

I was just a normal American High school girl living a normal life. I mean there's nothing special about me at all I'm just average including looks, brains, and pretty much everything. So then explain to me why the heck the government assigned me and about ten others to become one of the next top assassins. Not only that but I have people and monsters trying to kill me left and right in order while I'm trying to kill them.I guess this is just what was meant to happen- I was meant to become one of the top assassins in the world "Tell me Olivia... How ruthless do you think I can be?" Daniella asks with a menacing voice

FoxLover0615 · Teen
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Chapter 1: Pilot

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Be-

"God, what time is it bless me now?" Daniella asks and slightly opens her eyes

Daniella's eyes bugged out and sees 7:30 A.M on the clock

"Crap I'm gonna be late," Daniella says and rolls out of her bed

Daniella brushes her teeth and takes a quick shower before going on her phone

"Great 7: 37 I'm gonna miss the bus," Daniella says and gets dressed quickly

"It takes me 5 if I walk but 2 to 3 minutes if I run," Daniella says tying her shoelaces

Once she's done she looks at her phone

"Oh my god!!! The next 16 bus is gonna come in 15 minutes quick tell me the 30 bus," Daniella says to herself walking out her bedroom door forgetting her bus ID

Daniella grabs her book bag and runs downstairs

"Hey do you think you can make it to the next-" Daniella's dad says but Daniella stops him

"Yes I just gotta run also thanks for the breakfast bagel," Daniella says and runs out the front door

"Okay the thirty buses are coming in 7 minutes that's about the about it takes when I run come on legs do what you were made to do," Daniella says and runs as fast as she can

Daniella was a block away and saw the thirty buses arrive at the stop

"Okay now it's time to be like sonic and go fast," Daniella made it to the bus and almost slipped on the steps

"Be careful!!! Are you okay?" The bus driver asks

"Yeah I'm fine just know I'm gonna run late," Daniella says and sits in an empty seat tired and so exhausted

'Wait a minute I forgot my metro card how am I gonna go to manhattan on the Manhattan bus?' Daniella thinks to herself

Two stops later multiple people get on the bus making it crowded and a thirty-year-old lady sits next to her

Daniella looks to her right and sees her mom and hugs her

"Mom I'm so glad you're here with me," Daniella says and her mother rolls her eyes

"What? you forgot your metro card?"Daniella's mother says and Daniella nods

"Listen I'm only doing this because you have a test today," Her mother says and Daniella looks at her with shock

"You forgot about your test?" Her mother asks and Daniella nods making her mother groan

Soon Daniella used her mother's metro card to get on the Manhattan bus

Daniella knew she was gonna be late but she came to school at 8:35

"Yeah I'm screwed," Daniella says and knocks on the door of her Math teacher

"Hey I know I'm late please can I do the test," Daniella says

"Okay but if you finish late I'll tell your other teachers why your late," The math teacher says

'I'm so glad she's a nice teacher,' Daniella thinks

Daniella sits down in her seat and takes the test

𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚎𝚜𝚝...

Everybody was sweating bullets and or looked like they were hit with a wrecking ball

Daniella was the only one who thought the math test was easy

Daniella met up with her friend Grace

"Hey Grace," Daniella says walking to her

"Hey Dani!!" Grace says excitedly

"What's got you so excited?" Daniella asks

"We have a hot new science teacher," Grace says and sighs lovingly

"Probably just some young Korean teacher cause that's your type," Daniella says and Grace drags her to science class

"Hello everyone I am Sam Park but I suggest you call me Mr. Park for school reasons. It's such a pleasure to meet you," Mr. Park rights his name on a marker board

"Wow he looks like a Kpop idol," Grace sighs

"I know right he's so hot," Another girl says but then out of the blue a girl walks inside the classroom late

"Oh hi Olivia pleasure to see you here," Mr.Parks says but Olivia ignores him

The girl then walks in the same direction Daniella was in and sits in the empty seat

"Well everyone this is Olivia Park also known as my daughter," Mr.Park says and everyone was surprised

"Man the park family has good genes," Someone whispers

"Wow that Olivia girl is hot you think I could get with her," Someone else whispers

Daniella was the kinda nervous cause of the whispers but also Olivia was staring at her

'Why is the new kid staring at me' Daniella thinks to herself

"Hey do you want something or what?" Daniella says and Olivia looks away

Olivia turns out to be an amazing student and pretty smart she just doesn't talk unless someone asks her a question

After classes, Olivia was staring at Daniella across the hallway

"Um, why is that new kid staring at you? You already have a stalker?" Grace asks

"Yeah she's been following me all day," Daniella says and Grace drags her away

"Hey my parents can bring you home if you don't feel safe," Grace says but then Olivia grabs onto Daniella's arm

"Daniella Mr. Park wants to speak to you," Olivia says with her squeaky voice

That surprised the two girls

"You sound like a-" Grace was interrupted

"A mouse? I already know cause my vocal box has problems so that makes me talk differently." Olivia says and drags Daniella away

"Don't worry it won't take long," Daniella says whew running

"It'll take forever so I advise you to not wait," Olivia says making her voice deeper

"Why did your voice go deeper?" Daniella says

"Because I can make it go deeper whenever I want just takes too much breath," Olivia explains and stops in front of the janitor's closet

"This isn't the science room," Daniella says trying to get her breath

"I said Mr. Park wants to see us never said it was in his classroom," Olivia says and brings Daniella inside

Olivia looks at a clock and turns the short hand to 3 and the long hand to 7

A door opens and Daniella was surprised but then someone knocks her out

Daniella wakes tied up and blindfolded

"Hey what the hell is going on why am I blindfolded?" Daniella asks but no one answers

"Can't have me for ransom cause not only does my stupid ass lose my money but Mom and dad have jobs that sucks ass," Daniella says and takes someone takes off her mask

"Mom? Dad?" Daniella says confused

"Hey Dani and first off you are very untrustworthy with items and second our jobs do not suck ass." Daniella's mom says

Daniella looks around and sees more people tired up to chairs

"Why are you holding us for ransom?" Daniella says

"Yeah why the hell am I here?" Another asks and many more of the high schoolers were angry

"Hey I helped you bring them here so why am I tied up?" Olivia says in her high-pitched voice

" Ha you sound like a kid," A guy says

"But she definitely doesn't look like one," An exact copy of the guy says making Olivia roll her eyes

"Calm down everyone you all have been chosen to be here by the government," Daniella's dad explains

"WHY!! I have many more important things to do," A girl in pink clothing says

"Well you each have very important factor inside of all of you and through these lessons, we will teach all of you how to become a top assassin just like my daughter," Daniella's mom says pointing at Daniella

"So if your assassins that means you won't only kill people but also monsters as well," Daniella's dad says

"MONSTERS!!!" They all shout

"Wait who are you exactly?" Someone asks

"I'm Eric," Daniella's dad says introducing himself

"And I'm Brooklyn please call me Brooke for short," Daniella's mom says introducing herself

"And welcome to your new Assassination society," They both said at the same time opening blinds to see an entire dystopia beneath the school

"So tell me, teens. Are you ready?" Brooklyn says with a smile