
Rwby:A Sembalance of Enchantment (Archived version)

------Being completely rewritten, this is the Archived version------

ZeOwl · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Sparring pt3

----I'm sorry for the terrible fighting aghhh!-----

Ruby was fast, it wasn't too fast to dodge. However I wouldn't be able to attack her. She hit me a few times causing me to have to use my aura to protect myself. Several of her hits even had enough power to knock me back. However all of them were just glancing blows. It was much more impressive to see her use the leverage to increase the power of her attacks.

"You know I have to admit, I am impressed. However i won't tell you why I am being a jerk if you don't beat me."

She went long range and shifted her armament into a sniper rifle. A little surprised at the sudden shift I jumped out of the way of a bullet. It wouldn't have hurt due to still having a massive amount of aura, but that didn't mean it wasn't scary. I wasn't one to want to get shot. I slammed the metal part of my gloves into the ground and breaking a piece of rubble off. Charging at Ruby would make her shift again. So I just Threw a chunk of rock I grabbed from the ground hard enough to hurt.

Striking Ruby in the head she ran out of aura. She expended to much on her moves, so she had to use up the last on herself to block my attack. "Ruby rose has run out of aura. It was a good match."

Ms. Goodwitch was staring at my aura percentage however, tapping at her scroll. She was wondering why I lost so little aura, specially after using it to block half of Ruby's hits. "Mars, go ahead and pick someone else."

I heard whispers among a few people. Specifically the hurt Cardin sat. I needed to test the strength of more people. i figured it was better to learn everyone's skill levels instead of Cinder and such fighting. Since Cinder and Neo had much more real world fighting experience, I figured Emerald also shared above average skill. My more personal secrets were already exposed, but my relationship secrets remained a secret. Meaning I could collect the data for Salem, get paid, and love life.

"I guess I'll go through the rest of team Rwby. Since I have already fought Weiss and Ruby... I would like to fight Blake."

The bow on her head twitched. It was too obvious, this girl had some issues. Once Blake came down, she asked me some questions. "Before we spar, can you tell me why?"

"Why what?"

"Why are you singling out team Rwby?"

I shrugged, "I want to see how strong y'all are, Thank about what your team consists of. Honestly I likely won't challenge anyone else after I test my strength to yours. I wouldn't even have fought that loser for my first sparring match if he hadn't chosen me himself."

"Hmmm, alright. You are a strange one."

She got in a fighting stance and she nodded to Ms.Goodwitch that she was ready. I signaled myself as well and Ms.Goodwitch called out to start again. I wasn't sure how Blake would fight so I was planning to wait. However she whipped a ribbon toward me connected to a dagger. Which was extremely unexpected for me.

Blake had a gun, dagger and ribbon cross weapon. It was a very strange weapon. I grabbed the ribbon and yanked down. Blake kicked off the ground and did a sort of half roll to kick me. i dodged and tried to pin her. However my hands phased through her and I grabbed at nothing but air.

"What? Oh neat trick."

Blake whipped her dagger toward me again and I rolled out of the way. She didn't seem one to talk while fighting. Couldn't blame her, I dropped and wrapped my cape around the weapon. Spinning it around myself and Pulling Blake toward me. It had caused us both to slam into each other. I grabbed her like I had done with Cardin. however instead of choking her I just kept her pinned. She however managed to wrap her legs around me and tried to choke me.

We were both now tangled up and trying to strangle each other. Blake wad surprisingly strong, so i bite down on her leg causing her to yelp in surprise. She ended up letting go and I held her in place.

"You bite me."

"Yes, I did. Though now I kind of taste cucumbers."

"Ugh, I forfeit! let me up."

I let go of her and she untangled herself from me. "I have to ask, do you use cucumber based soap?"

"I do...bye."


Ms.Goodwitch nodded and motioned to me. Yang had already gotten up, "I guess I'm up next?"

"Yes, I challenge Yang now."

Yang jump down to me and stood ready. "Its revenge time."

"Very likely, honestly. I don't think I can beat you."

"Then why challenge me? You know I won't go easy. Specially for you."

"I wanna see how strong you are, so be proud that you consist of one of the three people I don't think I can beat."

"You may begin..."

As soon as Ms.Goodwitch spoke, Yang sent a shot gun blast aimed at my face. I barely ducked in time, and she charged forward and was already next to me. She was a boxer and a very skilled martial artist. However I really didn't want to use my semblance, but it was they only way for me to fight long range against Yang. When Yang got close to me I grabbed her by her shoulders and used her to flip behind her. Running away.


Yang's anger flair up and she went to attack me again, however I smiled. "Enchant: slippery." With the sudden shift of fluidity of the ground Yang slipped and tumbled down. I tackled her and held her down to the ground. Getting close to her ear and whispered. "*You are one of the few to beat me in a fight, however how willing are you to lose for me?*"

She froze, and stopped fighting. "*I hate you.*"

"I forfeit, Yang wins. I'm not heavy enough to hold her down and she is too strong for me to beat."

Ms.Goodwitch was shocked and nodded. "Yang Xiao Long wins, ending Mars Peaches winning streak."

Yang was completely extinguished and was left feeling unsatisfied. Losing was fine if it meant ruining Yang's day. She felt a whole different powerless now. A hallow victory she would no doubt want to rectify. I trudged off to rejoin Emerald in the stands. While Yang was left to decided who she should fight.

She would likely ended up being the last one to fight. As the class only had 10 minutes left, and I was sure Yang wouldn't lose as long as she didn't challenge Pyrrha or Cinder.

However Yang chose to fight Neo.

"Yang's second match vs Noir, may you do your best."

Well this could be interesting... Neo might be able to win, if Yang got too angry.