
RWBY Dreaming Of Life

New Life in RWBY One can say that the world is our mother who is taking care of us and protect us from the nightmares of the void ----------- I don't own any character or works mentioned in this fanfiction, my MC is the sole character who belongs to me

Nisiris · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


*Author note*

Just heads up, as you would find, the RWBY verse will be spiced up into a full-blown multiverse, so don't be surprised if you see different characters from different universes there in different timelines and such oki? :P


Gaea, the mother of the earth, a Titan what could erase my existence without a blink of an eye her mere every my instinct should scream at me to not anger her to worship her...

At least that's what I read from my previous life. However, that's not the case, as my instinct tells me there isn't any better place or be near a person I should call home...

And that name a Leylain.

It brings me strange memories of observing a magical civilization full of life and wonders, yet at the same time full of emotions.

Happiness when I see them find their new life path

Curiosity when I find them pursuing new knowledge of magic

Content when they reach their goal

But not all of the emotions are happy as there are others I scarcely start to remember.

Sadness when I see them broken by reality

Anger when I see them using my power in their selfishness

And the worst

Despair and hopelessness as I stand by the side without means to help them as the two beings of light and dark use them like cattle and, in the end, finally erasing them.

And then finally

A burning Rage as every my power cry in outrage at these beings action of an unneeded massacre

I remember feeling my body being ripped apart by them, but at the same time, not without fighting back by banishing them from the now almost dead world.

And my last memory is of my sadness and hope at the same time as I was giving the world back a life that they took away.

And in the end, I remember my body breaking apart and like a cloud of dust drifting unto now once again world full of life and new possibilities.

And as I was drifting through my new or rather old memories, I remembered her, my mother, a Gaia, the mother who was sleeping as the civilization wasn't strong enough for her to awaken, but in my last memory.

I could feel her stir and slowly wake up as I could feel her start to panic and trying to reach me. Unfortunately, it was already too late, and as my last powers were used up to bring back life to the dying world and get my mother from grasps of death...

As without living world there, wouldn't be Gaia, and without Gaia, there wouldn't be me as such, I sacrificed for the possibility of a new start for my mother and the mortals what I cherished...

""So you finally remember my child?""

She says and once again takes me into her bosom, letting me take time to organize my newfound memories.

""There isn't need to rush, Leylain there is still a lot of time for us to speak""

Mother says in a content tone, and I can't help but stop as something doesn't add up and seeing me grasp the little meaning, my mother just smiles sadly at me.

""Ever the sharp one, aren't you, my child""

She muses and continues.

""Yes, no matter how much I wish to let you stay there with me forever as sending you away would risk another accident like last time""

She pauses briefly at mentioning of my death, and there is a brief flash of pain and rage in her eyes.

""I must once again sleep, and you must get your body back as, without it, you would drift in the void. like you were until now""

She says and let it sink.

And she is right, now that I remember, even if flashes, I know that even if she calls me her child im truly part of her, and by humans standards, im the nervous system of the world, and magic is the blood of the world.

And that brings me to stop as I realize that mother was awake without me there, and that's just thanks to remnants of my body.

""Yes, as you already think, your body remnants are starting to fade, and with that, my consciousness will fade too, at least until the time you will once again become part of my and rebuild your body back""

She says with a smile.

and I get feeling it wouldn't be as easy as it sounds because my memories of my another life, the mortal one back on earth, I remember the lot of stories I read and no matter how much I wish I know thanks to my first life that there is magic and there definitively are beings as Chaos Go-


My mother suddenly screams, making my thoughts halt, and I suddenly feel little tremors in the beautiful garden and a look of panic in my mother's eyes until it passes and there is once again calmness, and my mother sighs in relief and give me a disapproving look.

""Leylain, you must be careful you no longer are on the mortal plane. In this place, names, even the most insignificant ones, are enough to bring their attention, especially now that im in a weakened state my domain isn't stable enough to block theirs gaze""

Mother says, and I immediately stop from thinking about them. But that isn't as easy as I would wish

""No matter, Leylain, our time shortening, so listen to me carefully yes""

She doesn't ask but commands.

""Now that I finally found you, my time being awake shortened significantly from years to mere hours, but that isn't your fallout as if everything would work out as we wish I would wake up in mere decades""

Mother says quickly before I could get sad about the fact that I must leave her.

""My sisters, the other Gaias from another Earths in multiverse promised me to help you, and one of them should send someone after you are born in the world, my son listen to me carefully""

She says gravely, and even though her warning, I could see that the garden shimmer and fade in slow motion.

""The world you remember is no longer there, where magic was ordinary, and humans were the sole mortal race there in your time, now magic is just a fairytale with just a handful of them knowing about it being real and even less capable of using it, and when you were creating life back you fused little of magic into them creating another race along with humans and that is now known as Faunus and giving both of them the gift of aura and semblance with is their limit now""

She says, and my mind stops when I remember one particular. serial in my mortal life.

""And before the twins left in their spite of not being able to use and take your powers for themselves, they created two immortals and relics in hopes of using all the leftover magic and by such making it almost impossible for you to return and rebuild your body""

Oh, it seems the multiverse is really vast...

""My son, by careful as their doings thined the veil of our world now named Remnant and making it easy for other realms to open rifts between the worlds and connect it, and even if my sisters do not let them, there are worlds where my sisters died as such nothing is stopping of such worlds from invading us""

Oh, and as my mother continues, the garden is almost gone, and just the little pond continues to stay.

""The more the mortals use your body remnants they named as dust""

ON mentioning dust, there isn't a doubt it really is RWBY, but at the same time, I could see my mother angry as mortals literally named my body after...

Well, dust...

""The Veil will be getting thinner as it uses your body remnants to stay up and strong""

Of so the Veil between worlds is like a skin?

""As such, you must be quick. creating your new body""

Wait, how did I created Ley lines in the first place?

""Stay strong my Leylain, and remember no matter what, a mother loves you""

She says, and I can feel myself drift from her!


I don't want to go!

""Mother is sleepy, by quick and wake me up, will you, my son?""

She says with a smile, and I can see her lay down and close her eyes as she is already sleeping.


I cry out, but rather than words, I hear just cry leave my mouth.

Wait, from when I have a mouth?

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, it's a healthy boy!"



So your thoughts????? :D

Nisiriscreators' thoughts