
Rwby:A Sembalance of Enchantment (Archived version)

------Being completely rewritten, this is the Archived version------

ZeOwl · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Talking stupid

It took a month, but me and the two women who refused to talk to me the entire flight arrived at our destination.

"I can't believe you both lasted that long without talking to me at all. Not a single response, I am honestly impressed. I was getting pretty sexist by the need of that too. Guess I need to step up my game."

Finally Emerald spoke up, "Would you just shut up! I Can't even believe a person like you can exist! I thought Mercury was bad, but your just intolerable!" She then stormed off.

"Jeez what was her problem..."

"Let's just get this over with. I Don't really want to be near you either..."


The walk was horrible depressing this place looked like a wasteland for grimm. A blocky castle looking spire was the only building. It was also the one we were walking to. I looked over the edge of one of the cliffs...

Pools of grim swayed beneath the chasms. It seemed I got myself in some deep shit. This walk must've been a test. Cinder had waited for me to stop staring at the the black fluidious grimm. That was the Callous, a fabled grimm that was literally made of negative energy. Tainting the land it spreads too bringing infestations of grimm.

"I kind of wanna swim in it."

"Well, you can see what happens to the people who do."

She walked toward the castle once again.

"Nice, an ominous message that leads to more questions."

She was right though, as we entered the castle and into the main hall? No, this was a throne room... I could see her. I woman who was deathly white, like the bones and carapaces of the grimm. Ultimately I said something stupid, that I wanted to instantly take back.

"Damn, she's gothic hot."

It was a compliment just not one most would like to hear, and calling the fairly scary grimm lady hot might get me killed. Specially since when I spoke Cinder froze up in shock and the two of the other residents held back laughter. Two very different laughter it seemed, but they certainly knew how to stay quiet when needed.

"Well at least convincing you to join our group will be simple enough."

"No doubt with legs like that I would...FUCK!"

I bit down on my tongue to stop talking.

"You say what your thinking when your scared...its cute."

"Yup, But I don't think that was a compliment."

A Guy with a Scorpion tail had become laughing hysterically behind her. He was still extremely quiet about it though. Which made me twitch more.

"What's your semblance?"

Now it seemed she already knew how to get me to talk, which wasn't good because I basically just talked away.

"Well, my semblance allows me to enchant anything I wanted with properties, I can use this in applications like making weapons deal elemental damage like dust, but I don't require any dust to make it work. I can make something into an indestructible object or and infinitely bouncing bouncy ball. Using it on people has even more variable affects. Like I can cause people instant vertigo or death. I can even hypnotize people or cause them to go mute or unable to use their own semblance. though using it on people often times makes me tired or become more lethargic. I am scared to use it on myself however due to my previous experience of accidentally nearly shattering my bones when I made myself extremely bouncy. They only Enchantment I use on myself is called intel allowing me to scan myself for any information I want to know. This works on other people as well like I can use it on you and get the size of those delicious looking breasts you have, i bet..."

I bit down hard making the inside of my mouth to bleed.

"Please stop talking to me... I think I cause permanent damage to my tongue from biting down on it to stop talking..."

"Would you like to join us?"

"Only if I get paid and can do whatever I want with my semblance, originally I wanted to get a Hunter license to freely travel the world so I can do whatever. Now however I am..."

I bit down again, it was my lip now causing it to bleed as well.

"You are certainly an interesting person. Would you be willing to give me your grandfathers book in exchange for something?"

"I would..."

i bit down again, stopping my self from saying I would like to fuck her. Instead I began again getting used to her presence.

"I would if you let me get a Hunter license and possible a new last name. Peaches isn't exactly the most...badass name. I would also like to hear how you became a grim and finally can I get a weapon to use with my semblance I would prefer a shield, but I can really use anything."

She smirked, "So you finally got a grip of yourself? Just when I was having fun. Very well, I can do all that for you. You would have heard a bit about that story anyway."

"With how devoid of emotion your voice is I wouldn't have guest you were having fun."

This time I straight up just covered my mouth.

"I can have all kinds of fun, Come with me I will discuss your job while I show you around."

The other people in the room had finally breathed out. Cinder seemed as terrified as I was and the Faunus who had silently laughed early began hysterically laughing around the floor. The others there I hadn't focus on enough to get a good look to see there reactions.

I followed the white lady out of the room, seeing a glimmer of envy in Cinder's eyes as the door closed.