
Rwby:A Sembalance of Enchantment (Archived version)

------Being completely rewritten, this is the Archived version------

ZeOwl · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Whatcha gotta do

Salem walked me through the halls explaining a summarized story. It was about her and Ozpin and the war between them. I thought it was a little petty, but I wasn't gonna mock the lady who tried killing herself in the Callous.

"So this job..."

"You will be going to Beacon Academy."

"Really? Wait...i'll be going there because its owned by Ozpin aren't I."

"That is one of the reasons yes, You will be joined by Cinder and her pet...Emerald."


"I don't care much about what random strays she uses to accomplish her goals."

"Am I a stray?"

"A different kind of stray really."

"Thanks for the morale boost."

"You don't need it, and I am not one to coddle."

I really wanted to say something about that, but I held back.

"Before you go onto some tangent, I'll tell you what your mission is and let you make your room your own."

I felt like I had to respond to her, but at the same time it felt more like I was just comforting myself.


She had sighed,"Do you have to respond to everything? Don't answer that...You said you can use your semblance to hypnotize people. So I want you to try your best to get as many of Ozpin's students on your side. I don't really care what you do with them, or how you get them on your side. As long as they aren't on Ozpin's side. Cinder will be joining you to Beacon, but she will have a different job."

"Can I ask what her mission is?"

"YOu can ask her yourself, though I doubt she will answer."

"What if I interfere with her mission?"

"I don't care, as long as one of them succeeds. If they both do, you might just be rewarded. So try your best to help Cinder as well. With you killing her other pet, she's going to need the help."

"So get people against Ozpin, do what I want in how I make them against Ozpin...I can do that."

"Give me your scroll."

I pulled it out my pocket and gave it to her. "Whatcha gonna do with it?"

"Taking note of your number, I doubt Cinder will relay my information to you. So i'll just contact you directly if I need to. DO NOT CONTACT ME! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!"

The shadows flared around us while she said the last part, I nodded immediately, she already made me scared. I didn't need anymore convincing. I watched as she walked off, she had no sway to her hips, but I could still enjoy it.

"She made me terrified alright, but I am also very excited."

A voice came from behind me, "You really shouldn't be. It might get you killed."

I turned to see a very large man behind me, Pretty sure he was the silent one from the throne room. I didn't really look at him previously, but I could certainly see him now.

"I am Hazel, You are?"

"My name is Mars Peaches."

"Like as in Peachy Antiques? I think I knew your Grandfather. How did you get mixed up with all this?"

"Uhh...Well, My parents had a Gambling addiction. I killed them."


"To be fair, they were left out of the will my grandfather had. I owned the shop and everything, but they stole the money from me and even mortgaged the shop to pay for the gambling they were doing. According to them, they deserve the money my grandfather left me. According to my dead grandfather, his son doesn't deserve a penny from his wealth. So take it as you will, I never understood what caused them to break apart originally, but it ruined their relationship."

"I guess that makes it better...Your grandfather was a stickler when it came to money."

"...Yeah, Wh-How did you know him? I still kind miss him."

My grandfather was really my only friend when I grew up, he was who taught me how to really push my semblance to its limits. I wanted to know a bit more about his past. He never talked about it, specially since for an old man he was very young.

"Well...I got in a fight with him...."

He began to describe how it happen. My grandfather a Hunter at the time had broken up a bar fight. I sat against the door as Hazel told me his brief encounter with my grandfather, but the advice he gave was something that lasted. Apparently my grandfather had suggested the use of injecting dust to produce elemental effects...

My grandfather was a genius when it came to semblances. I never knew what his was, but if I had a guess it would've been the understanding of other peoples semblances. The story ended and I felt less nervous about staying here in the land of the grimm. This was likely planned, so my fear wouldn't cause any problems with wandering grimm while I slept.