
You got the strongest balls ever


Little Eden set the lunch. He walked out from the kitchen with two cups at both hands

"Grandma.... Food is ready" he said

"I hope you didn't put cockroaches in the food. I knew what you did to your papa, Eden" Granny said and Eden rolled his eyes

"Papa is scared of common cockroach but you aren't scared. I'm just trying to make him get used to it. Experience is the best teacher Grandma..... C'mon come and eat before the food girls cold" He said placing the cup on the little table

"sometimes you talked like an adult my boy"she said behind him which made him staggered

"you scared me Grandma. I never knew you were this close "He said touching his chest

Grandma smirked and roughed his hair.

"eat Grandma. I'll be right back. I found a new tyre in the bush and I wanna try it out"He said. "Eden.. You haven't ......

She couldn't complete her statement cuz he was already out