
Rwby:A Sembalance of Enchantment (Archived version)

------Being completely rewritten, this is the Archived version------

ZeOwl · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Pointing out some problems

-----So im not a fan of the collection of chapters I have here, i might reword or rewrite them in the future, but I made a mistake in how to handle going forward. Like specifically I wanted Mars to be his own sort of faction in the story and blah blah blah. However I can't seem to make how that happens. After all he is the main casts age while everything else is a real mix bag. So ultimately the decision is making Emerald become a sort of straightener for that. Basically making her want to use Mars to protect herself. Combination with a bunch of other stuff. So she is gonna be a sort of driving force from now on and I'm not sure how that will go. Sorry for the long intro note, back to the chapter...-----

So Emerald ate a hamburger while staring at me. She was clearly angry and well I knew the reason why. However I wasn't really sure what to say. When she suddenly spoke I was a little surprised.

"So Mars, you know something is wrong with you right? Like you seem to legitimately be missing a portion of you memories and common sense. Do you know why?"

"I..." I paused, for a second I was new what my answer was, but then lowered my head. "No, there is like a mental block that stops me from certain...thoughts or memories."

"Yeah, I noticed. So let me ask you. Why don't you use your ability on yourself."

"That's terrifying no."

"So your scared? cause honestly it doesn't seem it to me. You freely use it on others, and the things you seem to use don't cause real problems."

I was going to say something, but honestly I didn't even use enchantments to heal myself. Those weren't really...dangerous. "Well I used it one..."

"Nope, let me ask you. Why not just say precaution or something? You likely have the ability to give yourself some kind of danger-sense. Hell, you can likely copy other semblances if the right words are used. Soooo, Why don't you use your semblance and fix the problem. I'm all for whatever your plan is, but only if your actually able to you know. Stop the problems that will try to fucking end us."

She tried to punctuate her point by taking another bite of her food. I actually felt my mind drift away fro the conversation, so I tried my best to keep on track. "Then what exactly do you suggest then?"

Emerald set down her burger and looked at me, "Look man, I barely got by when I was alone. Best I got is that you are likely under the affect of a similar semblance of yours. Or more specifically like the hypnotization you did on me. Like how you made me forget about the times you used it. So best to try and stop the influence on yourself with your own semblance."

"Huh, That actually makes sense..." A sudden moment of completely clarity entered my mind. "Fuck me man..." I banged my head against the table as I slumped over. "What's wrong? Did you figure..."

"My grandfathers semblance was called mental mold. He must've gotten in some deep shit or something."

"How so?"

"So I tried to figure out whatever special thing was with people with silver eyes right. I couldn't piece it together though. Well I'm guessing I likely could've if my grandfather didn't use his semblance on me. He likely wiped any memory of me knowing about it. Which also meant wiping a good chunk of my mind when it related to well him. Going on a guess, he also did it to cover up his disappearance. Though now I am think it my be his death."

"Oh, wait. So you think its your grandpa who fucked with your brain."

"Knowing him, it was likely better than whatever the alternative was." I sighed, remembering my grandfather's semblance. "If someone doesn't know what his semblance is he can basically fuck with their mind freely making hallucinations and all kinds of stuff. Making the difference in knowing his semblance and not knowing the same as being slightly distracted and to being completely lost. Now that I'm thinking about it the fogginess I normally feel is gone. Still got memories lost forever, but that's at least not a very big problem."

"That still seems like a problem though?"

"It can be, but honestly..." I sighed again. " telling that I remember him being able to make people go completely nuts. Having foggy problem-solving skills is a much lesser problems. After all, I can actually fix the lost memories."

I place my face flat on the table, "This feels weird. Its now so obvious what was missing and it kind of sucks."

"Okay, but that's good though right? You can use your ability on yourself and uhhh...protect us."

"Nice save there, I get what you mean by dependent now. Seriously is this what it feels like to have actual brain damage? It better not be because it fucking sucks."

Emerald let me sit and stew in my thoughts for a while. Eventually she even laid her face on the table across from mine and stared at me. "So what's the deal then?"

"Well to begin, I had a rough idea previously, but now I really gotta max things out here. Starting with Cinder, she had to be on my side before shit hits the fan. Second I am petty sure Grandpa was acting as the only person stopping Salem and Ozpin. He basically middle managed them acting as a double agent for the both of them. What's worse is pretty sure he eventually out lived his purpose for Salem and Salem killed him or something. Second Ozpin let my grandfather die so that the secret of silver eyes won't be used. So taking a guess, he plans on making Ruby a human weapon or something. That's why he made her the team leader of Rwby. Despite Ruby's sister being much more skilled. Likely also why Yang isn't being trained on her sembalnce so Ruby looks more competent as a leader. Putting it together that whole team is likely rigged..."

"Keeping going why is it rigged?"

"Well now that I'm not being fogged, Ruby is likely in a 'Chosen one' situation, her teammates also being her sister who is very very skilled at combat. Along with the heir to the schnee. Which makes Blake likely some hidden princess or something. Looking at it Weiss is likely to be used as a financial support for them while Yang is a combat guide. Blake maybe being some sort of underground connection? Honestly I don't know much about Blake, so that is eh? Point is basically I can see them being set up together for their specific combination of origins."

"Hmmm, I think that Blake girl might've been with the white fang. Back before you weren't around and you hadn't killed mercury Cinder tried to set up something with them. I think i remember her being connected somehow."

i was irked at the possibility of Blake being White fang, but it was whatever. "So then...Hmm, from what I can see happening. Team Rwby is basically Ozpin's idea to beat Salem. Actually...maybe our whole class is some sort of test chamber of skills? I think I got an idea."

"Okay, what is it then?"

"I can't tell you, first things first though. I'm going to need you to take me back to dorms."

"What Why?"

"Because, Enchant: Mend: Mind."

I blacked out and felt my self fall straight forward. The last thing I heard was Emerald swearing at me.