

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the cliche someguy gets transmigrated and have to be the hero of their own stories right? Welp one young boy was hand picked from Gaia to be sent into another world against his will with no consent to being tranfered away. Unaware that Gaia was Remnant itself that sent Jack into the world of RWBY with the powers of a fragmented ability of [THE GAMER]. How will Jack the Gamer deal against Remnant troubles as its Destroyer, Servant, or Guardian.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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256 Chs

Chapter 111: RWBY/Justice League (12)

A/N: Update the Auxiliary Volume on the skill list if anyone is interested to see the MC's future skills up to chapter 125. Enjoy the chapter.


Chapter 111: RWBY/Justice League (12)

~Jack POV~

Firing at me with multiple concentrated Dust Energy at me I used Red Riot Dust crystals inside to create a barrier around me using up all the Dust elementals while I began to focus using a skill, I gained during my time training.


Suddenly all of the energy blasts that Penny used began to have my royal blue hue on them as I began to control them under my command I began to bend them back at Penny making her wide-eyed seeing the attacks being reversed.


Feeling a mental strain on my mind doing that stunt controlling the energy blast with my mind even though it's a free-cost skill it still needs me to focus on this than just command it with my Aura.

Penny glares at me while I use this skill completely for free.


I got this skill when I reached level 50 on my <Meditation> skill unlocking my own psychic energy into this form but not without some mental strain physically for myself.

Skill List.


<Psychokinesis> (Active) Lv. 17/100 Exp: 80%

Description: Users possess psychokinesis, the psychic ability to manipulate or interact with the matter with mental effort alone the ability is tied directly to the mind.

This skill can be activated and controlled through conscious effort and concentration, through willpower and emotion of a particular level of intensity, or through achieving a state of discipline and serenity. In some cases, the ability can respond to the user's thoughts and ideas, imagination, desires, or belief in their abilities, something that could make the power harder or easier to activate, and in these cases, it is often more challenging to control.

A common example is behaving erratically during moments of stress, rendering it a liability or even a hazard in those scenarios unless the user can regain control.

Moreover, these aspects of the user's mind and mental capacity can potentially affect the accuracy, precision, range, and strength of their ability and the subsequent limitations of its intuitiveness, usability, and reliability in different situations.

In extreme examples, the power can be so extensive as to allow for the user to passively influence matter and affect their environment using their presence alone. In other cases, the user's power may be used through instinct or some form of intuition or extrasensory perception rather than physical senses or conscious thought. Sometimes, the ability itself can be used to actively perceive the world by projecting psychic energy onto it, similar to echolocation, acting as an extension of the user's physical senses.



This skill is pretty broken if I can train this more often not without having some brain problems if I overexert myself but this power is broken if I managed to unlock the max I could with this skill.

The difference between this and telekinesis is that while telekinesis allows one to move or control objects at a distance, it does not specify the method by which it is accomplished.

Telekinesis is a general term for manipulating matter and objects from a distance without physical interaction from the user. Telekinetics can use natural and mundane forces (gravitational energies, electromagnetism, kinetic energy, space-time, dimensions, elements, etc.) or supernatural forces ranging from extradimensional energies to holy or demonic energies, or even normal superpowers that can manipulate matter in the process.

However, psychokinetic only utilize their mind power (thoughts, emotions, instincts, personalities, desires, etc.) or psychic energy driving from the astral or mental plane to power their telekinetic abilities.

Many non-fictional and fictional sources mistakenly merge the two with the same ability; they aren't incorrect since psychokinesis can be categorized as a mental variation of telekinesis. But, a distinction is needed between the two superpowers.

My <Telekinesis> is powered by my soul while <Psychokinesis> uses my mind power for real without relying on my AP bar something I greatly appreciated.

But if looks could kill it's something Penny doesn't appreciate as she began to fire off more of her energy canons at me while I used <Psychokinesis> to take control of her energy redirecting it around at the wave of my hand with her green energy turning blue because of my hold going after her.


Twirling around and avoiding the attacks while I hear Penny beginning to adjust her attacks at me, "Analyzing… negative. No Aura usage is used in his attacks of <Telekinesis>. The long-range attack is useless. Turning to close combat."

Hearing this I got ready my weapons of Destiny Ward's at ready as Penny began to change her canons into her swords all twirling around while I drop down to the ground level as she rushed at me.


Just come right after me Penny.

Twirling my blade I see Penny intends to clash with blades at me I began to use <Water Attraction> to change the water vapor into solids as I began to command them to attack Penny at her.







Seeing that Penny's swords got caught in the water attacks at her I smirked as I changed the cohesion of water making sticky like syrup by changing the water molecules when it made contact with me.

Getting stuck like that with her majority but two swords stuck in syrup like water glue she glares at me as she began to smirk.



That was when Penny's arms began to transform into two more swords but have cannon functions as she spoke to me, "Dr. Pietro made sure to reoutfit me with new weapon modifications properly to deal with further threats. Starro needs his weapons useful. Like you will be foolish mortal."

Seeing two energy canons too close to I couldn't use <Psychokinesis> at this close range unless I want to take some serious damage best case scenario of this… what will it be….




Avoiding the incoming energy blast at the last second I used <Petal Burst> to avoid the attack almost instantly while I was behind Penny as her red eye took the chance to turn while I placed my hand at her back almost touching it with <Aura Amp> at the ready.

Sorry but –



Suddenly Penny activated her jet pack backpack on me as I saw my hand unprotected burn to a crisp while her jet thrusters burn my hand forcing me to take it away. But Penny didn't let this chance go unnoticed as she turned around at me swinging her sword arm at me at incredible speeds.


Just a few seconds more than I would be the goner but at the last second, I used Destiny Ward's to block the incoming sword strike avoiding it with a clash, but my eyes widen to see my sword weapon had been chipped off.

That isn't good at all.

My own weapon became a liability and Penny knew that for a pure fact because she began to hurry to try to chip away my weapon leaving me no choice but to defend myself from each strike with each weapon striking chips away the metal of my own weapon from her series of sword strikes all aimed at my weapon.






Multiple times Penny strikes the blade chipping the metal to the point where one more attack will destroy it as she speaks to me, "This is inevitable Jack. You will serve under Starro it's impossible to – "

Touch you.




Really… do villains or brainwashed bad guys have this troupe of talking in mid-fight?

Who the fuck am I kidding?

This is fucking Starro from DC I'm talking about here that's basically in their system to have this kind of talk and even their minions have this type of thing going down they really should stop with mid-monologuing unless I want to take the abuse of this.

Taking a moment of a breather I began to glance at Penny taking some distance with Penny regaining her control as she finally speaks, "Jack… I don't have long, please. Please destroy me before my reprogramming returns... destroy my core."

It was my turn to do a double take at Penny's request… and the desperation in her voice.

She… she really isn't in control of herself anymore.

But then next I hear her say something that is eerily similar to what she says before to Jaune in Vol.8 making me stop in place suddenly being in this position, "No… there's not enough time to back to normal… back to me… You can't let the mastermind have any more people for its army… I don't want to be built for that purpose… but there is something you can do… Let me choose… this one thing… trust me… you have – "



Without any hesitation, I spoke out what was on my mind.

I won't be following this stupid script.

I'm glaring Penny in the eye asking me of this?


Fuck that bullshit to hell.

I'm not about to kill someone I care about for the greater good and all.

Even if I kill her now, she just hops back to Atlas servers and be in a new body with no free will of control over herself.

Even asking to go for her core will kill her for good.

And she just wants me to kill her before that happens?


I made a promise to save her and I know this killing her won't do much but it's the fact and morals of the situation that doing so that is forcing my hand.

The world wants me to kill an innocent girl just so that I can save her later.

Fuck that shit.

When the odds are against me it's time to flip the table on its fucking head.

Revealing a confident smile towards Penny lessening my glare towards her I responded to her stopping in place, "Penny I will save you… but I won't kill you just for you to return back to Atlas to finish their programming. I don't care that you are a robot and killing you is the end of your suffering, but I won't. Do you want to know why? Because I am here."

Penny froze hearing my words not expecting that but that was when she glitched out again as her green eyes turned red again while returning the glare at me using the moment to release her swords at me again.

Penny scolds me while she mocks my attempt to save her readying her cannons, "You know that was worthless. Try as you might to 'save me but in the end, you are all pawns to the greater schemes. You will be captured Jack Nights and this is the end."

Using her sword glowing crimson red the energy cannons on her began to glow I could only smirk seeing this as I reply to Penny taking out a certain weapon and discarding my Destiny Wards in the process, "No Penny I won't try. I will. It is fine now. And you want to know why?"

In that moment Penny fired off her energy blast at my direction…





At that moment I took out my Zanpukto in my hand as suddenly my aura surrounding me began to morph and change into pure spiritual energy releasing all my energy in the general area while my aura changed to that of a pillar releasing all the stored energy, I have but maintaining it with ease.



"Because I am here."