
Beginning of Initiation

Flying through the air, Cer yawned, rubbing his right eye and fixing his form for the eventual landing. He had his focus on the text in front of him as the land beneath was a solid thirty seconds away.

[Daily Mission ~ Tier 1

- Kill 5 Beowolves.]

[Rewards: 5 coins, +1 attribute of choosing(10%), random active skill(0.181813%).]

[Daily Mission ~ Tier 1]

- Kill 5 Boarbatusk.]

[Rewards: 5 coins, +1 attribute of choosing(10%), random passive skill(0.355630%).]

[Weekly Mission ~ Tier 1

- Kill 1 Alpha Beowolf.]

[Rewards: 10 coins, +1 random attribute.]

[Weekly Mission ~ Tier 1

- Kill 2 Ursas.]

[Rewards: 10 coins, +1 random attribute.]

[Monthly Mission ~ Tier 1

- Kill 1 Nevermore.]

[Rewards: 20 coins, +1 random attribute.]

[Yearly Mission ~ Tier 1

- Kill 1 Goliath.]

[Rewards: 100 coins, +5 random attributes, 1 random perk or passive skill(50%).]

'Nothing new here. Refresh general missions.'

[General Missions refreshed.]

[New missions available.]


[General Mission 1

- Make a weapon for yourself.]

[Rewards: 20 Exp, 15 coins, Perk(Puncher).]

[General Mission 2

- Learn to use Aura.]

[Rewards: 5 Exp, 5 coins]

[General Mission 3

- Pass the exam.]

[Rewards: 15 Exp, 10 coins.]

[General Mission 4

- Get the best results.]

[Rewards: 25 Exp, 15 coins, Unlocked Semblance, 1 appropriate perk.]

[General Mission 5

- Save or protect others.]

[Rewards: 2 Exp per person, 1 coin per person.]

[General Mission 6

- Have no teammates.

- In conflict with Gen. Mis. 7.]

[Rewards: 5 Exp, Perk(Lone wolf).]

[General Mission 7

- Have teammates.

- In conflict with Gen. Mis. 6.]

[Rewards: 10 Exp, Perk(Team player).]

'An explanation of the perks from general missions three and four is required.'

[Lone wolf: +20% of physical attributes and Aura Capacity when the user is alone in an activity. -10% of physical attributes and Aura Capacity when the user is working with someone.]

[Team player: +20% of physical attributes and Aura Capacity when the user is working with someone. -10% of physical attributes and Aura Capacity when the user is alone in an activity.]

'Easy choice.'

Directing himself to a tree, he moved some of his Aura from his upper body to his legs. This temporarily strengthened his lower body to carry the burden of falling from a couple of dozen feet, but that's not the most important part of it. The Aura was mostly concentrated on the bottom of his feet, allowing him to instantly transfer his soul's energy to whatever he's touching within microseconds of contact. As a result, the branch he first stepped on was now tough enough to handle his weight that was backed up with gravity's influence and high velocity.

Two weeks of practicing this move without break helped Cer in safely reaching the ground due to the words of his...power. In his opinion, it was still too flashy, inefficient, rough, and loud, but he didn't have another choice. Unfortunately, other than the instinctive and defensive use of Aura which is the second skin that nearly everyone with Aura wears, this technique was the best that he could do.

As soon as he got to the floor, he closed his eyes. 'How much Aura did I lost from that?'


'Better six than eight. Has there been any progress on the search for Aura increasing or enhancing potions?'

[800+ in total but with user's filters, there are 3 choices available.]

'And this is a result from searching every potion?'


'Display those three potions.'

It has only been one month since he has awakened his Aura and solely relied on his attributes and mind to clear his daily missions. Though he has failed the Nevermore missions at the beginning due to a lack of capability, he hoped that there was one in this forest where teens with ranged weapons could be of use for his mission.

The coins he is rewarded with goes towards future investments like bloodlines, skills of either kind, items, or weapons. Presently, the Development Potion is one of those investments that he believed would have long-term benefits. This item costs five coins in the shop and is sold once per day, coinciding with the first daily mission. Its effect is to add and maximize the body's potential, keep him fed for the day, and suppress distracting desires.

Of course, such a good item is too good to be true and as Cer predicted, the body potential effects are slow in progress but he has noticed an improvement over the weeks he has kept track. However, the rest of its benefits are applied as described which he was grateful for. One, it saved money on food, and two, having a level of concentration that he never possessed before was incredible.

The amount of time he can spend on activities he used to despise like reading was nothing short of a miracle. Usually, he would be bored or distracted when holding a book and with the potion, he could enjoy something he once hated.

Reading was nothing short of an adventure. So many messages. So many journeys. So many perspectives. It was all so fascinating and he would've missed it had it not been for the miraculous potion.

[Aura Physique Potion]

[A potion that changes a person's physical body to increase affinity with Aura, resulting in a small increase in reserves every day, increased quality, and superior control of it.]

[- 500 Coins

- One-time use]

[Aura Birth Potion]

[A potion that produces a shell around a person's soul, protecting it and giving a second color to Aura. The shell increases Aura for a while and has a minuscule chance of birthing a second Semblance.]

[- 1000 Coins

- Three-time use]

[Aura Growth Potion]

[A potion that increases the amount of Aura a person has.]

[- 20 Coins]

[- Once per week]

'Way to entice me.' Cer shook his head. ''Buy the Aura Growth Potion and add the Aura Physique Potion and Aura Birth Potion on the wishlist.'

Opening his eyes and seeing the path in front of him, he jogged straight. No need to waste stamina on running.


[Cer Ulean

Race: Human/Snake Faunus Hybrid

Level: 3 (35/1375)

Aura: 274/280

+ 10 Reflex

+ 3 Stamina

+ 5(+7) Dexterity

+ (+7)Agility


- None


- Poison Generation(Innate/Passive)

- Poison Adaption(Innate/Passive)

- Poison Immunity(Innate/Passive)

- Poison Touch(Innate/Passive)

- Night Vision(Innate/Passive)

- Heat Sense(Innate/Passive)

- Aura Defense(Cloak)


- Nature's Favor]

Popping open his drink, he gulped it down in one chug. He waited a minute.

'How much has my Aura improved?'


'Okay? What an oddly specific number.'

Hearing the growling nearby, he unsheathed his sword and pressed a button on his sheath, transforming it into a thick sword meant to bash in the skulls of his enemies. The targets showed up as expected but in Cer's eyes, he saw gains.


"This boy...something is off about him," said Glynda, watching the footage of the dark green-haired boy demolishing each Beawolf with one precise strike.

Ozpin sipped his coffee. "Elaborate Glynda."

"It's his face. He's...emotionless. I've seen poker faces before and his one is the best yet."

"That warrants suspicion?"

"A little. It is his actions that confuses me." Ozpin raised his eyebrow. "He has a neutral gaze on everyone. He doesn't act as teens do. No awkwardness. No sexual desire. A confidence that I'm envious of. Seemingly perfect control of emotions." Her eyes narrowed. "Even the more matures teens are not like this. You should've seen him last night Ozpin. It was like watching a robot."

"Hmm...you might be onto something." He sipped again. "But it's not that important."


"He is here is he not? He is trying to be a Hunstman and that's all I need for now."

"I understand," Glynda replied, continuing her observation on the Cer whose fighting style resembled an assassin. "And should we question what he was drinking?"

"I doubt we'll get any answers."


Bored. That's how Cer was feeling.

In the first six minutes of the fight, he dispatched the Beawolves necessary for his coins and continued to attract other Grimm nearby, specifically an Ursa. There was no alpha among the pack he fought, so he had to wait for that to be accomplished later.

Dodging another claw to the face, he was thanking his...whatever it was for letting him supply his Reflex attribute. Even if he failed to foresee an attack, his body reacted for him and by the time he realized what he was doing, his mind caught up and he immediately retaliated.

At first, having a body that instantaneously moves in command or does things before he knew it was disorienting. One month smoothen the adaption to this newer state of movement and boy was he surprised at what he could do.

Ten attribute points in Reflex, twenty being the maximum, meant that he was capable of catching bullets with his hand if his other attributes were higher. As mentioned previously, Cer, or rather his body, knows when a harmful strike or anything is coming his way seconds ahead of time. Cer believed that increasing the Reaction attribute will allow for control over his automatic actions.


And like that, Cer's patience paid off, maybe a little too well. In front of him were two Beowolves he hadn't killed yet out of the twenty-two, yes he counted, and three Ursas, a larger, bonier one in the middle, that he readied himself for.

'First the Beowolves.' He mentally sighed. 'Wish I had a gun.'


"This Cer is quite capable of attracting trouble. I wonder if I should be prepared for property bills?"

Glynda rolled her eyes. "I'm sure that I, your glorified maintenance worker, can restore any destruction. What I want to know is whether we should help or sit this one out."

"Let's watch," he declared. "I'm curious as to how he'll deal with it."

"You believe he won't escape?"

"Are you saying that you didn't notice the small smile on his face when the Ursas came? He was waiting for them."

"Great." Glynda sighed. "A battle junkie and a possible sociopath. What a combination."

"Indeed. Perhaps we'll have to do a Beacon first for him."


"If he excels in this exam, I want to create a one-man team consisting of him."


"I know, " Ozpin reassured, "but there are people who work better with themselves than around others. I believe I am looking at one right now." Ozpin turned to her. "It's an idea I've been thinking of for a while now. If he fails, then I'll shut down the plan myself. After all," watching the young boy struggle a little, He smiled, "teams are made to ensure another's survival."

---------- (A/N: Did you know that there is a species of Jellyfish called Turritopsis dohrnii that is immortal?)

'All right. I overestimated myself.' He jumped back, slashing upwards at the Beowolf who thought it was being clever. 'Agility has to be improved even further and Strength is a must. The sword's cutting but my lack of force is not finishing the job.'

Cer glanced at the disintegrating body of the last Beowolf, planning on the next move.

'What to do. What to do. I gotta separate them somehow and break their coordination.'

He picked up a rock.

'Accept Beowolf Daily Mission.'


'Accuracy. Come on accuracy. Or something useful. I'll take useful.'

[Rewards: 5 coins, +1 Stamina-]


[and Active Skill(Sharpen).]

'Huh?' He blinked and the Ursa was way too close for comfort. 'Oh shit!'

He jumped back swiftly, evading the bite aimed for his head, and in a moment of clarity, he grounded himself and charged, dropping the rock to be forgotten to history.

According to this...thing a month ago, active skills have to be verbally or mentally said for activation. As this was his first-ever active skill and he was under the pressure of battle, he nearly shouted it out. However, Cer knew he was being monitored and he had no intervention to expose this power. He won't have to guess how quickly he'll be kidnapped and probably enslaved.


A swing of the blade and the torso of the dark, mask-wearing bear was split in two.

'Damn.' He marveled at the very much dead Ursa with slight shock. 'Where have you been all my life?'

One of the Ursas ran and didn't look back, leaving only one enemy left. Cer studied the incoming monster. As it was on all fours, he couldn't predict the next attack. Understanding that anticipating was risky, so he charged it with the sword in the lead. The Ursa stopped a few inches away and dropped its claws on Cer. The latter swung up, smoothly cutting the limb, and then a diagonal slash ended it.

Cer relaxed a little and searched the surroundings and spotted his damaged sheath. 'Another repair. Ugh. Accept Ursa Daily Mission.'


[Rewards: 10 coins, +1 Strength.]

'Fitting. I wonder when I can fist an Ursa to death,' he mused, only to regret a few moments later. 'Should've worded that better. Punch? Wrestle? Manhandle? Bear-handle?' He nodded to himself. 'Definitely bear-handle.'