss magic at the original doing the same with her <Glyphs> and Ice Dust canceling out each other's attack made Weiss worry about the standoff they have.






But her focus on her fight can't make her help Blake who's having a much harder time dodging around from G. Blake own Shadow Magic slicing everything in its wake walking closer to her speaking out, "Kitty, kitty, kitty don't you want to play?"

Blake dodges every shadow slice attack or uses her <Shadow> Semblance to leave copies of clones to use as leverage or platforms to avoid attacks that were intended to be fatal with G. Blake playing with her food.

Changing her Gambol Shroud into pistol mode began to shoot down in G. Blake's direction with the intention to do some harm at least…




Shooting at G. Blake casually has her arms hunched down as the shadows begin to catch the bullets from the air with G. Blake responding to Blake's gunshots, "Oops? Do these belong to you? Here you can have it back…"




The shadow tendrils that caught the bullets from Blake's Gambol Shroud returned back with higher force forcing Blake to tanks the attacks with Blake's aura flickering feeling the pain of the attack while carefully watching the shadows edging closer while keeping her distance.

Weiss having a hard time was forced back to back with Blake with the two backs cornered against their Grimm counterparts Blake spoke out annoyed getting circled, "Damn it… I'm having a hard time against my fake… what about you Weiss?"

Gritting her teeth holding her weapon Myrtenaster kept G. Weiss at bay responding back to Blake, "Annoying. I wouldn't give to take her out but I can't with how much our fighting style is like along with me countering using up my Dust…"

Seeing their backs into the corner Blake soon responded to Weiss thinking the same idea they both had at the moment, "Want to trade enemies –"



Without any response back Weiss used her <Glyphs> to repel the shadows of G. Blake surprised her using her weapon stabbing into the shadow using the Ice Dust freezing it, "NOW BLAKE!"


Rushing into G. Weiss caught a bit surprised and activated her Fire Dust on her bladed weapon striking it down forward in an aura slash contained with Fire element managed to land an attack on G. Weiss but…


G. Weiss glares at Blake making her sweat a bit holding the aura fire element slash soon freezing on the spot not amused in the least with Blake's attempt, "I'm… not… amused… kitty…"


Dropping the frozen attack, Blake could only feel how outmatched she was backing up lightly but then she was suddenly thrown to the side by Weiss.



Weiss got captured by G. Blake using one of her shadow tendrils taking one of the Glyphs Weiss created flipping over causing her to accidentally repel Blake by accident both causing the two to crash land on the table.


The two are standing up hurridly seeing G. Blake and G. Weiss getting closer as the ice and shadows soon envelop the room making the two huntress-in-training begin to feel panic seeing the two coming closer.

G. Blake finally had enough fun playing with her food talks to them the final time revealing her large maw attacking them with her shadows revealing deranged teeth at them, "Ah… I think playtime is over. It's time to finish this."


Before any time to react a shadow tendril intending to impale the two tried to raise their guard up with Weiss using her <Glyphs> as barriers to repel the attack.

She managed to keep it in place but the sounds of panting from her getting tired quickly didn't help as G. Weiss raises her hand while flaring her Ice Magic creating a large ball of ice intending the crush the two with their eyes widen hearing G. Weiss response, "Try… dodge… this…"


Letting gravity do the work by adding weight on top of Weiss <Glyph> barrier she was holding on but soon had to take a knee with fear crawling to her face while her Glyphs held the attacks at bay but rapidly draining her aura pool to the fact to react with Blake standing in front shaking in fear…

Yet that fear is what's motivating Blake to take a stand while thinking petrified now facing G. Weiss and G. Blake attacks thinking rapidly, 'Don't run away! Don't run away! Don't run away! Don't run away! Don't run away! Don't run away! Don't run away! Don't run away! Don't run away! Don't run away! Don't run away! Don't run away!!!'

While holding her ground bracing for the inevitable to happen to pray for an answer to come G. Blake cold glare at her counterpart in an attempt to save the life of her teammate for her own disgusted her talking back, "Oh dear little kitty… do me the favor and run away like the coward you are –"



Before anyone could register anything happening Jack finally came in on the scene expressing a tired expression holding his Bankai form Muramasa out getting G. Blake and G. Weiss's attention immediately before launching a surprise attack…

"<Time Stop>."

Before mumbling too quietly to himself Jack used the <Time Stop> skill to freeze time for a few seconds taking one look at the situation immediately and understanding what needs to be done immediately.


Using <Super Speed> to quickly cut apart the attack's existence and cut the Grimm counterparts into pieces in the place he spoke again in a dramatic tone, "Time shall return."

Like that everything frozen has now begun to move with Weiss and Blake looking on in pure confusion as Jack helps Weiss up by holding her shoulder panting with clear signs of exhaustion on her face.

Blake noticed that their Grimm counterparts died off in an instant with Blake connecting the dots with Jack disposing of them but the tired bags under his eyes didn't help reassure him that he was extremely exhausted.

Weiss managing to stand up noticing the clear tiredness in his eyes managed to speak up trying to talk to Jack with concern evident in her voice, "Jack…? Are you perhaps ok? You seem to be extremely… tired…"

Jack seeing their expressions and taking a look at the mirror of his exhaustion manages to see that the grinding for Grimm is getting to him speaking out loud for Blake to hear, "Whoa… I'm really tired from all the running around Vale killing off Grimm and my clones doing the work. I'm very much taxing my limit already…"

Blake's eyes widen hearing that and tried to ask Jack to stop when he began to move again, "Wait! Jack, you need to rest –"


Before Blake could even speak more Jack already heard what Blake was trying to say but shook his head thinking to himself, 'No… not yet… not tell I get everyone out first… I need to save everyone… I can't risk them being lost to me… not while I have the chance to do something about it!'

'<Time Stop>.'


Everything was frozen again once Jack made it outside with everyone fighting as much as they can against the invasion of Mutant Grimm, Grimmified people, and terrorists that are plaguing everyone.

A smile soon spreads his face thinking how different everything is from what he knew drawing Muramasa at the G. Raven and G. Ruby trying to kill off his close allies, 'Everyone… they changed and fought. I couldn't be more thankful for acting up and stalling enough time for me to help them.'



With attacks aiming at G. Ruby and G. Raven's existence done Jack feeling extreme exhaustion soon let time flow again gripping the handle of his Muramasa feeling the tiredness of his own body overcoming him but his willpower forcing him to stand up.



"Where are the –"


"The Hero of Remnant is here!"

"Would've been more helpful if he was around you know?!"

"Hey his… not looking good guys…"

Rushing towards him everyone soon saw Jack kneeling down panting in and out from the strain his been keeping out feeling lightheaded, "Pant… sigh… I can't stand down yet… and everyone… pant… sorry for the late entry… pant…"

Everyone close to him soon noticed something wrong with Jack with Qrow immediately realizing the signs of exhaustion to the extreme, "Kid… you were out there fighting the Grimm using your clones and super speed to ensure that Grimm won't come?!"

Everyone's eyes widen hearing that before Jack mumbles a bit feeling exhaustion coming close to out of breath with a smug grin trying to stand up, "About… pant… say I don't know I lost count at 1000 of them to be exact coming I killed off… and still… pant… am."

Everyone's eyes widen at the number of Grimm that Jack managed to kill off easily by himself more so than any person has done in their lifetime Sun speaks out impressed, "Holy shit dude! You killed those Grimm more than worth a lifetime of work! But..."

Trying to stand up only steadily doing so Jack warned everyone, of the large Mutant Grimm Gigantis coming over after the memories he got from his clone easily getting killed off making everyone pale at this.

Standing up again Jack spoke to everyone trying to get his legs together feeling the exhaustion catching up to him, "But… don't worry… pant… I'm going… to do something –"

Losing any remaining energy Jack had left as his eyes suddenly lost consciousness expressing a dull tired look in the light behind his eyes.


Before he could respond anymore Jack suddenly lost consciousness as the exhaustion finally caught up to him with Ruby catching him in concern, "Jack! Come on please wake up! Please… we need you now more than ever…"

Her words fell on the deaf ear when Jack was out cold with the exhaustion finally catching up to him Qrow shook his head speaking out to her niece as Weiss and Blake finally caught up with everyone, "Sigh… sorry Ruby but it seems like our hero here already did everything he can to give us the edge. We are placing too much pressure on the guy. We need to do something about this Mutant Gigantis Grimm ourselves."

Everyone only looked down on their heads in shame thinking the same guy doing everything he can to help is already too exhausted to the point of even helping as he did too much at the cost of overexerting himself.

"On that, I can agree with Qrow."


Landing down on the ground catching the Atlas Soldiers, YoRHa units, students, and Qrow by surprise landing down from a Nevermore they spoke out in surprise, "Headmaster Ozpin!"