
Chapter 160: White Fang (12)

Chapter 160: White Fang (12)

~Jack POV~

Hearing the level up I got from killing Adam I managed to enter level 56 but now I have to deal with this issue right away of killing Adam and beheading him right away.

That's going really fuel the racist assholes with more ammo on me if they are on my bad side.

Just great…

2B is so going to give me a massive headache after this.

After beheading Adam while Glynda, Qrow, and Winter stared at me doing the deed I could only sigh seeing the dead Faunus.

Glancing my eyes towards them calming myself down I gave out my reply to them, "Sorry about that. I was really hoping to not kill him but capture… however, I couldn't let him use the Semblance that allows him to absorb energy and redirect them back. Or worse at a train filled with Dust."

Turning my gaze at the train Glynda saw crates filled with Dust as did the other two nodded in understanding at my choice with Winter replying this with a defeated sigh, "Sigh… if you had Adam let him use his Semblance at the train filled with Dust it could've caused a massive explosion on all of us. This resulted in a cave-in on us."

Qrow nods in agreement gazing at Adam's dead body with the other Faunus seeing this immediately surrender bringing his weapon closer to his side, "Yup. Dust is really reactive when Aura is exposed to them. I'll deal with the body since we know he's dead. I don't need them to see this."

Letting Qrow take the body when he brings it out of the distance with the sounds of fire coming from his direction but not before I looted Adam's weapons.

Hey not like his not going to need them where's he going?

I glanced at the train that is now stopped I guess we already completed our overall objective for this mission.

[Quest Completed]

[You gain the item Skill Card: Random]

[Skill Card: Random will be placed inside <Deep Pockets>!]

[You Gain 2000 EXP]






[+10 Bonus Stats]

[Please choose the following rewards:

-Blessed Chest Box

-Cursed Chest Box]



Name: Jack Nights

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: Hero of Remnant

Level: 60 Exp: 200/400

HP: 5200/6000

AP: 3450/6400

STR: 141+5= 146

AGI: 105+5= 110

VIT: 105+5= 110

INT: 106+5= 111

WIS: 105+5= 110

LUCK: 100

Stat Points: 124-> 159


Seeing myself jump up to Level 60 certainly made this a lot easier with the rewards gaining me 5 level-ups and half my EXP gauge.

Helping up next I began to go inside the train with Winter following me behind gesturing to do about the Dust, "Now with Qrow and Glynda dealing with capturing the remaining WF members what to do with the Dust here? Returning it back would require some effort for multiple trips back to return it back to the Vale Kingdom?"

Smirking at that I merely placed my hand on the crates filled with Dust using my skill <Deep Pockets> placing them inside my personal inventory catching Winter by surprise by how easy it was to store them.

She soon looked surprised by my actions while I explained to her what I did exactly, "No worries. With <Deep Pockets> I can basically store them in my own personal subspace storage for the time being. I'll be sure to give them back to the Headmaster."

Winter nods her head with a small smile on her face as she spoke out to me of my explanation to her, "I see. You really are as my sister has said about you being reliable in times it's almost too scary and convenient even. Still, I find it hard that you managed to copy down a Space-related Semblance like that those are rare to find people with those types. My father would've liked to have someone like you work for him."

Scoffing at the mere notion I would bow to him I merely replied to Winter with her following me behind getting more Dust to store inside my <Deep Pockets>, "Tch. I would rather die than work for scum like him. Call it what you will about the guy doing legal business practices it's downright slavery of what he does."

At this Winter merely replied with a defeated sigh in her voice as I grab another batch of Dust from the next car over, "Sigh… I won't disagree with you. However, I have received news that General Ironwood would like to discuss some form of trade partnership of your capsules with our items provided. Let me send you the manifest of items for the trade of capsules."


Hearing a beeping sound from Scroll viewing the contents inside and reading them I could tell there were some he wants from and that doesn't involve only capsules rolling my eyes in annoyance but reluctantly though this is not something I can easily say yeah of sure too.

Oh no.

I'll send this to 2B to get a take on her approach to how to handle this kind of business transaction with the Military Kingdom of Atlas.

No doubt they would try to crack down on how to use my Capsules but sadly for them though they won't have much of a chance because of their lack of certain elements needed to create the capsules and special fuel needed for their hammerspace to work.

Sadly, Remnant only has chemical formulas for Dust and a few metal elements but otherwise, they totally lack the other chemical compounds such as the like of gunpowder, acids, highly combustive elements, gas fuel, or the whole poisons for that matter.

Like I have said before that's the first step and even if they did break through that part, they would have to deal with my special idiot virus that will give them a bad idea to even decipher my own products.

I wonder if Atlas does try I wonder how they will react to an idiot virus based on SMG4 Mario filled with memes and more memes along with anything he touches destroys all of their work while I watch it from afar eating popcorn while I laugh my ass off.

Great now I feel tempted to see if Ironwood or Atlas is THAT desperate… I will make sure to take a picture when it happens.


Sending the manifest to 2B and sundering her contact info to her about the deal I replied to Winter sending them while I spoke, "Hmm… I'm going to need my friend to look this over first before responding. But I sent you the contact info of 2B to have more chances to talk business."

Winter nods at this while I gather the last of the few remaining crates of Dust inside my <Deep Pockets> I walked back with Winter landing down on the ground level with me seeing my team and Team RWBY returning back with others.

Glancing at them as they all gazed at me, I saw some concern on their faces and some shaking while I frown with me speaking out to them what happened, "Ok what happened? Looks like you guys dealt with something heavy."

In a way, they did as they all explained while we tied up the remaining WF members.

Apparently, Team RWBY had to deal with a hostage situation with one of Adam's supporters attempting to kill off another one of his brothers or sisters to tell the group to back off making them pause.

Apparently, he had the weapon close to the hostage's ear with a dagger promising to send it inside her head killing her through the brain sadly though… Ruby was the one that triggered it by rushing in using her <Petal Burst> to instantly get the WF member.

Sadly though with the force, she brought she accidentally launched the dagger through the poor girl's head killing her and capturing the one holding the hostage only for the villain to take a suicide explosion wanting to kill Ruby.

That was something some members or I guess using <Observe> on them the fanatic ones had before Glynda already took them off their person.

However, even though Ruby took the full brunt physically ok by the explosion she was shaken up of how she chose to save the bad guy thinking she would save the hostage only for her to be the one to kill her on accident and even worse the villain tried a last attempt to kill her using a suicide bomb on them.

Making everything Ruby tried to do in vain.

Sounds like those Nazi bastards from Hellsing to me.

After that and knowing some of them had bombs Team RWBY was forced to pick off the ones rushing towards them dying to save themselves and which ones to rescue. My team was also in another situation like Team RWBY where they had to pick as well.


I wonder if Ozpin intentionally made them pick and choose who lives or who dies on their whims making the difficult choice.

Makes one wonder if he let my friends choose or kill those who are truly irredeemable in their own views or try to capture them all like how they envision themselves to be when they signed up for this line of work.

Either way now it makes something for them to grow and think about why they signed up to be here will their reasons be strong enough though is the question?

Will they continue to follow their goals and ambitions after this event?


Only time can really tell.


Feeling a pat on my shoulder helping to round up some of the WF members Blake talked to me apologizing for earlier with her cat ears down, "Jack… I wanted to say sorry for not speaking about anything. When you showed me the video showing your consequences? I was still biased thinking what you were doing was wrong to harm the WF like that but… after today I see I was blind to them even still…"

Feeling her body on my back made me flinch a bit surprised and feeling her melons on my back made me blush as she continues to talk to me almost desperate even, "I… I really don't deserve someone like you. But… is it wrong to ask you for some help in the future?"

Uh oh.

Cat girl needs some loving attention.

Time for the brave to be bold.

Turning around and catching Blake by surprise being bold kissing her on the lip and shocking her while our tongues danced as she looked eyed shock but soon enjoys my <Riding> skill activating taking her mouth for a ride.

[<Riding> LEVEL UP!]

[<Riding> LEVEL UP!]

Finishing I proudly respond grabbing her by the hip and calming her worries with a smile, "Don't ask dumb questions knowing the answer my kitty cat? You can always rely on me to help you out. Just ask ok?"

Blake was tearing up using my <Telepathy> to get the result of her accepting it with so many things in her head she needed something to go off on her head about Adam being replaced with our moments and this kiss.

At least she can rest assured as I can tell I'm going to have an interesting life ahead of me. Now then I have to go see the rest of their worries now. While I go towards the rest of Team RWBY trying to comfort their worries.

But just as I do so I took a small peek at the top of the ceiling and fuck me sideways using <Observe> I found Raven.


Name: Raven Branwen

Class: Spring Maiden

Race: Human

Title: Bandit Queen

Level: 200

HP: 10,000/10,000

AP: 50,000/50,000

MP: 200,000/200,000

STR: 180

AGI: 170

VIT: 170

INT: 110

WIS: 100



Ok… looks like I'm going to start clipping some wings tonight but first…



[Notice of Higher level Than the player!]

[Adjustments are modified…]

[-Fusion Conditions-

Description: Raven Branwen formerly a Huntress with her team turned coward bandit Queen obtains the powers of the Spring Maiden via killing mercy. Her Tribe pillages the villages of their supplies of what she needs for her tribe to survive. You must surprise attack and defeat her as well as don't give her a chance to run away.]

Surprise attack her huh?

Using <Telepathy> while talking to my friends I read she doesn't know me yet and is keeping a distance away.

Better get my clone to cover for me while I hunt this bird for good.

Next chapter