
RWBY - The madness of Lappland

Feelings towards a psychopath are similar to walking on a broken mirror. Once you decide to step on it, you have to carefully place your steps to avoid falling on sharp shards at the same time don't let the broken mirror break under your weight. Only being slow and gentle will not destroy the broken mirror, but its shards will injure your feet. In time you will learn to walk on it and the moment you stop feeling pain then you will be able to see the beauty of this shattered world you are walking on where her blood mixes with yours and the reflections of the light show you, yourself in each broken shard of the mirror. Only then you will understand that the moment you stepped on the broken mirror you lost your ability to escape and became part of this shattered world. So will you choose to love a psychopath even if it hurts you? Will you choose to risk shattering her mind even more? Will you become the only visible person in the reflections of her mind ? * the photo does not belong to me, if the original author would like the photo to be taken off, please write in the comment. My English is terrible, most of this work will be written in translators. Of course, all the original characters and stories in fan fiction belong to their original creators.*

ElizjumGarden · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Home visit

Blake pov

Hearing the bathroom door closing behind me I sighed with relief . I thought Lappland was really going to kill that room service girl , at least that's how it looked at first . But fortunately Lappy managed to control her anger , even though this blow to the head , apparently really hurt her . But no wonder that in her condition , someone actually managed to hurt her .

As soon as I looked at Lappland at her entry into the room , I knew that she was really exhausted . Well ..... knowing Lappland, the fact that she is exhausted is already quite disturbing . After all, Lappland is the most energetic and endure person I know . Lappy could always run , fight or do things for hours without sweating a drop . However, I know that she is not a machine either . So it is not , no impossible that she just got tired ... However, the question remains what made her so tired ?

Thinking about it I couldn't help but think about the state of Lappland's body , when she entered the room . Condition of her body did not look too good , not to mention her mental state . I have never seen her like this ... This anger , it was completely different than I had ever seen in her . It was like she was possessed by an angry Grimm .

' The safest assumption looking at her , is that she was fighting someone . As for the outcome I am not sure , but knowing Lappland and looking at her mental state when she arrived ..... I will have to watch out for the police . And It is best if we change the hotel . '

I think when at the mention of the hotel my thoughts get back on track . Remembering the girl from the hotel staff , I also remember the wound on Lappland's head . Such injuries are dangerous even for her . Besides , I am not sure if there are no other serious wounds on her body. For this reasons I did not hesitate and immediately activated Lappland's scroll .

As for the probable consequences of the battle that Lappland probably fought . I have nothing to say until I know the whole situation . I will talk about it tomorrow with Lappy . Going into the contacts I noticed that there were only four numbers , but it did not surprise me too much after all this is a new scroll .

< Blake ( ❤️❤️)

< Hazel ( Horny tigress )

< Yang (Bigggg Blondi)

< Doctor Linzi

Each written in its own , interesting way but understandable even to me . Dialing the contact number for Dr. Linzi , I tried not to pay attention to my injured hand which was still lying next to me . The pain in it did not bother me at all , which honestly worried me , but knowing the doctor I know that she will be able to fix it .

Dr . Linzi : " Lappland is something wrong ? Do you need help with something ? "

Surprisingly quickly , Dr. linzi answered the call , immediately asking a few questions as if expecting the call already . What was stranger about it was the tone of Doctor linzi's voice , which had always been quite composed , now sounded more nervous and worried .

Blake : " Good evening Doctor , it's me Blake " .

I answer feeling that this will probably be the best answer to the questions of the doctor , who clearly sighed on the other side .

Dr . Linzi : " I believe Mrs. Lappland has already arrived at the hotel . In that case, what happened that you are calling me from Mrs. Lappland's number? "

Asked Dr . Linzi somewhat suspiciously however I no longer heard the initial worry in her tone . As much as I was curious about her reaction , I could ask about it once she arrives at the hotel .

Blake : " Well ... Lappland said that the doctor will answer faster when I call from her number . Because of her appointment with you today , I figured that might be true and I guess it is true looking at your quick response . "

I'm answering rather awkwardly because of the whole situation , which I will certainly have to explain myself once more .

Dr . Linzi : " Inferring from the rush the situation is urgent ? "

Asks dokrtor linzi . Despite this question I can already hear clearly through my earpiece that Dr . linzi is already on the move .

Blake : " Well ..... Things have happened , by which me and Lappland need ... Probably urgent medical care ? "

I answer uncertainly looking at my hand , which fortunately no longer seems to be bleeding for some time .

Dr . Linzi : " By urgent you mean ? "

Asks the doctor making me a little uncomfortable .

' How do I answer that ? .... My girlfriend tried to kill me , in the course of a tug-of-war she bit me and I beat her , then the hotel staff girl hit Lappland in the head with the broom ? '

I think when my gaze falls on the broom brush , which is still on the bed . However , in the end I had no other option than to say our injuries without sczegu of how we or sustained them .

Blake : " I have a deep and probably jagged wound on my hand , according to Lappland my nerves may be damaged . In addition , Lappy has several facial injuries and a bleeding head wound , about which I do not have much information . Also , she may have some injuries on her body that I don't know about . She seems quite exhausted ."

I say , hearing my words caused a halt of audible movement from the doctor . For a moment there was an awkward silence between us , which was ended by a sigh from the doctor .

Dr . Linzi : " You continue to stay at the hotel Vale ? Right ? "

Asks the doctor , to which I verbally confirmed it to her .

Dr . Linzi : " I am still in the office , give me ten minutes to pack up . There is a strong storm outside which will slow me down . If there is no traffic and the roads are passable I will be in about thirty , forty minutes . "

Says Dr. Linzi to which I again gave her verbal confirmation of my understanding .

Doctor linzi : " You know the rules Blake . Take care of the wound , if it bleeds keep pressure even if it hurts . As for Lappland I'm not sure , but if she was injured it means she was too exhausted to defend herself in the normal way . Therefore , even if she does not seem to show any negative effects of this injury and so he suggests you observe her . After all, the symptom of " exhaustion " is in the case of Lappland .... Quite disturbing ."

Dr Linzi : " As for the Mrs. Lappland head trauma , do not let her out of your sight . Due to head trauma , Lappland may experience , vomiting , fainting , disoriasis and hallucinations , which in her case is dangerous . "

Said doctor Linzi making me momentarily freeze . Ignoring the conversation, I focused on the bathroom door. I didn't hear anything alarming, but I also didn't hear anything and that worried me a bit, after all, the conversation had been going on for some time and I hadn't heard anything.

Blake : " Thank you doctor " .

I say sincerely , after all , due to the late hour and weather conditions to get here must be really demanding , especially since the doctor was probably already finishing work .

Dr. linzi : " You're welcome Miss Blake . Please bear with me a while longer , I'll be there in a moment ."

After these words the doctor hung up . I , not wanting to disturb her anymore , also had no intention of continuing the conversation . Putting the scroll aside , I look at my injured hand . Nothing seemed to deteriorate , so getting out of bed I walked toward the bathroom . I felt a little weak and dizzy , but I'm sure it's related to the loss of blood and other emotions I was feeling at some point .At this point I was honestly exhausted .

I just wanted to go to sleep, but I know that this whole situation is not over yet. We will probably still have one last conversation about what happened between us. To be honest I would like to put it behind me and become a better person for Lappland. To finally be who I promised myself I would be for her .

However, this situation can still get petulant because of me . Not to mention Adam and some of his personal white fang people . Lappland will not forgive him , I know it , I know her . Besides Yang .... I will have to talk to her . But what about today ....

' I will rest only when we are both already bandaged and clean . '

Thinking about it I approached the bathroom door , where I finally heard something . Unfortunately it was not what I wanted to hear . From the other side of the door , I clearly heard disturbing sounds , which ended with a sudden bang combined with the sound of breaking glass .

Blake : " Lappland !"

Knocking hard on the door I called out again , but hearing no answer , I put my cat ear to the door to hear what was going on inside . However , hearing nothing anymore , I did not think twice before I opened the door and went inside , only to see Lappland leaning against the sink .

Lappland's eyes were absent , as if in a trance she stared at her reflection in the broken mirror , on which I could openly see fresh blood . The blood must have come from her bleeding fist . At that moment , seeing the look with which she was looking into the mirror , I knew that something was going on in her head , but from my familiarity with this type of situation I was not sure if it was safe to approach her . And it wasn't just for my safety but for Lappl's as well , my interference could harm her .

However , when I saw that Lappland was crying and her legs were getting weak . I immediately went over and wrapped my arms around her . Resting the weight of her weak body on my chest , I hid my face in her neck . I didn't care about her dirty and wet hair , at that moment I was only interested in whispering her name hoping that it would return her to reality or at least help her somehow . As I hugged her I could feel Lappland shaking as her temperature gradually rose , this was happening until the moment it began to worry me .

I felt like I was hugging a portable radiator . Lappland could be warmer than normal people , I know this because for this reason I liked to sleep with her when we were younger . Lappland's body could easily exceed human body temperature limits , even more so when she happened to have fevers . However, she never gave off that much heat .

It was also at this moment , with my next call of her name , Lappland seemed to finally wake up . She looked with her beautiful eyes at the reflection in the broken mirror , in which she was no longer alone . Now I was here with her , I will not make the same mistakes again . After all , Lappland really is as fragile as a castle made of glass .

Before my thoughts went any further , however , Lappland's body tensed with a characteristic reflex from her diaphragm . Knowing what was happening , I helped Lappland quickly go to the toilet , where I heard Lappland's stomach flip over . At that time , not being able to do much , with my healthy hand I grabbed as much of Lappland's hair as possible to keep them from falling into the toilet or worse , right in the path of Lappy mouth .

Lappland: " Blake ..... Pour me some water in the tub "

Said Lappland immediately after she stopped vomiting . Her head continued to be hidden in the toilet bowl , into which I heard her spitting out saliva every now and then , apparently trying to get rid of the taste from her mouth .

Blake : " Are you all right ? "

I asked knowing that Lappy was not well , but there was little I could do than wait until the doctor Linzi got to the hotel . The only thing I came up with that could somehow help her was to pat and massage her back with my injured hand . But I don't know how much that actually helped Lappland , who was panting and shaking .

Lappland: " I'm fine ..... Just please Blake , pour water in the tub . I want to take a bath "

Hearing the same request , for a brief moment I waited by the side of Lappland to make sure nothing more happens . Then without taking my eyes off Lappland I quickly walked over to the tub to fill it with warm water .

Pov 3 person .

Meanwhile while Blake watching the state of Lappland and took care of the tub . Lappland herself pulled her head out of the toilet bowl and sat on the floor with her hand still resting on the toilet bowl . Peeking out of the corner of her eye into the toilet , Lappland saw her vomit mixed was red blood in which black crystals were visible .

Without showing any facial expression to this image , Lappland spat the saliva into the toilet . Slowly getting up from the ground , Lappland closed the toilet seat and quickly flushed the contents of the toilet , which Blake did not have a chance to see . Then pulling off what was left of her clothes Lappland slowly approached the bathtub at which Blake stood ready to help her .

Lappland: " From here I can handle Blake ...."

Said Lappland entering the bathtub filled with warm water , with the help of Blake .

Blake : " Let me help you Lappy ".

Says Blake ready to wash Lappland .

Lappland : " With your hand ? Wait for the doctor , Blake ... I want to stay alone for a moment , to rest and .... Think "

Said Lappland in a dispassionate tone , comfortably lying in the warm water , which slowly pull off the most superficial dirt and fresh blood from her . Looking at this Blake was not sure what to do , but hearing this and looking at her injured hand , she could only sigh .

Blake : " I'll leave the door open and come check on you from time to time " .

Saying this Blake crouched down by the bathtub to gently stroke Lappland's cheek . With some hesitation Lappland accepted the tenderness by tilting her head gently toward Blake's hand . Seeing this Blake herself only smiled gently , then standing up she slowly walked out of the bathroom . Leaving Lappland alone in the tub in which the warm water slowly turned red .

Lappland: " ... "

Watching this change in the water , Lapland seemed to have nothing to say, leaning against the tub she closed her eyes for a moment.