
RWBY: A New Start... Kinda?

Here your Dear Author, Now, Don´t worry, i am the original author Nick Polo. So, Long Story short, bullshit happened and i am currently moving my fanfic here to this account. Going to be working on new chapters soon, if Honkai Star rail new Event Let me of course, welp without further ado, Here you have it Folks~. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, let’s get this straight: 1 - I didn´t ask to reincarnate, but someone said F*ck it and did it anyway 2 - I didn´t want to fight for my life at any corner, but someone said F*ck it and put me in a world fill to the brim with monsters 3 - I didn´t want to look girly, but someone said F*ck it and now i look like a white haired princess ... Ok, so, who I have to kill first to deal with this bullsh*t? --------------------------------------------------------------- A man wakes up in the slumps of a strangely sci-fi looking city, were dark monsters attack humans, there is a second race that is constantly target for racism for no actually important reason, and the moon looks like a car crash on it and it broke apart. Here comes Nick, to try and find a simple and fulfilling live in the world of remnant.... or at least that is the original plan.

NickThePrinnyDood · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Ladies and Gentlemen...Is This Really Part of the Test...?

Ok ... let me rant for a moment...












Anyways, back to the chapter~


About 30 minutes have passed since the test started, multiple teams have been formed... as well as multiple students have failed, but they were rescued right before they fell victim to the creatures and sent to the medical bay, even if they said that they could die, as humanity stands right now, every single human or fanus live is important to maintain the current stalemate with the monsters

a hunter and huntress job constantly involves battles, dead is by no means stranger for them, and these tests just reaffirmed that.

While not really killing them, they gave been rejected and had to pack their things to go back.

Outside of Emerald Forest, there are a set of multiple cabins serving as the evaluators longue, there they can see through different screens the situation in different corners of the forest "...Well, that was quite interesting" One of the present professors spoke, wearing glasses and with green hair, Bartholomew Oobleck, history teacher of beacon, while watching the student still participating in the test, more specifically, looking at a pair, one is a young man wearing a black attire with equally black hair and eyes while throwing strange looking blades similar to rapiers with red handles while his teammate, a brown skinned gray haired Fanus was using some sort of rifle to attack any grim getting close to them with almost inhuman accuracy, even shooting trees in a way that the bullets ricochet to hi grimms in farther distance or behind trees or rocks.

"What an impressive ability indeed! i see how he got your attention Profesor Oolbeck!" another person spoke, the one besides him was a man of impressive gray hair and mustache, Professor Peter Port, teacher in charge of Grimm studies "Such outstanding accuracy and spatial awareness, both of them are impressive fighters, but i am more interested in the young man, why use blades in such a way? and how is he getting them? non the less, magnificently done!" Oolbeck had nothing to say besides nodding to what his coworker was saying, on the other hand the other three members were looking at different groups, two of these teachers were the headmaster Ozpin and Professor Glynda Goodwitch, both of them were looking at two pairs of students, one is of Ruby Rose and Weiss Schnee, the other was of Yang Xiao Long and a black-haired young woman named Blake Belladona "an interesting group wouldn't you say headmaster...?" Glynda asked but Ozpin became more interested in a different pair, a pair that had unique and versatile semblance, Nick Rose and Jaiden Yuki "Mr. Rose Semblance is quite versatile, and Mr. Yuki doesn´t lag behind but... What do you think of these prospects Mr. Yang?" Ozpin directed this question to the last teacher present, The one in charge of Semblance studies and development, Welt Yang (Ok, so i am not going to describe how people look like if they are not OC, a PAIN IN THE ASS IF YOU ASK ME, so if you want to know who these is, look for welt yang Honkai, this one is his Star Rail version)

"...They seem quite proficient in the use of their semblance, the versatility just says how complicated it must be to use, be it due to dust or aura consumption, of course this is just some assumptions based in what can be seen through the screen" Prof. Welt said while adjusting his glasses and returning to look at 2 groups of 4 student, 2 teams, the first one was formed by a young girl of light pink hair using a blue long bow while shooting arrows made of ice, a young man of black hair green clothes and a spear that seems to generate some sort of ink colored wind and two others, possible twins looking at their similarities, both had gray haired and, strangely enough, wearing similar clothes, the young man was wielding a red colored lance while the girl was using a black bat that generated some strange bluish energy, The second group was formed of a young man of black hair wielding a red and black great sword, another young man of dark blue hair wearing a scarf with a cane quite similar to the one in Prof. Welt hands but in dark blue color, the next member was a young woman with bluish purple hair, but the under side of her hair was of a neon purple color, her clothes were somewhat revealing but wild and elegant at the same time and she was wielding a bluish purple scythe, and lastly, the last member is a woman of long gray hair wearing some sort of military uniform while wielding a long rifle with a unique blade attached to the end of it, where the barrel is.

Ozpin took interest in the group, even recognizing some of the members "I believe that some of them are your students correct? even your son is there" to the question, Welt turned to Ozpin and showed a kind smile "Yes, those children's didn´t want to stay behind, some time it seems that I have more than just one child sometimes" even with the seemingly annoying situation that he had, the pride that his eyes showed when looking at them was real "but for now, we should focus on the possible teams, in this test only 8 pairs can be formed, the rest will need to try during the next test" With that said he continued focusing in the screens, while Ozpin answered to his comment "Correct, a hunters job can be deadly, so it's better if they try once they are better prepared"


Back to MC and the summoner

The two continued running through the path, fighting any grimm on their way "You could say that as expected of a test for such a school, true live or dead exam" Jaiden said while running and… eating cookies? "Dude, the hell you doing eating while running" Nick retorted to his companion "do you really thing this is the time?"

"…Yeah you are right…" Said Jaiden after taking a moment to thing but "I should wait until I get some milk after all…" The comment almost made Nick slip; this guy really just wanted to eat cookies? Well, everyone has their priorities I think "Just keep them in your bag, there is some fight ahead, lets hurry"

The two speeded up until they arrive to an open space were many grimms were in the ground, starting to vanish, and in the middle, they saw two people fighting more grimms, one was wearing some sort of full black uniform ´The fuck with that get up? Is he cosplaying a priest or something? ´ the other had animal ears and was using a rifle while shooting the grimm "I´m running out of ammo! White, can you make more!?" Said the animal ear guy while fighting now using a combat knife, while the other continue making strange long blades appear out of nowhere and throwing it to other Grimms "I need time to focus, your bullets cannot be made in the spark of the moment!" While the two where thinking in their option, a sudden gale of wind past them, only for the next moment to blow the grimms surrounding them in different directions, far from them "Damn, talking about an entrance, right Jaiden"

The two saw Nick and Jaiden, now standing besides them with weapons in hand "and who are you guys?" Said the man called White "Fight first, Introductions later!" said Nick while taking another dust pellet, a red one this time, while Jaiden created another card, a blue card this time "Elemental HERO Bubbleman!" Placing the card in the body of his blade, a figure appeared, a man in blue with a white cape, then he fused with Jaiden, letting him control his element.

"Lv1, Fire Dust Release" murmured Nick while crushing the red pellet and fire starting to surround him, the other two where suppressed by what they were seeing, Nick turned to them to wake them up "Get ready already, don´t just stay gawking like idiots god damnit!"

White woke up from his surprise and started to make something, small, like a bullet "Eustace, here!" after making about 3 of them, he passed them to the faunus Guy, Eustice, who started loading them into his rifle.

The Grimms, Beowolves more specifically, started to get up and run towards the group *bang* just for three of them to fall by one bullet, the grimms where one behind the other so it was simple for the shooter, Eustace, who prepared the next bullet and shot it, every bullet of his kill at least 2 Grimms at once, on behind the other or by bouncing bullets off surface like trees or rocks, while White created more bullets, but also blades that he ether throw or used, the main point of them is that the blades thrown seemed to explode once it pierced some grims, blowing up their arms and legs or outright killing them if it pierced the chest or heads and exploded.

In the meantime, Nick used the fire pellet to launch some fire balls towards the grimms that were at the back of the groups, while pulling Dust Bringer trigger with a fire dust bullet, making his blade generate a powerful heat wave, with each swing, he slashed through Grimms like butter

Lastly Jaiden, with bubbleman in effect, he was able to use water element, coating his blade whit a high-pressured water current and slashing his way of the Grimm, besides that, with every slash, a water ark came out of the blade cutting any grimm ahead

The beowolves, while still being Grimms, were to primitive in their movements, making them easy to follow and kill, the main problem with them was their number, there were no less than 30 Beowolves there, it took some time but at the end, all were defeated and the 4 standing warriors were able to finally take a rest.

"*sigh*… Fuck! What the hell, why were there so many!" Nick knew that the grimms generally followed were negative energy was more abundant "Can't say for sure, but that was ridiculous" Jaiden was on the ground while drinking some water from a canister he had in his hip "Honestly, we don´t know ether, we were just following the path to the temple, but many grimms started to show up out of nowhere" White started to tell them what happened, but Eustace did had something to say "I think I know what happened" the three turned to him waiting for an answered "My semblance let me perceive many things, so I tried to use it to focus on my surroundings instead that the grimms, and I was able to see a unique grim similar to a floating ball in the back of the group, but it disappeared after a while"

"A Grimm that looks like a floating ball…For now we should stay together until we exit this place, don´t really want to get another surprise party like that" Nicks proposal was accepted, the group started moving towards the temple, hoping the no more Grimms showed up, at least in such numbers.


It took them another 10 minutes to arrive to the temple… only to see a massive bird in the sky, a giant black scorpion on a stone bridge two stupidly big black bears, each one of them fighting a different group of students, but that didn´t matter to Nick, he only cared about his two sisters that seemed to have decided to fight a massive rotten KFC Chicken "RUBY, YANG!" Nick broke a purple and green pellet, lightning and wind, and bursted towards them, flying past the scorpion and the two bears "You guys help the other, I´m helping my sisters!" he said leaving them alone, but they accepted and went to the different groups.

Jaiden went to help the group with the massive Scorpion, while Eustace and White went for the Two Bears, and Nick, he appeared in front of the bird before he arrived to were his sisters were, and with his had fully coated in both wind and lightning dust "Get the Fuck OUT OF MY SIGHT" he punched the Bird toward a mountain behind the temple *CRAAAAWWW!!!*

""NICKY!"" Nick landed and his dust dissipated, just to hear his siters calling at him "The fuck were you thinking standing there with that bird coming for you-!?" Nick admonished them, but was immediately ignored and thy lunged at him "OOFGGG!"

Yang and Ruby were happy to see him safe and sound, while it was true that they trusted him, even when half sleep, this was the first time in a while that the three were separated for a long time, especially Ruby and Nick with their communication issues "WE DON'T HAVE AN ISSUE!!" yeah, yeah, whatever you said.

Now, they weren't the only ones there, two more girls were present, Weiss Schnee, the white princess, and a black-haired big booty cat girl (Yeah, I have a thing for cat girls, wat of it!) Blake Belladona "… What was that?" asked the princess while looking at the siblings hugging each other in the ground, being Yang the one who answered "That was Nickys Semblance~ Dust Discharge~"

Nick and his siters got up "Look, you can say anything you want Big Sis, but now we need to fried that chicken!" nick took 3 pellets of the same element, lightning, and loaded a new fire bullet into the blade cylinder "ok, I know white princess, what about the black cat girl!" Blake was going to answer but froze in the spot when she heard him call him Black Cat Girl "Oh, that´s my partner, Blake, doesn´t like to speak to much" Nick just kept looking at her, witch made her distressed, only to get worst when he just got closer to her and put his hands in her shoulders, only to say "…you must had it tough, I'm sorry for my sister and her terrible puns"

"Eh?" That was old it came from her mouth, while Yang was fuming when she heard Nicks comment "Oh, Come on Nicky, my puns aren´t bad, the are-" but Nick just covered her mouth before she started again "You, shut your mouth young lady, remember our bet, or else I'm not helping you with Bumblebee" that was enough for Yang to shut up and put a serious face, but that discussion made them forget about one thing, the bird was still living *BOOM* The mountain wall crumbled and the bird, a Nevermore Grimm came out flying.

"Ok Ladies, enough messing around, let's take care of this bird!" Said Nick while breaking the 3 Lightning pellets and pulling the trigger with fire bullet load, the next moment, Nicks body started to get surrounded by lightning, even his hair started to show a purplish tone, this was his current limit with his semblance, code name ´LV3 Dust Release´ "Let's see how much damage I can do now shall we?"

Each group had its target, each one has their support, and now, the last part of the test has started!




It took me so FUCKING long to release this chapter because my job just crushed me, I mean, I did ask for OT because of some thing happening, but that was bullshit, well, I hope I can keep making them at least 1 a day, if not I will inform you guys, no worries, I got you.